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Crypto AG Multiple Hagelin Cipher Machine NSA Backdoor Encryption Compromise

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Crypto AG Multiple Hagelin Cipher Machine NSA Backdoor Encryption Compromise

Disclosure Date 1992-03-01

Several Crypto AG machines based on Boris Hagelin's design are known to have a backdoor in the encryption scheme. In 1957, the United States National Security Agency (NSA) brokered a deal with Hagelin allowing them to place a backdoor into the cipher scheme. This allowed the NSA to trivially access secret communications between two devices, as used by the Iranian Islamic regime, Saddam Hussein, Moammar Gadhafi, Ferdinand Marcos, Idi Amin, and even the Vatican. This backdoored access was shared with intelligence agencies in England as well. Not until 1992 was the backdoor finally published.

Location: Context Dependent

Attack Type: Cryptographic

Impact: Loss of Integrity

Solution: Discontinued Product

Exploit: Exploit Private

Disclosure: Uncoordinated Disclosure

Due to the encryption device being compromised through the National Security Agency backdoor, it is widely accepted that it should no longer be used. It is recommended that an alternate, stronger device be used to ensure data is properly protected.

Sursa: 95427: Crypto AG Multiple Hagelin Cipher Machine NSA Backdoor Encryption Compromise

Nu e tocmai exploit-ul clasic la care va asteptati, dar povestea e interesanta.

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