Nytro Posted September 9, 2013 Report Posted September 9, 2013 Security Analysis of TrueCrypt 7.0a with an Attack on the Keyfile AlgorithmUbuntu Privacy Remix Team <info@privacy-cd.org>August 14, 2011ContentsPreface.............................................................................................................................................11. Data of the Program.....................................................................................................................22. Remarks on Binary Packages of TrueCrypt 7.0a..........................................................................33. Compiling TrueCrypt 7.0a from Sources.......................................................................................3Compiling TrueCrypt 7.0a on Linux..............................................................................................3Compiling TrueCrypt 7.0a on Windows........................................................................................44. Methodology of Analysis...............................................................................................................55. The program tcanalyzer................................................................................................................66. Findings of Analysis......................................................................................................................7The TrueCrypt License.................................................................................................................7Website and Documentation of TrueCrypt...................................................................................7Cryptographic Algorithms of TrueCrypt........................................................................................8Cryptographic Modes used by TrueCrypt.....................................................................................9TrueCrypt Volume and Hidden Volumes.....................................................................................11The Random Number Generator of TrueCrypt...........................................................................11The Format of TrueCrypt Volumes.............................................................................................127. An Attack on TrueCrypt Keyfiles.................................................................................................14The TrueCrypt Keyfile Algorithm................................................................................................14The Manipulation of TrueCrypt Keyfiles.....................................................................................14Response to the Attack by the TrueCrypt Developers................................................................168. Conclusion..................................................................................................................................17PrefaceWe previously have analyzed versions 4.2a, 6.1a and 6.3a of the TrueCrypt program in sourcecode without publishing our results. Now however, for our new analysis of version 7.0a we decidedto publish it. We hope that it will help people to form their own sound opinion on the security ofTrueCrypt. Moreover, we solicit help in correcting any mistakes that we've made. To this end, wewould like to encourage everyone reading this to send criticism or suggestions for further analysisto us.While preparing the analysis for publication we reassessed our previous results. In doing so wediscovered major weaknesses in the TrueCrypt keyfile algorithm. This could even be turned into asuccessful attack on TrueCrypt keyfiles. We present that attack in section 7. We want to stress thatthe security of TrueCrypt containers which do not use keyfiles is in no way affected by this weaknessesand the attack.TrueCrypt is a multi-platform program. Up to now there are versions for Windows, Linux and MacOS X. Our analysis mainly focuses on the Linux version. The Windows version has been analyzedto a lesser extent, the Mac OS X version not at all. In large parts the code basis is the same for alloperating systems on which TrueCrypt runs. On the other hand there is some special code foreach of these operating systems. This is even reflected in slightly diverging behavior of the programon different operating systems here and there.In the source code of TrueCrypt 7.0a there are, moreover, folders for the operating systems Free-BSD and Solaris. Apparently the source code in these folders hasn't reached a point where a programcould be built and distributed from it. Therefore, we completely neglected them.The report at hand explains the results of our analysis. It is organized as follows: Section 1 listssome data of the analyzed program. Section 2 contains remarks on binary TrueCrypt packages.Section 3 deals with compiling TrueCrypt from the sources. Section 4 explains the methodology ofour analysis. In section 5 we describe our program tcanalyzer which has been written for thisanalysis. Section 6 contains our findings in detail except for the attack on keyfiles to which section7 is devoted. Finally section 8 presents our conclusions. The rational for the conclusions in section8 is mainly presented in section 6. In sections 6 and 7 some elaborated technical or mathematicalfacts have been documented in the footnotes. Readers who don't have the special skills to understandthem may safely ignore them.Download:https://www.privacy-cd.org/downloads/truecrypt_7.0a-analysis-en.pdf Quote