Eric Posted September 10, 2013 Report Posted September 10, 2013 /* This is a fast and portable (i think). 48 bytes syn, w2k emulation, we are still working on it, drop an email to xx@xx if something goes wrong. libnet and libpcap is required, the options are pretty self explanatory, stripped static binary included for lamers.*/#include <libnet.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/socket.h>#include <netinet/in.h>#include <arpa/inet.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <pcap.h>#include <time.h>int main(int argc, char **argv){ libnet_t *l; libnet_ptag_t t; unsigned short burst=50; unsigned short ct=0; char errbuff[LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE]; unsigned long myip; struct in_addr sc; unsigned char tcpopt[]="\x02\x04\x05\xb4\x01\x01\x04\x02"; unsigned short port; unsigned long usec; //unsigned char outstr[1024]; char cc; int i; pid_t pid; pcap_t *handle; char *temp_char; bpf_u_int32 mask; bpf_u_int32 net; char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; char filter[1024]; struct bpf_program cfilter; struct pcap_pkthdr header; const unsigned char *packet; struct in_addr ekkt; unsigned char ip[50]; unsigned long dstip=0; unsigned short sport; char *interface=NULL; unsigned char bclass=0; unsigned char aclass=0; unsigned char rclass=1; unsigned int a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0; srand(time(NULL)); sport=rand(); usec=1000000; if(argc<2) { printf("usage: %s <port> [-a <a class> | -b <b class>] [-i <interface] [-s <speed>]\n",argv[0]); printf("speed 10 -> as fast as possible, 1 -> it will take bloody ages (about 50 syns/s)\n"); exit(0x01); } for(i=1;i<argc;i++) { if(strstr(argv[i],"-s")) { if(i+1<argc) { switch (atoi(argv[i+1])) { case 1:usec=1000000;break; case 2:usec=500000;break; case 3:usec=250000;break; case 4:usec=125000;break; case 5:usec=60000;break; case 6:usec=30000;break; case 7:usec=10000;break; case 8:usec=1000;break; case 9:usec=100;break; case 10:usec=0;burst=65535; } } else { printf("-s requires an argument\n"); exit(0x01); } } if(strstr(argv[i],"-i")) { if(i+1<argc) interface=argv[i+1];else { printf("-i requires an argument\n"); exit(0x01); } } if(strstr(argv[i],"-a")) { if(i+1<argc) { aclass=1; bclass=0; rclass=0; a=atoi(argv[i+1]); b=0; c=0; d=0; //printf("%d\n",a); if((a<1) || (a>254)) { printf("A must be between 1 and 254\n"); exit(0x02); } printf("scanning network %d.*.*.*\n",a); } else { printf("-a requires an A network as argument\n"); exit(0x01); } } if(strstr(argv[i],"-b")) { if(i+1<argc) { aclass=0; bclass=1; rclass=0; a=atoi(strtok(argv[i+1],".")); temp_char=strtok(NULL,"."); if(temp_char==NULL) b=0;else b=atoi(temp_char); c=0; d=0; //printf("%d\n",a); if((a<1) || (a>254)) { printf("A must be between 1 and 254\n"); exit(0x02); } printf("scanning network %d.%d.*.*\n",a,; } else { printf("-b requires an B network as argument(e.g. 192.168)\n"); exit(0x01); } } } printf("usec: %ld, burst packets %d\n",usec,burst); port=(unsigned short)atoi(argv[1]); if((port<1) || (port>65535)) exit(printf("damn dude, port numbers are in 1 .. 65535\n")); if(interface!=NULL) printf("using inteface %s\n",interface); l=libnet_init(LIBNET_RAW4,interface,errbuff); if(!l) { printf("ERROR: %s\n",errbuff); exit(0x02); } myip=libnet_get_ipaddr4(l); sc.s_addr=myip; sprintf(filter,"(tcp[tcpflags]=0x12) and (src port %d) and (dst port %d)",port,sport); printf("using \"%s\" as pcap filter\n",filter); printf("my detected ip on %s is %s\n",l->device,inet_ntoa(sc)); pcap_lookupnet(l->device, &net, &mask, errbuf); pid=fork(); handle=NULL; handle = pcap_open_live(l->device, BUFSIZ, 1, 0, errbuf); if(handle==NULL) { printf("ERROR: pcap_open_live() : %s\n",errbuff); exit(0x05); } cc=pcap_compile(handle, &cfilter, filter, 0, net); if(cc!=0) { printf("ERROR: pcap_compile() failed!!!\n"); exit(0); } cc=pcap_setfilter(handle, &cfilter); if(cc!=0) { printf("ERROR: pcap_setfilter() failed!!!\n"); exit(0); } if(pid==0) { /* sniff */ while(1) { packet = pcap_next(handle, &header); memcpy(&ekkt.s_addr,packet+26,4); printf("%s\n",inet_ntoa(ekkt)); FILE * fp; fp=fopen("bios.txt","a+"); fprintf(fp,"%s\n",inet_ntoa(ekkt)); fclose(fp); } } if(pid > 0) { printf("capturing process started pid %d\n",pid); usleep(500000); while(1) { t=LIBNET_PTAG_INITIALIZER; t=libnet_build_tcp_options(tcpopt, 8, l,0); //t=LIBNET_PTAG_INITIALIZER; t=libnet_build_tcp(sport,port,rand(),rand(),TH_SYN,65535,0,0,LIBNET_TCP_H+8,NULL,0,l,0); if(rclass) dstip=rand(); if(aclass) { if(d==0) printf("scanning %d.%d.%d.*\n",a,b,c); d++; if(d>255) {c++;d=0;} if(c>255) {b++;c=0;} sprintf(ip,"%d.%d.%d.%d\n",a,b,c,d); //printf("%s\n",ip); if((b==255)&& (c==255) && (d==255)) { printf("aici trebuie stop\n"); sleep(10); kill(pid,2); return 0; } sc.s_addr=inet_addr(ip); dstip=sc.s_addr; } if(bclass) { if(d==0) printf("scanning %d.%d.%d.*\n",a,b,c); d++; if(d>255) { c++;d=0; } sprintf(ip,"%d.%d.%d.%d",a,b,c,d); if((c==255) && (d==255)) { printf("%s\n",ip); printf("aici trebuie stop\n"); sleep(10); kill(pid,2); return 0; } sc.s_addr=inet_addr(ip); dstip=sc.s_addr; } libnet_build_ipv4(LIBNET_TCP_H+LIBNET_IPV4_H+8,0,rand(),0,128,IPPROTO_TCP,0,myip,dstip,NULL,0,l,0); cc=libnet_write(l); if(cc<=0) printf("libnet_write() wtf %d\n",cc); libnet_clear_packet(l); if(ct==burst) { usleep(usec); ct=0; }; ct++; } } if(pid<0) { printf("cannot fork()\n"); exit(0x05); } return 0;} Quote