Nytro Posted September 11, 2013 Report Posted September 11, 2013 Elligator: Elliptic-curve pointsindistinguishable from uniform random stringsDaniel J. Bernstein1;31Department of ComputerScienceUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoChicago, IL 60607–7045USAdjb@cr.yp.toAnna Krasnova22Privacy & Identity labInstitute for Computing andInformation SciencesRadboud University NijmegenHeyendaalseweg 1356525 AJ NijmegenThe Netherlandsanna@mechanicalmind.orgTanja Lange33Department of Mathematicsand Computer ScienceTechnische UniversiteitEindhovenP.O. Box 5135600 MB EindhovenThe Netherlandstanja@hyperelliptic.orgABSTRACTCensorship-circumvention tools are in an arms race againstcensors. The censors study all trac passing into and outof their controlled sphere, and try to disable censorshipcircumventiontools without completely shutting down theInternet. Tools aim to shape their trac patterns to matchunblocked programs, so that simple trac proling cannotidentify the tools within a reasonable number of traces; thecensors respond by deploying rewalls with increasingly sophisticateddeep-packet inspection.Cryptography hides patterns in user data but does notevade censorship if the censor can recognize patterns in thecryptography itself. In particular, elliptic-curve cryptographyoften transmits points on known elliptic curves, andthose points are easily distinguishable from uniform randomstrings of bits.This paper introduces high-security high-speed ellipticcurvesystems in which elliptic-curve points are encoded soas to be indistinguishable from uniform random strings.Slides: http://cr.yp.to/talks/2013.05.31/slides-dan+tanja-20130531-4x3.pdfPaper:http://cr.yp.to/elligator/elligator-20130527.pdf Quote