Nytro Posted September 27, 2013 Report Posted September 27, 2013 25 Million Flows Later - Large-scale Detection of DOM-based XSSSebastian LekiesSAP AGsebastian.lekies@sap.comBen StockFAU Erlangen-Nurembergben.stock@cs.fau.deMartin JohnsSAP AGmartin.johns@sap.comAbstractIn recent years, the Web witnessed a move towards sophisticatedclient-side functionality. This shift caused a signi-cant increase in complexity of deployed JavaScript code andthus, a proportional growth in potential client-side vulnerabilities,with DOM-based Cross-site Scripting being a highimpact representative of such security issues. In this paper,we present a fully automated system to detect and validateDOM-based XSS vulnerabilities, consisting of a taint-awareJavaScript engine and corresponding DOM implementationas well as a context-sensitive exploit generation approach.Using these components, we conducted a large-scale analysisof the Alexa top 5000. In this study, we identied 6167unique vulnerabilities distributed over 480 domains, showingthat 9,6% of the examined sites carry at least one DOMbasedXSS problem.Download:http://ben-stock.de/wp-content/uploads/domxss.pdf Quote