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Native x86 User-mode System Calls Hooking

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[h=3]Native x86 User-mode System Calls Hooking[/h]

In this post i am going to explain how to implement system call hooking from user-mode for native x86 processes (i here refer to 32-bit processes running in 32-bit versions of Windows XP SP2 and SP3).

Let's have a look at the "ZwOpenProcess" function of Windows XP SP2 and of Windows XP SP3.

1) XP SP2



2) XP SP3



As you can see in the images above, EAX is set to 0x7A, the system call ordinal and EDX is made to point at 0x7FFE0300 in the _KUSER_SHARED_DATA page. Then comes a CALL instruction which jumps to the "KiFastSystemCall" function whose address is stored in 0x7FFE0300 (_KUSER_SHARED_DATA::SystemCall).

One difference we can see is that SYSENTER of XP SP2 is followed by 5 NOPs while in XP SP3 SYSENTER is directly followed by the RET of the "KiFastSystemCallRet" function.

The first thing one may think of to implement the user-mode system call hook in Windows XP SP3/SP2 is to overwrite the "_KUSER_SHARED_DATA::SystemCall" and "_KUSER_SHARED_DATA::SystemCallRet" fields. Unfortunately, this is not possible since the page is not writable and any attempt to change its memory protection constant always fails.

So, we should now turn to the "KiFastSystemCall" function and try to overwrite its very first instruction with a JMP instruction. Is this all? Let's see.

For XP SP2, it is okay to write a near jmp instruction (5-byte long) since we have enough space (filled with 5 NOPs) and this does not hurt the RET instruction of the "KiFastSystemCallRet" function. But for XP SP3, any attempt to write the near jmp instruction will hurt the "KiFastSystemCallRet" function. Any common method for both XP SP2 and SP3?

I thought about that and came up with something that worked for both service packs. If we allocate a memory page at an address which when converted from absolute to relative gives 0xC3 as the fifth byte of the new JMP instruction. For example, if we allocate a memory page at 0x3F910000, given that the "KiFastSystemCall" function is at 0x7C90E510, we get the new JMP instruction as a sequence of

"\xE9\xEB\x1A\x00\xC3". You can check the source code of InjectHookLib for more information.


N.B. We can still use a short JMP by searching for any vacant 5 bytes in the range of -128 to +127 from the address of the "KiFastSystemCall" function. LEA ESP,[ESP] seems to be okay for both service packs.

N.B. With certain processors or under certain conditions e.g. disabled VT-x/AMD-V if using VirtualBox, the "KiFastSystemCall" function is not used at all and the "KiIntSystemCall" is used instead. In these cases, you can safely overwrite the first instructions of "KiIntSystemCall" function with a near JMP instruction as long as the code you hook to takes care of that.

Any ideas or suggestions are always very welcome.

You can follow me @waleedassar

Posted by waliedassar

Sursa: waliedassar: Native x86 User-mode System Calls Hooking

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