Nytro Posted October 1, 2013 Report Posted October 1, 2013 [h=3]Hidding Threads From Debuggers[/h]In this post i will take into discussion an old anti-debug trick that many of us know well. The trick is the ability of our code to hide specific threads from debuggers. This is usually achieved by calling the ntdll "ZwSetInformationThread" function with the "ThreadInformationClass" parameter set to ThreadHideFromDebugger 0x11. Sample code for this trick can be found here. If we take the "ZwSetInformationThread" function into disassembly, we can easily see that the "ThreadInformationLength" parameter must be zero for the function call to succeed, otherwise ERROR_BAD_LENGTH is returned. See image below. And here is the 64-bit version As you can see from the two images above, the whole function call ends up setting the "HideFromDebugger" bit of the "_ETHREAD" structure. Once this flag has been set, the kernel guarantees that the debugger will never receive any debug events from the corresponding thread.For example, let's take the LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT events. As you know, any time a module is loaded into the address space of specific process, the debugger is notified of this action through the LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT events.The debugger then inspects various interesting fields in the "LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO" structure e.g. ImageBase. Depending on the debugger configuration, the debugger notifies you of that or not. You can see this if you instruct OllyDbg to break on new module. The two images above show how OllyDbg acts if a normal (not hidden) thread loads a new DLL. It is as follows:1) Thread Loads a new DLL via calling e.g. the "LoadLibrary" function. 2) The "LoadLibrary" function wraps up a call to the ntdll "ZwMapViewOfSection" function. 3) The kernel mode part of ZwMapViewOfSection calls the "DbgkMapViewOfSection" function. 4) The "DbgkMapViewOfSection" functionqueries both the "HideFromDebugger" bit of the "_ETHREAD" structure and the value of the "DebugPort" field of the "_EPROCESS" structure. If the "HideFromDebugger" bit is not set and the "DebugPort" field is set, then the function builds the "LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO" structure and calls the "DbgkpSendApiMessage" function which is responsible for delivering the debug event to the attached debugger.On the other side, if the "HideFromDebugger" bit is set, DbgkMapViewOfSection returns immediately without delivering the debug event. See images below. N.B. Regarding the UN/LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT's, there are other factors that determine whether or not the debug event is going to be delivered to debugger e.g. the "SuppressDebugMsg" bit of the Thread Environment Block (TEB).5) In the debugger, the "WaitForDebugEvent" function returns with the "dwDebugEventCode" field set to LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT 0x6. Given this, the debugger figures out that a new module has just been loaded and that it should inspect the "LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO" structure to extract the new image base, file handle, etc.6) After extracting info. from the "LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO" structure, the debugger calls the "ContinueDebugEvent" function to continue executing the thread. Similar to LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT's, debuggers never get notified of exceptions raised in the scope of hidden threads. To ensure that let's have a look at the "DbgkForwardException" function. As you can see in the image above, the "HideFromDebugger" bit of the "_ETHREAD" structure is queried here as well. Conclusion: When the "HideFromDebugger" bit flag of the "_ETHREAD" structure is set, the thread will not receive any debug events. If we look again at the "NtSetInformationThread" function in disassembly, we will see that the function call is one-way i.e. you can make this function call to hide the thread from debugger but you can not make this call to un-hide the thread from debuggers. Let's have a look at the "ZwQueryInformationThread" function. As the name implies, we can usethisfunction to determine if a specific thread is hidden from debuggers. See below. And here is the 64-bit version. As you can see from the two images above, the "ThreadInformationLength" parameter must be one for this function call to succeed. If it is one as expected, nothing surprising is seen, the function just sets the first byte pointed to by the "ThreadInformation" parameter to one if the "HideFromDebugger" bit of the "_ETHREAD" structureis set. Given this knowledge, i have created a small OllyDbg v1.10 plugin to detect any hidden thread in the process being debugged esp. if we are attaching to an active process. The plugin is called HiddenThreads. You download it from here and its source code from here. Unfortunately, in older versions of Windows e.g. XP, the "ZwQueryInformationThread" function can't be used to detect if a thread is hidden from debuggers as the ThreadHideFromDebugger information class 0x11 is simply not implemented. The function call returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.Now that we have seen how to hide a thread from debuggers, how this works under the hood, and how to detect if a thread is hidden from debuggers, let's try to find another way to hide the thread other than calling the "ZwSetInformationThread" function. With the introduction of the "ZwCreateThreadEx" function e.g. Windows Vista and 7, a new flags parameter is present. This flag causes new threads to be created hidden from debuggers i.e. you don't need to call the "ZwSetInformationThread" function. If we set this parameter (the 7th parameter) to 0x4, then the new thread will be hidden from debuggers. In this case, setting the "HideFromDebugger" bit occurs in the "PspAllocateThread" function. See image below. You can find a demo here and its source code from here. This post was written based on debugging sessions on Windows 7 64-bit. This is why you see me switching from x86 to x64. Any comments or ideas are very welcome. You can follow me on Twitter @waleedassarSursa: waliedassar: Hidding Threads From Debuggers Quote