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PhysicsJS (Yes, a JavaScript Physics engine)

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[h=1]PhysicsJS (Yes, a JavaScript Physics engine)[/h]

In today's Web Wednesday post we're highlighting something you might think a little oxymoronic, a JavaScript Physics engine.

It's still in an Alpha status, but even so, it's looking pretty cool...


A modular, extendable, and easy-to-use physics engine for javascript


PhysicsJS is still under development (alpha version 0.5.1), and documentation is unfinished. Feel free to use it, just be warned that the API is in flux and better documentation is on its way! (


  • Use as an
    AMD Module (requireJS)
    , or
    global namespace

  • Modular
    ! Only load what you need. The core library is only 31k minified.

  • Extendable
    ! Don’t like the collision detection algorithm? Replace it with your own!

  • Not tied to a specific renderer. Display it in
    HTML5 Canvas
    , or whatever…

  • Easy! It’s a library
    written IN javascript
    … not C compiled into javascript. The syntax is familiar for javascript developers.

  • Extensions to support
    , and arbitrary
    convex polygons

  • Extensions to support
    constant gravity
    newtonian gravity
    , and
    verlet constraints

The fastest way to get a feel for what's possible is by checking out the Demos.


There's even documentation already too.


Introductory documentation can be found on the
. The wiki contains more advanced usage instructions.

Due to the newness of this library, documentation is non-exhaustive. If there are any points of confusion, please feel free to log an issue or
. You can also edit the wiki yourself to fill in the gaps. Any help with documenting is appreciated.


And the source is officially available too;


Sursa: PhysicsJS (Yes, a JavaScript Physics engine) | Coding4Fun Blog | Channel 9

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