Nytro Posted October 18, 2013 Report Posted October 18, 2013 SSL/TLS IN A POST-PRISM ERAThis is a collection of information related to the security of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS). The aim of this page is to keep track of the current limitations and security problems in SSL/TLS and HTTPS. The biggest unsolved problem is the trust model of the Certification Authorities.All of these problems have been known for some time. These problems are mainly discussed and talked about at special security conferences to an audience that only contains security experts. These issues are rarely discussed with the general public or developers who use SSL/TLS in their projects. We aim to raise awareness of these problems outside of the security community. ContentsIntroductionWhat is SSL/TLS and CAThe biggest problem with SSL/TLSROOT-CA Security BreachesDutch CA DigiNotarEtisalatNSA's PRISM projectOther Incidents[*]AttacksSelf Signed CertificatesSSL Strip[*]Other ProblemsWeak Certificate KeysDisconnected Security Community[*]SolutionsOnline Certificate Status ProtocolCA RegulationHTTP Strict Transport SecurityEFF HTTPS EverywhereCertificate PinningDouble Signed CertificatesReverse FingerprintSSL Sovereign KeysRFC 6962 Certificate TransparencySSL ConvergenceDNS-SECDANE[*]Summary of best known immediate solutionBCP or RFCfor HTTPSFor Certificate Verification in Generalfor applications in general[*]Further ReadingSursa: https://wiki.thc.org/ssl Quote