Nytro Posted October 20, 2013 Report Posted October 20, 2013 goahead.cPentru cei care nu stiu, e webserverul folosit de routerele Tenda care contine un backdoor. "From China, with love"./* vi: set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: *//** main.c -- Main program for the GoAhead WebServer (LINUX version)** Copyright © GoAhead Software Inc., 1995-2000. All Rights Reserved.** See the file "license.txt" for usage and redistribution license requirements** $Id: goahead.c,v 2009-04-08 08:52:59 chhung Exp $*//******************************** Description *********************************//** Main program for for the GoAhead WebServer. This is a demonstration* main program to initialize and configure the web server.*//********************************* Includes ***********************************/#include "uemf.h"#include "wsIntrn.h"#include "nvram.h"#include "ralink_gpio.h"#include "internet.h"#if defined INIC_SUPPORT || defined INICv2_SUPPORT#include "inic.h"#endif#if defined (CONFIG_RT2561_AP) || defined (CONFIG_RT2561_AP_MODULE)#include "legacy.h"#endif#include "utils.h"#include "wireless.h"#include "firewall.h"#include "management.h"#include "station.h"#include "usb.h"#include "media.h"#include <signal.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/wait.h>#include "linux/autoconf.h"#include "config/autoconf.h" //user config#include <pthread.h>#ifdef CONFIG_RALINKAPP_SWQOS#include "qos.h"#endif#ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT#include "websSSL.h"#endif#include "vpn.h"#include "dtu_action.h"#include "msg_action.h"#include "sr_action.h"#include "linkbackup_action.h"#include "reboot_action.h"#include "pptp_action.h"#include "l2tp_action.h"#include "vrrp_action.h"#include "gps_action.h"#include "snmp_action.h"#ifdef USER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT#include "um.h"void formDefineUserMgmt(void);#endif/*********************************** Locals ***********************************//** Change configuration here*/static char_t *rootWeb = T("/etc_ro/web"); /* Root web directory */static char_t *password = T(""); /* Security password */static int port = 80; /* Server port */static int retries = 5; /* Server port retries */static int finished; /* Finished flag */static char_t *gopid = T("/var/run/goahead.pid"); /* pid file *//****************************** Forward Declarations **************************/static int writeGoPid(void);static int initSystem(void);static int initWebs(void);static int websHomePageHandler(webs_t wp, char_t *urlPrefix, char_t *webDir, int arg, char_t *url, char_t *path, char_t *query);extern void defaultErrorHandler(int etype, char_t *msg);extern void defaultTraceHandler(int level, char_t *buf);extern void ripdRestart(void);#ifdef B_STATSstatic void printMemStats(int handle, char_t *fmt, ...);static void memLeaks();#endifextern void WPSAPPBCStartAll(void);extern void WPSSingleTriggerHandler(int);#if defined CONFIG_USBextern void hotPluglerHandler(int);#endif#ifdef CONFIG_RT2860V2_STA_WSCextern void WPSSTAPBCStartEnr(void);#endif#ifdef CONFIG_DUAL_IMAGEstatic int set_stable_flag(void);#endifvoid initDeviceName(){ char*pdev; char *buf; char szBuf[128]; pdev = nvram_bufget(RT2860_NVRAM, "wan_3g_dev"); if((strcmp(pdev, "HUAWEI-EM560") == 0) || (strcmp(pdev, "F3607gw") == 0)) { // stream=popen("3GInfo -d /dev/ttyACM2 -s","r"); //stream=popen("comgt -d /dev/ttyACM2 -s /etc_ro/ppp/3g/signal.scr","r"); buf = "/dev/ttyACM2"; } else if(strcmp(pdev, "HUAWEI-EM660") == 0) { buf = "/dev/ttyUSB2"; } else if(strcmp(pdev, "IE901D") == 0) { buf = "/dev/ttyUSB1"; } else if(strcmp(pdev, "HUAWEI-EM770") == 0) { buf = "/dev/ttyUSB2"; } else if(strcmp(pdev,"THINKWILL-MI600")==0) { //stream=popen("comgt -d /dev/ttyUSB4 -s /etc_ro/ppp/3g/signal.scr","r"); buf = "/dev/ttyUSB4"; //-m signal range } else if(strcmp(pdev,"SYNCWISER-801/401")==0) { buf = "/dev/ttyUSB2"; //-m signal range } else if(strcmp(pdev,"LONGSUNG-C5300")==0) { buf = "/dev/ttyUSB3"; //-m signal range } else if(strcmp(pdev,"LONGSUNG-U6300/U5300")==0) { buf = "/dev/ttyUSB1"; //-m signal range } else if(strcmp(pdev,"GAORAN-280")==0) { buf = "/dev/ttyUSB3"; //-m signal range } else if(strcmp(pdev,"TW-W1M100")==0) { buf = "/dev/ttyUSB1"; //-m signal range } else if(strcmp(pdev,"ZTE-MU301")==0) { buf = "/dev/ttyUSB2"; //-m signal range } else if(strcmp(pdev,"ZTE-MF210V")==0) { //stream=popen("3GInfo -d /dev/ttyUSB2 -m 0-31 ","r"); //-m signal range MF210V buf = "/dev/ttyUSB1"; //-m signal range MF210 } else if(strcmp(pdev,"KSE-360")==0) { buf = "/dev/ttyUSB1"; //-m signal range } else if(strcmp(pdev,"ZX-600")==0) { buf = "/dev/ttyUSB2"; //-m signal range } else if(strcmp(pdev,"SIERRA-MC8785")==0) { buf = "/dev/ttyUSB6"; //-m signal range } else if(strcmp(pdev,"AD3812")==0) { buf = "/dev/ttyUSB0"; //-m signal range } else { buf = "/dev/ttyUSB2"; } system("rm -f /dev/yh"); sprintf(szBuf, "ln -s %s /dev/yh", buf); system(szBuf); sprintf(szBuf, "%s/mklink.sh", rootWeb); system(szBuf);}void check_vpn(){ static time_t last =0; time_t now; char *rules; time(&now); // check vpn every 30 secs if(now - last >= 30) { last = now; } else { return; } rules = nvram_bufget(RT2860_NVRAM, "IPSECRules"); if(rules && (strstr(rules,"|1|") != NULL)) { char if_addr[32]; //@TODO: temp use ppp0 as the default 3g interface name if( getIfIp("ppp0", if_addr) != 0) { // 3g is down return; } } else { // ipsec is disabled return; } // check the ping_any.sh, if it is not started, start it if(system("ps>/var/check_thread.log && cat /var/check_thread.log|grep \"ping_any\"") != 0)//is not found. { system("ping_any.sh&"); }}/*********************************** Code *************************************//** Main -- entry point from LINUX*/void InitMfgTask();int main(int argc, char** argv){ int wdt_fd = -1; wdt_fd = open("/dev/watchdog", O_WRONLY); if (wdt_fd == -1) { // fail to open watchdog device printf("can not open watchdog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1\n"); exit(1); }/** Initialize the memory allocator. Allow use of malloc and start* with a 60K heap. For each page request approx 8KB is allocated.* 60KB allows for several concurrent page requests. If more space* is required, malloc will be used for the overflow.*/ bopen(NULL, (60 * 1024), B_USE_MALLOC); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); if (writeGoPid() < 0) return -1; if (initSystem() < 0) return -1; initDeviceName();/** Initialize the web server*/ if (initWebs() < 0) { return -1; }#ifdef CONFIG_DUAL_IMAGE/* Set stable flag after the web server is started */ set_stable_flag();#endif#ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLOpen();#endif/** Basic event loop. SocketReady returns true when a socket is ready for* service. SocketSelect will block until an event occurs. SocketProcess* will actually do the servicing.*/ InitMfgTask(); while (!finished) { if (socketReady(-1) || socketSelect(-1, 1000)) { socketProcess(-1); } if (wdt_fd != -1) write(wdt_fd, "a", 1); check_vpn(); websCgiCleanup(); emfSchedProcess(); }#ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLClose();#endif#ifdef USER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT umClose();#endif/** Close the socket module, report memory leaks and close the memory allocator*/ websCloseServer(); socketClose();#ifdef B_STATS memLeaks();#endif bclose(); return 0;}/******************************************************************************//** Write pid to the pid file*/int writeGoPid(void){ FILE *fp; fp = fopen(gopid, "w+"); if (NULL == fp) { error(E_L, E_LOG, T("goahead.c: cannot open pid file")); return (-1); } fprintf(fp, "%d", getpid()); fclose(fp); return 0;}static void goaSigHandler(int signum){#ifdef CONFIG_RT2860V2_STA_WSC char *opmode = nvram_bufget(RT2860_NVRAM, "OperationMode"); char *ethCon = nvram_bufget(RT2860_NVRAM, "ethConvert");#endif if (signum != SIGUSR1) return;#ifdef CONFIG_RT2860V2_STA_WSC if(!strcmp(opmode, "2") || (!strcmp(opmode, "0") && !strcmp(ethCon, "1") ) ) // wireless isp mode WPSSTAPBCStartEnr(); // STA WPS default is "Enrollee mode". else#endif WPSAPPBCStartAll();}#ifndef CONFIG_RALINK_RT2880static void goaInitGpio(){ int fd; ralink_gpio_reg_info info; fd = open("/dev/gpio", O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { perror("/dev/gpio"); return; } //set gpio direction to input if (ioctl(fd, RALINK_GPIO_SET_DIR_IN, RALINK_GPIO(0)) < 0) goto ioctl_err; //enable gpio interrupt if (ioctl(fd, RALINK_GPIO_ENABLE_INTP) < 0) goto ioctl_err; //register my information info.pid = getpid(); info.irq = 0; if (ioctl(fd, RALINK_GPIO_REG_IRQ, &info) < 0) goto ioctl_err; close(fd); //issue a handler to handle SIGUSR1 signal(SIGUSR1, goaSigHandler); return;ioctl_err: perror("ioctl"); close(fd); return;}#endifstatic void dhcpcHandler(int signum){ ripdRestart();}/******************************************************************************//** Initialize System Parameters*/static int initSystem(void){ int setDefault(void); signal(SIGUSR2, dhcpcHandler); if (setDefault() < 0) return (-1); if (initInternet() < 0) return (-1);#if defined CONFIG_USB signal(SIGTTIN, hotPluglerHandler); hotPluglerHandler(SIGTTIN);#endif#ifdef CONFIG_RALINK_RT2880 signal(SIGUSR1, goaSigHandler);#else //goaInitGpio(); signal(SIGUSR1, goaSigHandler); //receive wpsledpbc SIGUSR1 from wps key#endif signal(SIGXFSZ, WPSSingleTriggerHandler); return 0;}/******************************************************************************//** Set Default should be done by nvram_daemon.* We check the pid file's existence.*/int setDefault(void){ FILE *fp; int i; //retry 15 times (15 seconds) for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { fp = fopen("/var/run/nvramd.pid", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { if (i == 0) trace(0, T("goahead: waiting for nvram_daemon ")); else trace(0, T(". ")); } else { fclose(fp); nvram_init(RT2860_NVRAM);#if defined INIC_SUPPORT || defined INICv2_SUPPORT nvram_init(RTINIC_NVRAM);#endif#if defined (CONFIG_RT2561_AP) || defined (CONFIG_RT2561_AP_MODULE) nvram_init(RT2561_NVRAM);#endif return 0; } Sleep(1); } error(E_L, E_LOG, T("goahead: please execute nvram_daemon first!")); return (-1);}/******************************************************************************//** Initialize the web server.*/static int initWebs(void){ struct in_addr intaddr;#ifdef GA_HOSTNAME_SUPPORT struct hostent *hp; char host[128];#else char *lan_ip = nvram_bufget(RT2860_NVRAM, "lan_ipaddr");#endif char webdir[128]; char *cp; char_t wbuf[128];/** Initialize the socket subsystem*/ socketOpen();#ifdef USER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT/** Initialize the User Management database*/ char *admu = nvram_bufget(RT2860_NVRAM, "Login"); char *admp = nvram_bufget(RT2860_NVRAM, "Password"); umOpen(); //umRestore(T("umconfig.txt")); //winfred: instead of using umconfig.txt, we create 'the one' adm defined in nvram umAddGroup(T("adm"), 0x07, AM_DIGEST, FALSE, FALSE); if (admu && strcmp(admu, "") && admp && strcmp(admp, "")) { umAddUser(admu, admp, T("adm"), FALSE, FALSE); umAddAccessLimit(T("/"), AM_DIGEST, FALSE, T("adm")); } else error(E_L, E_LOG, T("gohead.c: Warning: empty administrator account or password"));#endif#ifdef GA_HOSTNAME_SUPPORT/** Define the local Ip address, host name, default home page and the* root web directory.*/ if (gethostname(host, sizeof(host)) < 0) { error(E_L, E_LOG, T("gohead.c: Can't get hostname")); return -1; } if ((hp = gethostbyname(host)) == NULL) { error(E_L, E_LOG, T("gohead.c: Can't get host address")); return -1; } memcpy((char *) &intaddr, (char *) hp->h_addr_list[0], (size_t) hp->h_length);#else/** get ip address from nvram configuration (we executed initInternet)*/ if (NULL == lan_ip) { error(E_L, E_LOG, T("initWebs: cannot find lan_ip in NVRAM")); return -1; } intaddr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); if (intaddr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { error(E_L, E_LOG, T("initWebs: failed to convert %s to binary ip data"), lan_ip); return -1; }#endif/** Set rootWeb as the root web. Modify this to suit your needs*/ sprintf(webdir, "%s", rootWeb);/** Configure the web server options before opening the web server*/ websSetDefaultDir(webdir); cp = inet_ntoa(intaddr); ascToUni(wbuf, cp, min(strlen(cp) + 1, sizeof(wbuf))); websSetIpaddr(wbuf);#ifdef GA_HOSTNAME_SUPPORT ascToUni(wbuf, host, min(strlen(host) + 1, sizeof(wbuf)));#else //use ip address (already in wbuf) as host#endif websSetHost(wbuf);/** Configure the web server options before opening the web server*/ websSetDefaultPage(T("default.asp")); websSetPassword(password);/** Open the web server on the given port. If that port is taken, try* the next sequential port for up to "retries" attempts.*/ websOpenServer(port, retries);/** First create the URL handlers. Note: handlers are called in sorted order* with the longest path handler examined first. Here we define the security* handler, forms handler and the default web page handler.*/ websUrlHandlerDefine(T(""), NULL, 0, websSecurityHandler, WEBS_HANDLER_FIRST); websUrlHandlerDefine(T("/goform"), NULL, 0, websFormHandler, 0); websUrlHandlerDefine(T("/cgi-bin"), NULL, 0, websCgiHandler, 0); websUrlHandlerDefine(T(""), NULL, 0, websDefaultHandler, WEBS_HANDLER_LAST);/** Define our functions*/ formDefineUtilities(); formDefineInternet();#if defined CONFIG_RALINKAPP_SWQOS formDefineQoS();#endif#if defined CONFIG_USB formDefineUSB();#endif#if defined CONFIG_RALINKAPP_MPLAYER formDefineMedia();#endif formDefineWireless();#if defined INIC_SUPPORT || defined INICv2_SUPPORT formDefineInic();#endif#if defined (CONFIG_RT2561_AP) || defined (CONFIG_RT2561_AP_MODULE) formDefineLegacy();#endif#if defined CONFIG_RT2860V2_STA || defined CONFIG_RT2860V2_STA_MODULE formDefineStation();#endif formDefineFirewall(); formDefineManagement(); formDefineVPN(); init_dtu(); init_msg(); init_status_report(); init_linkbackup(); init_reboot(); init_pptp(); init_l2tp(); init_vrrp(); init_gps(); init_snmp();/** Create the Form handlers for the User Management pages*/#ifdef USER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT //formDefineUserMgmt(); winfred: we do it ourselves#endif/** Create a handler for the default home page*/ websUrlHandlerDefine(T("/"), NULL, 0, websHomePageHandler, 0); return 0;}/******************************************************************************//** Home page handler*/static int websHomePageHandler(webs_t wp, char_t *urlPrefix, char_t *webDir, int arg, char_t *url, char_t *path, char_t *query){/** If the empty or "/" URL is invoked, redirect default URLs to the home page*/ if (*url == '\0' || gstrcmp(url, T("/")) == 0) { websRedirect(wp, T("home.asp")); return 1; } return 0;}/******************************************************************************//** Default error handler. The developer should insert code to handle* error messages in the desired manner.*/void defaultErrorHandler(int etype, char_t *msg){ write(1, msg, gstrlen(msg));}/******************************************************************************//** Trace log. Customize this function to log trace output*/void defaultTraceHandler(int level, char_t *buf){/** The following code would write all trace regardless of level* to stdout.*/ if (buf) { if (0 == level) write(1, buf, gstrlen(buf)); }}/******************************************************************************//** Returns a pointer to an allocated qualified unique temporary file name.* This filename must eventually be deleted with bfree();*/#if defined CONFIG_USB_STORAGE && defined CONFIG_USER_STORAGEchar_t *websGetCgiCommName(webs_t wp){ char *force_mem_upgrade = nvram_bufget(RT2860_NVRAM, "Force_mem_upgrade"); char_t *pname1 = NULL, *pname2 = NULL; char *part; if(!strcmp(force_mem_upgrade, "1")){ pname1 = (char_t *)tempnam(T("/var"), T("cgi")); }else if(wp && (wp->flags & WEBS_CGI_FIRMWARE_UPLOAD) ){ // see if usb disk is present and available space is enough? if( (part = isStorageOK()) ) pname1 = (char_t *)tempnam(part, T("cgi")); else pname1 = (char_t *)tempnam(T("/var"), T("cgi")); }else{ pname1 = (char_t *)tempnam(T("/var"), T("cgi")); } pname2 = bstrdup(B_L, pname1); free(pname1); return pname2;}#elsechar_t *websGetCgiCommName(webs_t wp){ char_t *pname1, *pname2; pname1 = (char_t *)tempnam(T("/var"), T("cgi")); pname2 = bstrdup(B_L, pname1); free(pname1); return pname2;}#endif/******************************************************************************//** Launch the CGI process and return a handle to it.*/int websLaunchCgiProc(char_t *cgiPath, char_t **argp, char_t **envp, char_t *stdIn, char_t *stdOut){ int pid, fdin, fdout, hstdin, hstdout, rc; fdin = fdout = hstdin = hstdout = rc = -1; if ((fdin = open(stdIn, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0 || (fdout = open(stdOut, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0 || (hstdin = dup(0)) == -1 || (hstdout = dup(1)) == -1 || dup2(fdin, 0) == -1 || dup2(fdout, 1) == -1) { goto DONE; } rc = pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) {/** if pid == 0, then we are in the child process*/ if (execve(cgiPath, argp, envp) == -1) { printf("content-type: text/html\n\n" "Execution of cgi process failed\n"); } exit (0); }DONE: if (hstdout >= 0) { dup2(hstdout, 1); close(hstdout); } if (hstdin >= 0) { dup2(hstdin, 0); close(hstdin); } if (fdout >= 0) { close(fdout); } if (fdin >= 0) { close(fdin); } return rc;}/******************************************************************************//** Check the CGI process. Return 0 if it does not exist; non 0 if it does.*/int websCheckCgiProc(int handle, int *status){/** Check to see if the CGI child process has terminated or not yet.*/ if (waitpid(handle, status, WNOHANG) == handle) { return 0; } else { return 1; }}/******************************************************************************/#ifdef B_STATSstatic void memLeaks(){ int fd; if ((fd = gopen(T("leak.txt"), O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0666)) >= 0) { bstats(fd, printMemStats); close(fd); }}/******************************************************************************//** Print memory usage / leaks*/static void printMemStats(int handle, char_t *fmt, ...){ va_list args; char_t buf[256]; va_start(args, fmt); vsprintf(buf, fmt, args); va_end(args); write(handle, buf, strlen(buf));}#endif/******************************************************************************//* added by YYhuang 07/04/02 */int getGoAHeadServerPort(void){ return port;}#ifdef CONFIG_DUAL_IMAGEstatic int set_stable_flag(void){ int set = 0; char *wordlist = nvram_get(UBOOT_NVRAM, "Image1Stable"); if (wordlist) { if (strcmp(wordlist, "1") != 0) set = 1; } else set = 1; if (set) { printf("Set Image1 stable flag\n"); nvram_set(UBOOT_NVRAM, "Image1Stable", "1"); } return 0;}#endifint call_shell(char *cmdbuf,char *outbuf,int outBufLen){ FILE *fp; int iLen = 0,lentmp; char bufTmp[256]; fp = popen(cmdbuf,"r"); if (fp == NULL) { return -1; } for ( { memset(bufTmp,0,sizeof(bufTmp)); if (fgets(bufTmp,sizeof(bufTmp),fp) == NULL) break; lentmp = strlen(bufTmp); if ((iLen + lentmp + 1) > outBufLen) break; memcpy(outbuf + iLen,bufTmp,lentmp); iLen += lentmp; } pclose(fp); *(outbuf + iLen) = 0; return iLen;}#define RECV_MAX_LEN 128#define SEND_MAX_LEN 2048extern int readUsb(char *fileName);void MfgThread(){ int mfg_fd; int i,iLen; struct sockaddr_in local,remote; char *LocalIP; char *pos; char RecvBuf[RECV_MAX_LEN],SendBuf[sEND_MAX_LEN]; char FlagBuf[RECV_MAX_LEN],CmdBuf[RECV_MAX_LEN],ValBuf[RECV_MAX_LEN]; memset( &local, 0, sizeof(local) ); local.sin_family = AF_INET; local.sin_port = htons(24151); LocalIP = nvram_bufget(RT2860_NVRAM, "lan_ipaddr"); //GetCfmValue("lan_ipaddr", LocalIP); //local.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; local.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(LocalIP); mfg_fd = socket( AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM, 0 ); if ( mfg_fd < 0 ) { printf("MfgThread socket error.\n"); return ; } int n = 1; if(setsockopt(mfg_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &n, sizeof(n)) == -1) { close(mfg_fd); printf("MfgThread: setsockopt 1 failed\n"); return ; } if (bind(mfg_fd,(struct sockaddr*)&local,sizeof(local)) < 0) { printf("MfgThread bind error.\n"); return; } while (1) { memset(RecvBuf,0,sizeof(RecvBuf)); i = sizeof(struct sockaddr); iLen = recvfrom(mfg_fd,(char *)RecvBuf,RECV_MAX_LEN,0,(struct sockaddr*)&remote,&i); if (iLen <= 0) { sleep(1); continue; } //printf("MfgThread recv %d[%s]\n",iLen,RecvBuf); if (iLen < 14) { continue; } memset(FlagBuf,0,RECV_MAX_LEN); memset(CmdBuf,0,RECV_MAX_LEN); memset(ValBuf,0,RECV_MAX_LEN); //Request: //cmd fmt: w302r_mfg 1 cmd[...] //1:cmd ±ØÐëΪiwprivÃüÁî // // Response: // cmd fmt: result(cmd out stream) memcpy(FlagBuf,RecvBuf,9); memcpy(CmdBuf,RecvBuf + 10,1); memcpy(ValBuf,RecvBuf + 12,iLen - 12); //printf("[%s][%s][%s]\n",FlagBuf,CmdBuf,ValBuf); if (strcmp(FlagBuf,"rlink_mfg") != 0) { continue; } memset(SendBuf,0,SEND_MAX_LEN); if (CmdBuf[0] == '1') { pos = strstr(ValBuf,"iwpriv"); if (pos == NULL) { continue; } //printf("Req[%s]\n",ValBuf); iLen = call_shell(ValBuf,SendBuf,SEND_MAX_LEN); if (iLen > 0){ printf("Res[%s]\n",ValBuf); sendto(mfg_fd,(char *)SendBuf,iLen,0,(struct sockaddr*)&remote,sizeof(remote)); } else { strcpy(SendBuf,"000000"); iLen = strlen(SendBuf); printf("Res[%s]\n",SendBuf); sendto(mfg_fd,(char *)SendBuf,iLen,0,(struct sockaddr*)&remote,sizeof(remote)); } } else if (CmdBuf[0] == 'x') { iLen = call_shell(ValBuf,SendBuf,SEND_MAX_LEN); //printf("*[%d][%s]\n",iLen,SendBuf); if (iLen > 0){ sendto(mfg_fd,(char *)SendBuf,iLen,0,(struct sockaddr*)&remote,sizeof(remote)); } } else if (CmdBuf[0] == 'e') { iLen = strlen("ralink_mfg"); strcpy(SendBuf,"ralink_mfg"); sendto(mfg_fd,(char *)SendBuf,iLen,0,(struct sockaddr*)&remote,sizeof(remote)); }else if (CmdBuf[0] == 'u'){ //if(readUsb(ValBuf)){ // strcpy(SendBuf,"USB Success."); //}else // strcpy(SendBuf,"USB Failed."); //sendto(mfg_fd,(char *)SendBuf,iLen,0,(struct sockaddr*)&remote,sizeof(remote)); } }}void InitMfgTask(){ pthread_t id; int ret; ret = pthread_create(&id, NULL,(void *) MfgThread,NULL); return ;}Sursa: https://github.com/socoola/yhrouter/blob/master/user/goahead/src/goahead.c Quote