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Advanced SQL Injection

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Advanced SQL Injection

Presented By:

Joe McCray

joe - learnsecurityonline.com


Joe McCray | LinkedIn

Step 1: Tell customer you are 31337 security professional

Customers only applied patches if it fixed something on the system

It was common practice NOT to apply system updates that didn't fix a problem you were

experiencing on a system (WTF ARE YOU DOING -YOU MIGHT BREAK SOMETHING!!!!!)

Step 2: Scan customer network with ISS or Nessus if you were a renegade

Customers didn't apply patches, and rarely even had firewalls and IDSs back then

You know you only ran ISS because it had nice reports...

Step 3: Break out your uber 31337 warez and 0wn it all!!!!!

You only kept an exploit archive to save time (Hack.co.za was all you needed back then)

If you could read the screen you could 0wn the network!!!!!!!



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