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Defcon 21 - Evolving Exploits Through Genetic Algorithms

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Defcon 21 - Evolving Exploits Through Genetic Algorithms

Description: This talk will discuss the next logical step from dumb fuzzing to breeding exploits via machine learning & evolution. Using genetic algorithms, this talk will take simple SQL exploits and breed them into precision tactical weapons. Stop looking at SQL error messages and carefully crafting injections, let genetic algorithms take over and create lethal exploits to PWN sites for you!

soen (@soen_vanned) is a reverse engineer and exploit developer for the hacking team V&. As member of the team, he has participated and won Open Capture the Flag DC 16, 18, and 19. Soen also participated in the DDTEK competition in DEF CON 20.


For More Information please visit : - https://www.defcon.org/html/defcon-21/dc-21-speakers.html

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