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Bypassing a DNS man-in-the-middle attack against Google Drive

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Bypassing a DNS man-in-the-middle attack against Google Drive

Boston to New York City is a frequently traveled route, so a number of different bus lines provide service between the cities. Most offer free WiFi as an amenity.

However, all WiFi is not created equal. Today I was traveling by the Go Bus, and I assumed I’d be able to do some work on the bus.

I needed to access a document on Google Drive. However, when I tried to open Drive, I was greeted with this sight.


I use OpenDNS instead of relying on my ISP’s DNS servers, and I figured that there was some error on OpenDNS’s end. So, I changed my /etc/resolv.conf to use the Google DNS servers, figuring that that would work.

No luck.

At this point, I realized that the bus network must be hijacking traffic on port 53, which was easy to test.

dig gave me the following output:


Visiting directly gives the following page.


Saucon TDS uses OpenDNS for DNS lookups, but they redirect undesired lookups to their block page. I confirmed this by asking my neighbor across the aisle to visit drive.google.com - he happened to be using Safari, which gave him a 404-eque page instead of the big red error message that Chrome gave, but that was enough for me to confirm that the bus was, indeed, hijacking traffic on Port 53.

But how to fix it? The correct IP address for drive.google.com is actually (ironically, I looked this up using OpenDNS: CacheCheck | OpenDNS). However, entering that IP address into your browser will give you the Google homepage, because unlike most sites, their servers check the hostname (the same is true for all Google subdomains).

The fix is actually rather simple - add to /etc/hosts. This will skip the DNS lookup altogether, but the browser will still think that you’re going to drive.google.com “normally” (in a way, you are).


I write this post to illustrate how easy it is to get around this kind of traffic shaping, for anybody else who has the misfortune of running into this problem.

On principle, supporters of net neutrality oppose traffic blocks based on content (instead of volume). However, Go Bus and Saucon TDS are not simply blocking traffic - they are hijacking it. My DNS queries are made to a third party, and yet they decide to redirect them to their own DNS servers anyway. From a user perspective, this is incredibly rude. From a security perspective, it’s downright malicious. I let them know over Twitter, though I haven’t received a response yet.

Other than using a VPN (which would have required advance preparation on my part), is there a long-term solution to authenticating DNS queries? Some people advocate DNSSEC. On the other hand, Tom Tpacek (tptacek), whom I tend to trust on other security matters, strongly opposes it and recommends DNSCurve instead.

In the meantime, let’s hope that providers treat customers with respect, and stop this malicious behavior.

Sursa: /var/null - Bypassing a DNS man-in-the-middle attack against Google Drive

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