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SSL/TLS analysis of the Internet's top 1,000,000 websites

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SSL/TLS analysis of the Internet's top 1,000,000 websites

Par Julien Vehent le samedi, janvier 11 2014, 00:32 - General - Lien permanent


It seems that evaluating different SSL/TLS configurations has become a hobby of mine. After publishing Server Side TLS back in October, my participation in discussions around ciphers preferences, key sizes, elliptic curves security etc...has significantly increased (ironically so, since the initial, naive, goal of "Server Side TLS" was to reduce the amount of discussion on this very topic).

More guides are being written on configuring SSL/TLS server side. One that is quickly gaining traction is Better Crypto, which we discussed quite a bit on the dev-tech-crypto mailing list.

People are often passionate about these discussions (and I am no exception). But one item that keeps coming back, is the will to kill deprecated ciphers as fast as possible, even if that means breaking connectivity for some users. I am absolutely against that, and still believe that it is best to keep backward compatibility to all users, even at the cost of maintaining RC4 or 3DES or 1024 DHE keys in our TLS servers.

One question that came up recently, on dev-tech-crypto, is "can we remove RC4 from Firefox entirely ?". One would think that, since Firefox supports all of these other ciphers (AES, AES-GCM, 3DES, Camellia, ...), surely we can remove RC4 without impacting users. But without numbers, it is not an easy decision to make.

Challenge accepted: I took my cipherscan arsenal for a spin, and decided to scan the Internet.

Articol: https://jve.linuxwall.info/blog/index.php?post/TLS_Survey

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