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am tabelele urmatoare

students(id int not null, name varchar(10), year int, primary key (id asc))

classes(id int not null, name varchar(15), class_room_number int, primary key (id asc))

class_rooms(number int not null, primary key (number asc))


4 | student4 | 2

5 | student5 | 3


1 | mathematics | 345

2 | biology | 78

4 | english | 112





si trebe sa extrag din aceste tabele cu un query ca sa imi iasa asa rezultatul

student1 | 5 | 345 | mathematics

student2 | 5 | 345 | mathematics

student3 | 5 | 345 | mathematics

am incercat cu formula asta :"select name , year from students where year='5' union select name,class_room_number from classes where class_room_number='345'" dar nu mi le aseaza asa din cauza ca am name in ambele tabele ns cum sa le separ ma poate ajuta careva ?

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