Zmeus Posted February 14, 2014 Report Posted February 14, 2014 Veil is a tool written in Python by Christopher Truncer to create Metasploit payloads able to evade most of the antiviruses. It uses different methods to generate different payloads and allows the user to use Py2Exe or Pyinstaller to convert the payloads of the Python executable.git clone Veilpython Veil.pyWe creating two metasploit payload for testing who is the best encoder* The first I created with msfsencoder with payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp encoded with x86/shikata_ga_nai encoded the 6 time’s* the second I created with”veil”.Now testing it who encoders avasion the anti-virusU.I do not attack me with mistakes. I was in a working(job) time WINNER IS VEILMore info about Veil at: https://www.veil-framework.comSource: Hackyard Security Groupps. Din cate am observat trece de orice antivirus, in orice forma (sandbox, scantime, runtime) Quote