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XFCE Window Manager, Shiki-Colors Light Menus Theme & Conky Sys Monitor

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This has been tried & tested on Kali 1.0.3-5 x86.

...Other variations may not work.



Quick & Easy Way:

Open a terminal and paste in the following commands

curl -s http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=fwd6H7Qj | tr -d '\15\32' | bash

curl -s http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=5LEjQVLw | tr -d '\15\32' | bash
Then log-off and re-log in with "XFCE Session" (note: for the menu to show - press 'other' - allowing you to type a username!)

This is taken from a larger script. which you can see the rest of the modifications HERE

#-Operating System--------------------------------------#
# Designed for: Kali Linux [1.0.6 x86] #
# Last Updated: 2014-01-22 #
# g0tmilk ~ http://g0tmi1k.com #
# Set to UK timezone & keyboard #
# Set to install VMware tools (make sure CD is mount) #
# Set to have a second ethernet adapter (host only) #
# Skipping OpenVAS, MSF Community Edition & Nessus #
# Skipping Fix DNS, Random NIC MAC & hostname #
# First run of iceweal will get a ton of pop ups #
# #
# Incomplete stuff/buggy search for '***'' #
# Replace: /root with $USER #
if [ 1 -eq 0 ]; then # Never true, thus it acts as block comments
wget -qO- https://raw.github.com/g0tmi1k/OS-Scripts/master/kali.sh | bash # Pull the latest version and execute!

##### Remote configuration via SSH (optional)
#services ssh start # Start SSH to allow for remote config
#ifconfig eth0 # Get IP of the interface
#--- Use a 'remote' computer from here on out!
#ssh root@<ip> # Replace <ip> with the value from ifconfig
export DISPLAY=:0.0 # Allows for remote configuration

##### Fixing NetworkManger
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Fixing NetworkManger'
#--- Fix 'device not managed' issue
file=/etc/network/interfaces; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
sed -i '/iface lo inet loopback/q' $file #sed -i 's/managed=.*/managed=true/' /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
#service network-manager restart
#--- Fix 'network disabled' issue
service network-manager stop
rm -f /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state
service network-manager start
#--- Wait a little while before trying to connect out again, just to make sure
sleep 10

##### Fixing repositories
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Fixing repositories'
file=/etc/apt/sources.list; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
grep -q 'kali main non-free contrib' $file 2>/dev/null || echo "deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali main non-free contrib" >> $file
grep -q 'kali/updates main contrib non-free' $file 2>/dev/null || echo "deb http://security.kali.org/kali-security kali/updates main contrib non-free" >> $file
apt-get update

##### Installing VirtualMachines Tools (optional)
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing VirtualMachines Tools (optional)'
#--- Install VMware Tools ~ http://docs.kali.org/general-use/install-vmware-tools-kali-guest
file=/usr/sbin/update-rc.d; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
grep -q '^cups enabled' $file 2>/dev/null || echo "cups enabled" >> $file
grep -q '^vmware-tools enabled' $file 2>/dev/null || echo "vmware-tools enabled" >> $file
apt-get -y -qq install gcc make linux-headers-$(uname -r)
ln -sf /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/linux/
#--- VM -> Install VMware Tools. Note, you may need to apply patch: https://github.com/offensive-security/kali-vmware-tools-patches
mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom/
umount /mnt/cdrom 2>/dev/null
mount -o ro /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then # If there is a CD in (hoping its right...), install open & close vmware tools
cp -f /mnt/cdrom/VMwareTools-*.tar.gz /tmp/
tar -zxf /tmp/VMwareTools* -C /tmp/
cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib/
echo -e '\n' | perl vmware-install.pl
cd - &>/dev/null
umount /mnt/cdrom
else # Fall back is open vmware tools
echo -e "\e[01;31m[!]\e[00m VMware CD isn't mounted. Skipping 'closed' VMware tools, using 'open' Virtual Machine Tools instead."
apt-get -y -qq install open-vm-toolbox #open-vm-tools
#--- Install Parallel tools
#grep -q '^cups enabled' /usr/sbin/update-rc.d || echo "cups enabled" >> /usr/sbin/update-rc.d
#grep -q '^vmware-tools enabled' /usr/sbin/update-rc.d || echo "vmware-tools enabled" >> /usr/sbin/update-rc.d
#apt-get -y -qq install gcc make linux-headers-$(uname -r)
#ln -sf /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/linux/
#Virtual Machine -> Install Parallels Tools
#cd /media/Parallel\ Tools/
#./install #<enter>,<enter>,<enter>... #<--- Doesn't automate
#--- Install VirtualBox Guest Additions
# Mount CD - Use autorun

##### Setting up static IP address on eth1 - host only (optional)
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Setting up static IP address on eth1 - host only (optional)'
if [[ $(ifconfig eth1 &>/devnull) == 0 ]]; then
ifconfig eth1
file=/etc/network/interfaces; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
grep -q '^iface eth1 inet static' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e '\nauto eth1\niface eth1 inet static\n address\n netmask\n gateway' >> $file

##### Setting up static DNS (optional)
#echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Setting up static DNS (optional)'
#file=/etc/resolv.conf; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
#chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null
#--- Remove duplicate results
#uniq $file > $file.new
#mv $file{.new,}
#--- Use OpenDNS DNS
#echo -e 'nameserver\nnameserver' > $file
#--- Use Google DNS
#echo -e 'nameserver\nnameserver' > $file
#--- Protect it
#chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null

##### Updating the location
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Updating the location'
#--- Change the time now
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London /etc/localtime # London, Europe
#--- Install ntp
apt-get -y -qq install ntp
#--- Start service
service ntp restart
#--- Add to start up
update-rc.d ntp defaults
#--- Check
#--- Configure keyboard
file=/etc/default/keyboard; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
sed -i 's/XKBLAYOUT=".*"/XKBLAYOUT="gb"/' $file #; dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration -u *** #<--- May automate (need to restart xserver for effect)
#dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration #dpkg-reconfigure console-setup #<--- Doesn't automate # [DONT USE "English (UK) - English (UK, Macintosh)" FOR UK MPB, USE "US" (Still not perfect)]

##### Updating OS
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Updating OS'
apt-get update && apt-get -y -q dist-upgrade --fix-missing
#--- Enable bleeding edge ~ http://www.kali.org/kali-monday/bleeding-edge-kali-repositories/
#file=/etc/apt/sources.list; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
#grep -q 'kali-bleeding-edge' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e "\n\n## Bleeding edge\ndeb http://repo.kali.org/kali kali-bleeding-edge main" >> $file
#apt-get update && apt-get -y -qq upgrade

##### Configuring (TTY) resolution
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Configuring (TTY) resolution'
file=/etc/default/grub; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
sed -i 's/GRUB_TIMEOUT=.*/GRUB_TIMEOUT=1/' $file # Time out
sed -i 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=.*/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="vga=0x0318 quiet"/' $file # TTY resolution

##### Configuring login manager (console login - non GUI) # Issues with 1.0.6
#echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Configuring login (console login - non GUI)'
#mv -f /etc/rc2.d/S19gdm3 /etc/rc2.d/K17gdm
#file=/etc/X11/default-display-manager; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
#echo /bin/true > $file
#chkconfig gdm3 remove
#file=/etc/gdm3/daemon.conf; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
#sed -i 's/^.*AutomaticLoginEnable = .*/AutomaticLoginEnable = True/' $file
#sed -i 's/^.*AutomaticLogin = .*/AutomaticLogin = root/' $file
#ln -sf /usr/sbin/gdm3 /usr/bin/startx

##### Configuring startup (randomize the hostname, eth0 & wlan0s MAC address)
#echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Configuring startup (randomize the hostname, eth0 & wlan0s MAC address)'
#--- Start up
#file=/etc/rc.local; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
#grep -q "macchanger" $file 2>/dev/null || sed -i 's#^exit 0#for INT in eth0 wlan0; do\n ifconfig $INT down\n '$(whereis macchanger)' -r $INT \&\& sleep 3\n ifconfig $INT up\ndone\n\n\nexit 0#' $file
#grep -q "hostname" $file 2>/dev/null || sed -i 's#^exit 0#'$(whereis hostname)' $(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc "A-Za-z" | head -c8)\nexit 0#' $file
#--- On demand (kinda broken)
##file=/etc/init.d/macchanger; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
##echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nfor INT in eth0 wlan0; do\n echo "Randomizing: $INT"\n ifconfig $INT down\n macchanger -r $INT\n sleep 3\n ifconfig $INT up\n echo "--------------------"\ndone\nexit 0' > $file
##chmod 0500 $file
#--- Auto on interface change state (untested)
##file=/etc/network/if-pre-up.d/macchanger; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
##echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n[ "$IFACE" == "lo" ] && exit 0\nifconfig $IFACE down\nmacchanger -r $IFACE\nifconfig $IFACE up\nexit 0' > $file
##chmod 0500 $file

##### Configuring GNOME 3
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Configuring GNOME 3'
#--- Move bottom panel to top panel
gsettings set org.gnome.gnome-panel.layout toplevel-id-list "['top-panel']"
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/workspace-switcher/toplevel-id "'top-panel'"
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/window-list/toplevel-id "'top-panel'"
#--- Panel position
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/toplevels/top-panel/orientation "'top'" #"'right'" # Issue with window-list
#--- Panel ordering
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/menu-bar/pack-type "'start'"
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/menu-bar/pack-index 0
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/window-list/pack-type "'start'" # "'center'"
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/window-list/pack-index 5 #0
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/workspace-switcher/pack-type "'end'"
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/clock/pack-type "'end'"
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/user-menu/pack-type "'end'"
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/notification-area/pack-type "'end'"
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/workspace-switcher/pack-index 1
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/clock/pack-index 2
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/user-menu/pack-index 3
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/notification-area/pack-index 4
#--- Enable Auto hide
#dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/toplevels/top-panel/auto-hide true
#--- Add top 10 tools to toolbar
dconf load /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/object-10-top/ << EOT
menu-path='applications:/Kali/Top 10 Security Tools/'
tooltip='Top 10 Security Tools'

dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/object-id-list "$(dconf read /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/object-id-list | sed "s/]/, 'object-10-top']/")"
#--- Show desktop
dconf load /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/object-show-desktop/ << EOT
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/object-id-list "$(dconf read /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/object-id-list | sed "s/]/, 'object-show-desktop']/")"
#--- Fix icon top 10 shortcut icon
#convert /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/k.png -negate /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/k-invert.png
#--- Enable only two workspaces
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences num-workspaces 2 #gconftool-2 --type int --set /apps/metacity/general/num_workspaces 2 #dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/workspace-switcher/instance-config/num-rows 4
gsettings set org.gnome.shell.overrides dynamic-workspaces false
#--- Smaller title bar
#sed -i "/title_vertical_pad/s/value=\"[0-9]\{1,2\}\"/value=\"0\"/g" /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/metacity-1/metacity-theme-3.xml
#sed -i 's/title_scale=".*"/title_scale="small"/g' /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/metacity-1/metacity-theme-3.xml
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences titlebar-font 'Droid Bold 10' # 'Cantarell Bold 11'
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences titlebar-uses-system-font false
#--- Hide desktop icon
dconf write /org/gnome/nautilus/desktop/computer-icon-visible false
#--- Add "open with terminal" on right click menu
apt-get -y -qq install nautilus-open-terminal
#--- Enable num lock at start up (might not be smart if you're using a smaller keyboard (laptop?))
apt-get -y -qq install numlockx
file=/etc/gdm3/Init/Default; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup} #/etc/rc.local
grep -q '^/usr/bin/numlockx' $file 2>/dev/null || sed -i 's#exit 0#if [ -x /usr/bin/numlockx ]; then\n /usr/bin/numlockx on\nfi\nexit 0#' $file # GNOME
#--- Restart GNOME panel to apply/take effect (need to restart xserver for effect)
#killall -q -w gnome-panel >/dev/null && gnome-panel& # Still need to logoff!

##### Installing & configuring XFCE4
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing & configuring XFCE4'
apt-get -y -qq install wget
apt-get -y -qq install xfce4 xfce4-places-plugin
mv -f /usr/bin/startx{,-gnome}
ln -sf /usr/bin/startx{fce4,}
mkdir -p /root/.config/xfce4/{desktop,menu,panel,xfconf,xfwm4}/
mkdir -p /root/.config/xfce4/panel/launcher-1{5,6,7,9}
mkdir -p /root/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/
mkdir -p /root/.themes/
echo -e "[Wastebasket]\nrow=2\ncol=0\n\n[File System]\nrow=1\ncol=0\n\n[Home]\nrow=0\ncol=0" > /root/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons.screen0.rc
echo -e "show_button_icon=true\nshow_button_label=false\nlabel=Places\nshow_icons=true\nshow_volumes=true\nmount_open_volumes=false\nshow_bookmarks=true\nshow_recent=true\nshow_recent_clear=true\nshow_recent_number=10\nsearch_cmd=" > /root/.config/xfce4/panel/places-23.rc
echo -e "card=PlaybackES1371AudioPCI97AnalogStereoPulseAudioMixer\ntrack=Master\ncommand=xfce4-mixer" > /root/.config/xfce4/panel/xfce4-mixer-plugin-24.rc
echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nEncoding=UTF-8\nName=Iceweasel\nComment=Browse the World Wide Web\nGenericName=Web Browser\nX-GNOME-FullName=Iceweasel Web Browser\nExec=iceweasel %u\nTerminal=false\nX-MultipleArgs=false\nType=Application\nIcon=iceweasel\nCategories=Network;WebBrowser;\nMimeType=text/html;text/xml;application/xhtml+xml;application/xml;application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml;application/rss+xml;application/rdf+xml;image/gif;image/jpeg;image/png;x-scheme-handler/http;x-scheme-handler/https;\nStartupWMClass=Iceweasel\nStartupNotify=true\nX-XFCE-Source=file:///usr/share/applications/iceweasel.desktop" > /root/.config/xfce4/panel/launcher-15/13684522587.desktop
echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nVersion=1.0\nType=Application\nExec=exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator\nIcon=utilities-terminal\nStartupNotify=false\nTerminal=false\nCategories=Utility;X-XFCE;X-Xfce-Toplevel;\nOnlyShowIn=XFCE;\nName=Terminal Emulator\nName[en_GB]=Terminal Emulator\nComment=Use the command line\nComment[en_GB]=Use the command line\nX-XFCE-Source=file:///usr/share/applications/exo-terminal-emulator.desktop" > /root/.config/xfce4/panel/launcher-16/13684522758.desktop
echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nVersion=1.0\nName=Geany\nName[en_GB]=Geany\nGenericName=Integrated Development Environment\nGenericName[en_GB]=Integrated Development Environment\nComment=A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK2\nComment[en_GB]=A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK2\nExec=geany %F\nIcon=geany\nTerminal=false\nCategories=GTK;Development;IDE;\nMimeType=text/plain;text/x-chdr;text/x-csrc;text/x-c++hdr;text/x-c++src;text/x-java;text/x-dsrc;text/x-pascal;text/x-perl;text/x-python;application/x-php;application/x-httpd-php3;application/x-httpd-php4;application/x-httpd-php5;application/xml;text/html;text/css;text/x-sql;text/x-diff;\nStartupNotify=true\nX-XFCE-Source=file:///usr/share/applications/geany.desktop" > /root/.config/xfce4/panel/launcher-17/13684522859.desktop
echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nVersion=1.0\nName=Application Finder\nName[en_GB]=Application Finder\nComment=Find and launch applications installed on your system\nComment[en_GB]=Find and launch applications installed on your system\nExec=xfce4-appfinder\nIcon=xfce4-appfinder\nStartupNotify=true\nTerminal=false\nType=Application\nCategories=X-XFCE;Utility;\nX-XFCE-Source=file:///usr/share/applications/xfce4-appfinder.desktop" > /root/.config/xfce4/panel/launcher-19/136845425410.desktop
echo -e '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\n<channel name="xfce4-appfinder" version="1.0">\n <property name="category" type="string" value="All"/>\n <property name="window-width" type="int" value="640"/>\n <property name="window-height" type="int" value="480"/>\n <property name="close-after-execute" type="bool" value="true"/>\n</channel>' > /root/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-appfinder.xml
echo -e '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\n<channel name="xfce4-desktop" version="1.0">\n <property name="backdrop" type="empty">\n <property name="screen0" type="empty">\n <property name="monitor0" type="empty">\n <property name="brightness" type="empty"/>\n <property name="color1" type="empty"/>\n <property name="color2" type="empty"/>\n <property name="color-style" type="empty"/>\n <property name="image-path" type="empty"/>\n <property name="image-show" type="empty"/>\n <property name="last-image" type="empty"/>\n <property name="last-single-image" type="empty"/>\n </property>\n </property>\n </property>\n <property name="desktop-icons" type="empty">\n <property name="file-icons" type="empty">\n <property name="show-removable" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="show-trash" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="show-filesystem" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="show-home" type="bool" value="false"/>\n </property>\n </property>\n</channel>' > /root/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-desktop.xml
echo -e '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\n<channel name="xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts" version="1.0">\n <property name="commands" type="empty">\n <property name="default" type="empty">\n <property name="<Alt>F2" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Primary><Alt>Delete" type="empty"/>\n <property name="XF86Display" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Super>p" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Primary>Escape" type="empty"/>\n </property>\n <property name="custom" type="empty">\n <property name="XF86Display" type="string" value="xfce4-display-settings --minimal"/>\n <property name="<Super>p" type="string" value="xfce4-display-settings --minimal"/>\n <property name="<Primary><Alt>Delete" type="string" value="xflock4"/>\n <property name="<Primary>Escape" type="string" value="xfdesktop --menu"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F2" type="string" value="xfrun4"/>\n <property name="override" type="bool" value="true"/>\n </property>\n </property>\n <property name="xfwm4" type="empty">\n <property name="default" type="empty">\n <property name="<Alt>Insert" type="empty"/>\n <property name="Escape" type="empty"/>\n <property name="Left" type="empty"/>\n <property name="Right" type="empty"/>\n <property name="Up" type="empty"/>\n <property name="Down" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt>Tab" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Shift>Tab" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt>Delete" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control><Alt>Down" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control><Alt>Left" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Shift><Alt>Page_Down" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F4" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F6" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F7" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F8" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F9" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F10" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F11" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F12" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control><Shift><Alt>Left" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>End" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>Home" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control><Shift><Alt>Right" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control><Shift><Alt>Up" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_1" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_2" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_3" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_4" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_5" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_6" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_7" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_8" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_9" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Alt>space" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Shift><Alt>Page_Up" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control><Alt>Right" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control><Alt>d" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control><Alt>Up" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Super>Tab" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control>F1" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control>F2" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control>F3" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control>F4" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control>F5" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control>F6" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control>F7" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control>F8" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control>F9" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control>F10" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control>F11" type="empty"/>\n <property name="<Control>F12" type="empty"/>\n </property>\n <property name="custom" type="empty">\n <property name="<Control>F3" type="string" value="workspace_3_key"/>\n <property name="<Control>F4" type="string" value="workspace_4_key"/>\n <property name="<Control>F5" type="string" value="workspace_5_key"/>\n <property name="<Control>F6" type="string" value="workspace_6_key"/>\n <property name="<Control>F7" type="string" value="workspace_7_key"/>\n <property name="<Control>F8" type="string" value="workspace_8_key"/>\n <property name="<Control>F9" type="string" value="workspace_9_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt>Tab" type="string" value="cycle_windows_key"/>\n <property name="<Control><Alt>Right" type="string" value="right_workspace_key"/>\n <property name="Left" type="string" value="left_key"/>\n <property name="<Control><Alt>d" type="string" value="show_desktop_key"/>\n <property name="<Control><Shift><Alt>Left" type="string" value="move_window_left_key"/>\n <property name="<Control><Shift><Alt>Right" type="string" value="move_window_right_key"/>\n <property name="Up" type="string" value="up_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F4" type="string" value="close_window_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F6" type="string" value="stick_window_key"/>\n <property name="<Control><Alt>Down" type="string" value="down_workspace_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F7" type="string" value="move_window_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F9" type="string" value="hide_window_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F11" type="string" value="fullscreen_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F8" type="string" value="resize_window_key"/>\n <property name="<Super>Tab" type="string" value="switch_window_key"/>\n <property name="Escape" type="string" value="cancel_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_1" type="string" value="move_window_workspace_1_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_2" type="string" value="move_window_workspace_2_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_3" type="string" value="move_window_workspace_3_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_4" type="string" value="move_window_workspace_4_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_5" type="string" value="move_window_workspace_5_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_6" type="string" value="move_window_workspace_6_key"/>\n <property name="Down" type="string" value="down_key"/>\n <property name="<Control><Shift><Alt>Up" type="string" value="move_window_up_key"/>\n <property name="<Shift><Alt>Page_Down" type="string" value="lower_window_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F12" type="string" value="above_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_8" type="string" value="move_window_workspace_8_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_9" type="string" value="move_window_workspace_9_key"/>\n <property name="Right" type="string" value="right_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt>F10" type="string" value="maximize_window_key"/>\n <property name="<Control><Alt>Up" type="string" value="up_workspace_key"/>\n <property name="<Control>F10" type="string" value="workspace_10_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>KP_7" type="string" value="move_window_workspace_7_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>End" type="string" value="move_window_next_workspace_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt>Delete" type="string" value="del_workspace_key"/>\n <property name="<Control><Alt>Left" type="string" value="left_workspace_key"/>\n <property name="<Control>F12" type="string" value="workspace_12_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt>space" type="string" value="popup_menu_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Shift>Tab" type="string" value="cycle_reverse_windows_key"/>\n <property name="<Shift><Alt>Page_Up" type="string" value="raise_window_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt>Insert" type="string" value="add_workspace_key"/>\n <property name="<Alt><Control>Home" type="string" value="move_window_prev_workspace_key"/>\n <property name="<Control>F2" type="string" value="workspace_2_key"/>\n <property name="<Control>F1" type="string" value="workspace_1_key"/>\n <property name="<Control>F11" type="string" value="workspace_11_key"/>\n <property name="override" type="bool" value="true"/>\n </property>\n </property>\n <property name="providers" type="array">\n <value type="string" value="xfwm4"/>\n <value type="string" value="commands"/>\n </property>\n</channel>' > /root/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml
echo -e '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\n<channel name="xfce4-mixer" version="1.0">\n <property name="active-card" type="string" value="PlaybackES1371AudioPCI97AnalogStereoPulseAudioMixer"/>\n <property name="volume-step-size" type="uint" value="5"/>\n <property name="sound-card" type="string" value="PlaybackES1371AudioPCI97AnalogStereoPulseAudioMixer"/>\n <property name="sound-cards" type="empty">\n <property name="PlaybackES1371AudioPCI97AnalogStereoPulseAudioMixer" type="array">\n <value type="string" value="Master"/>\n </property>\n </property>\n <property name="window-height" type="int" value="400"/>\n <property name="window-width" type="int" value="738"/>\n</channel>' > /root/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-mixer.xml
echo -e '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\n<channel name="xfce4-panel" version="1.0">\n <property name="panels" type="uint" value="1">\n <property name="panel-0" type="empty">\n <property name="position" type="string" value="p=6;x=0;y=0"/>\n <property name="length" type="uint" value="100"/>\n <property name="position-locked" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="plugin-ids" type="array">\n <value type="int" value="1"/>\n <value type="int" value="15"/>\n <value type="int" value="16"/>\n <value type="int" value="17"/>\n <value type="int" value="21"/>\n <value type="int" value="23"/>\n <value type="int" value="19"/>\n <value type="int" value="3"/>\n <value type="int" value="24"/>\n <value type="int" value="6"/>\n <value type="int" value="2"/>\n <value type="int" value="5"/>\n <value type="int" value="4"/>\n <value type="int" value="25"/>\n </property>\n <property name="background-alpha" type="uint" value="90"/>\n </property>\n </property>\n <property name="plugins" type="empty">\n <property name="plugin-1" type="string" value="applicationsmenu">\n <property name="button-icon" type="string" value="kali-menu"/>\n <property name="show-button-title" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="show-generic-names" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="show-tooltips" type="bool" value="true"/>\n </property>\n <property name="plugin-2" type="string" value="actions"/>\n <property name="plugin-3" type="string" value="tasklist"/>\n <property name="plugin-4" type="string" value="pager">\n <property name="rows" type="uint" value="1"/>\n </property>\n <property name="plugin-5" type="string" value="clock">\n <property name="digital-format" type="string" value="%R, %A %d %B %Y"/>\n </property>\n <property name="plugin-6" type="string" value="systray">\n <property name="names-visible" type="array">\n <value type="string" value="networkmanager applet"/>\n </property>\n </property>\n <property name="plugin-15" type="string" value="launcher">\n <property name="items" type="array">\n <value type="string" value="13684522587.desktop"/>\n </property>\n </property>\n <property name="plugin-16" type="string" value="launcher">\n <property name="items" type="array">\n <value type="string" value="13684522758.desktop"/>\n </property>\n </property>\n <property name="plugin-17" type="string" value="launcher">\n <property name="items" type="array">\n <value type="string" value="13684522859.desktop"/>\n </property>\n </property>\n <property name="plugin-21" type="string" value="applicationsmenu">\n <property name="custom-menu" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="custom-menu-file" type="string" value="/root/.config/xfce4/menu/top10.menu"/>\n <property name="button-icon" type="string" value="security-medium"/>\n <property name="show-button-title" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="button-title" type="string" value="Top 10"/>\n </property>\n <property name="plugin-19" type="string" value="launcher">\n <property name="items" type="array">\n <value type="string" value="136845425410.desktop"/>\n </property>\n </property>\n <property name="plugin-22" type="empty">\n <property name="base-directory" type="string" value="/root"/>\n <property name="hidden-files" type="bool" value="false"/>\n </property>\n <property name="plugin-23" type="string" value="places"/>\n <property name="plugin-24" type="string" value="xfce4-mixer-plugin"/>\n <property name="plugin-25" type="string" value="showdesktop"/>\n </property>\n</channel>' > /root/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml
echo -e '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\n<channel name="xfce4-settings-editor" version="1.0">\n <property name="window-width" type="int" value="600"/>\n <property name="window-height" type="int" value="380"/>\n <property name="hpaned-position" type="int" value="200"/>\n</channel>' > /root/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-settings-editor.xml
echo -e '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\n<channel name="xfwm4" version="1.0">\n <property name="general" type="empty">\n <property name="activate_action" type="string" value="bring"/>\n <property name="borderless_maximize" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="box_move" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="box_resize" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="button_layout" type="string" value="O|SHMC"/>\n <property name="button_offset" type="int" value="0"/>\n <property name="button_spacing" type="int" value="0"/>\n <property name="click_to_focus" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="focus_delay" type="int" value="250"/>\n <property name="cycle_apps_only" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="cycle_draw_frame" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="cycle_hidden" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="cycle_minimum" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="cycle_workspaces" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="double_click_time" type="int" value="250"/>\n <property name="double_click_distance" type="int" value="5"/>\n <property name="double_click_action" type="string" value="maximize"/>\n <property name="easy_click" type="string" value="Alt"/>\n <property name="focus_hint" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="focus_new" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="frame_opacity" type="int" value="100"/>\n <property name="full_width_title" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="inactive_opacity" type="int" value="100"/>\n <property name="maximized_offset" type="int" value="0"/>\n <property name="move_opacity" type="int" value="100"/>\n <property name="placement_ratio" type="int" value="20"/>\n <property name="placement_mode" type="string" value="center"/>\n <property name="popup_opacity" type="int" value="100"/>\n <property name="mousewheel_rollup" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="prevent_focus_stealing" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="raise_delay" type="int" value="250"/>\n <property name="raise_on_click" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="raise_on_focus" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="raise_with_any_button" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="repeat_urgent_blink" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="resize_opacity" type="int" value="100"/>\n <property name="restore_on_move" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="scroll_workspaces" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="shadow_delta_height" type="int" value="0"/>\n <property name="shadow_delta_width" type="int" value="0"/>\n <property name="shadow_delta_x" type="int" value="0"/>\n <property name="shadow_delta_y" type="int" value="-3"/>\n <property name="shadow_opacity" type="int" value="50"/>\n <property name="show_app_icon" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="show_dock_shadow" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="show_frame_shadow" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="show_popup_shadow" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="snap_resist" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="snap_to_border" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="snap_to_windows" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="snap_width" type="int" value="10"/>\n <property name="theme" type="string" value="Shiki-Colors-Light-Menus"/>\n <property name="title_alignment" type="string" value="center"/>\n <property name="title_font" type="string" value="Sans Bold 9"/>\n <property name="title_horizontal_offset" type="int" value="0"/>\n <property name="title_shadow_active" type="string" value="false"/>\n <property name="title_shadow_inactive" type="string" value="false"/>\n <property name="title_vertical_offset_active" type="int" value="0"/>\n <property name="title_vertical_offset_inactive" type="int" value="0"/>\n <property name="toggle_workspaces" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="unredirect_overlays" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="urgent_blink" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="use_compositing" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="workspace_count" type="int" value="2"/>\n <property name="wrap_cycle" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="wrap_layout" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="wrap_resistance" type="int" value="10"/>\n <property name="wrap_windows" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="wrap_workspaces" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="workspace_names" type="array">\n <value type="string" value="Workspace 1"/>\n <value type="string" value="Workspace 2"/>\n <value type="string" value="Workspace 3"/>\n <value type="string" value="Workspace 4"/>\n </property>\n </property>\n</channel>' > /root/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfwm4.xml
echo -e '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\n<channel name="xsettings" version="1.0">\n <property name="Net" type="empty">\n <property name="ThemeName" type="empty"/>\n <property name="IconThemeName" type="empty"/>\n <property name="DoubleClickTime" type="int" value="250"/>\n <property name="DoubleClickDistance" type="int" value="5"/>\n <property name="DndDragThreshold" type="int" value="8"/>\n <property name="CursorBlink" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="CursorBlinkTime" type="int" value="1200"/>\n <property name="SoundThemeName" type="string" value="default"/>\n <property name="EnableEventSounds" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="EnableInputFeedbackSounds" type="bool" value="false"/>\n </property>\n <property name="Xft" type="empty">\n <property name="DPI" type="empty"/>\n <property name="Antialias" type="int" value="-1"/>\n <property name="Hinting" type="int" value="-1"/>\n <property name="HintStyle" type="string" value="hintnone"/>\n <property name="RGBA" type="string" value="none"/>\n </property>\n <property name="Gtk" type="empty">\n <property name="CanChangeAccels" type="bool" value="false"/>\n <property name="ColorPalette" type="string" value="black:white:gray50:red:purple:blue:light blue:green:yellow:orange:lavender:brown:goldenrod4:dodger blue:pink:light green:gray10:gray30:gray75:gray90"/>\n <property name="FontName" type="string" value="Sans 10"/>\n <property name="IconSizes" type="string" value=""/>\n <property name="KeyThemeName" type="string" value=""/>\n <property name="ToolbarStyle" type="string" value="icons"/>\n <property name="ToolbarIconSize" type="int" value="3"/>\n <property name="IMPreeditStyle" type="string" value=""/>\n <property name="IMStatusStyle" type="string" value=""/>\n <property name="MenuImages" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="ButtonImages" type="bool" value="true"/>\n <property name="MenuBarAccel" type="string" value="F10"/>\n <property name="CursorThemeName" type="string" value=""/>\n <property name="CursorThemeSize" type="int" value="0"/>\n <property name="IMModule" type="string" value=""/>\n </property>\n</channel>' > /root/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xsettings.xml
echo -e '<Menu>\n\t<Name>Top 10</Name>\n\t<DefaultAppDirs/>\n\t<Directory>top10.directory</Directory>\n\t<Include>\n\t\t<Category>top10</Category>\n\t</Include>\n</Menu>' > /root/.config/xfce4/menu/top10.menu
sed -i 's/^enable=.*/enable=False/' /etc/xdg/user-dirs.conf #sed -i 's/^XDG_/#XDG_/; s/^#XDG_DESKTOP/XDG_DESKTOP/;' /root/.config/user-dirs.dirs
rm -rf /root/{Documents,Downloads,Music,Pictures,Public,Templates,Videos}/
rm -f /root/.cache/sessions/*
#--- Get Shiki-Colors-Light theme
wget http://xfce-look.org/CONTENT/content-files/142110-Shiki-Colors-Light-Menus.tar.gz -O /tmp/Shiki-Colors-Light-Menus.tar.gz
tar zxf /tmp/Shiki-Colors-Light-Menus.tar.gz -C /root/.themes/
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName -s "Shiki-Colors-Light-Menus"
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName -s "gnome-brave"
#--- Enable compositing
xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/use_compositing -s true
#--- Change wallpaper
wget http://imageshack.us/a/img17/4646/vzex.png -O /usr/share/wallpapers/kali_blue.png #wget http://www.n1tr0g3n.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Kali-Linux-faded-no-Dragon-small-text.png
xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-show -s true
xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-path -s /usr/share/wallpapers/kali_blue.png
#--- Configure file browser (need to re-login for effect)
mkdir -p /root/.config/Thunar/
file=/root/.config/Thunar/thunarrc; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
sed -i 's/LastShowHidden=.*/LastShowHidden=TRUE/' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e "[Configuration]\nLastShowHidden=TRUE" > /root/.config/Thunar/thunarrc;
#--- Enable num lock at start up (might not be smart if you're using a smaller keyboard (laptop?)) ~ https://wiki.xfce.org/faq
#xfconf-query -c keyboards -p /Default/Numlock -s true
apt-get -y -qq install numlockx
file=/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup} #/etc/rc.local
grep -q '^/usr/bin/numlockx' $file 2>/dev/null || echo "/usr/bin/numlockx on" >> $file
#--- XFCE fixes for default applictaions
mkdir -p /root/.local/share/applications/
file=/root/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
[[ ! -e $file ]] && echo '[Added Associations]' > $file
for VALUE in file trash; do
sed -i 's#x-scheme-handler/'$VALUE'=.*#x-scheme-handler/'$VALUE'=exo-file-manager.desktop#' $file
grep -q '^x-scheme-handler/'$VALUE'=' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e 'x-scheme-handler/'$VALUE'=exo-file-manager.desktop' >> $file
for VALUE in http https; do
sed -i 's#^x-scheme-handler/'$VALUE'=.*#x-scheme-handler/'$VALUE'=exo-web-browser.desktop#' $file
grep -q '^x-scheme-handler/'$VALUE'=' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e 'x-scheme-handler/'$VALUE'=exo-web-browser.desktop' >> $file
[[ $(tail -n 1 $file) != "" ]] && echo >> $file
file=/root/.config/xfce4/helpers.rc; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup} #exo-preferred-applications #xdg-mime default
sed -i 's#^FileManager=.*#FileManager=Thunar#' $file 2>/dev/null
grep -q '^FileManager=Thunar' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e 'FileManager=Thunar' >> $file
#--- XFCE fixes for terminator (We do this later)
#mkdir -p /root/.local/share/xfce4/helpers/
#file=/root/.local/share/xfce4/helpers/custom-TerminalEmulator.desktop; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
#sed -i 's#^X-XFCE-CommandsWithParameter=.*#X-XFCE-CommandsWithParameter=/usr/bin/terminator --command="%s"#' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nNoDisplay=true\nVersion=1.0\nEncoding=UTF-8\nType=X-XFCE-Helper\nX-XFCE-Category=TerminalEmulator\nX-XFCE-CommandsWithParameter=/usr/bin/terminator --command="%s"\nIcon=terminator\nName=terminator\nX-XFCE-Commands=/usr/bin/terminator' > $file
#file=/root/.config/xfce4/helpers.rc; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup} #exo-preferred-applications #xdg-mime default
#sed -i 's#^TerminalEmulator=.*#TerminalEmulator=custom-TerminalEmulator#' $file
#grep -q '^TerminalEmulator=custom-TerminalEmulator' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e 'TerminalEmulator=custom-TerminalEmulator' >> $file

##### Configuring terminal (need to restart xserver for effect)
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Configuring terminal (need to restart xserver for effect)'
gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/scrollback_unlimited true # Terminal -> Edit -> Profile Preferences -> Scrolling -> Scrollback: Unlimited -> Close
gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/background_darkness 0.85611499999999996 # Not working 100%!
gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/background_type transparent

##### Installing terminator
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing terminator'
apt-get -y -qq install terminator
#--- Configure terminator
mkdir -p /root/.config/terminator/
file=/root/.config/terminator/config; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
echo -e '[global_config]\n enabled_plugins = TerminalShot, LaunchpadCodeURLHandler, APTURLHandler, LaunchpadBugURLHandler\n[keybindings]\n[profiles]\n [[default]]\n background_darkness = 0.9\n copy_on_selection = True\n background_type = transparent\n scrollback_infinite = True\n[layouts]\n [[default]]\n [[[child1]]]\n type = Terminal\n parent = window0\n [[[window0]]]\n type = Window\n parent = ""\n[plugins]' > $file
#--- XFCE fix for terminator
mkdir -p /root/.local/share/xfce4/helpers/
file=/root/.local/share/xfce4/helpers/custom-TerminalEmulator.desktop; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
sed -i 's#^X-XFCE-CommandsWithParameter=.*#X-XFCE-CommandsWithParameter=/usr/bin/terminator --command="%s"#' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nNoDisplay=true\nVersion=1.0\nEncoding=UTF-8\nType=X-XFCE-Helper\nX-XFCE-Category=TerminalEmulator\nX-XFCE-CommandsWithParameter=/usr/bin/terminator --command="%s"\nIcon=terminator\nName=terminator\nX-XFCE-Commands=/usr/bin/terminator' > $file
file=/root/.config/xfce4/helpers.rc; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup} #exo-preferred-applications #xdg-mime default
sed -i 's#^TerminalEmulator=.*#TerminalEmulator=custom-TerminalEmulator#' $file
grep -q '^TerminalEmulator=custom-TerminalEmulator' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e 'TerminalEmulator=custom-TerminalEmulator' >> $file

##### Installing bash-completion
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing bash-completion'
apt-get -y -qq install bash-completion
file=/etc/bash.bashrc; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup} #/root/.bashrc
sed -i '/# enable bash completion in/,+7{/enable bash completion/!s/^#//}' $file
#--- Apply new aliases
#source $file # If using ZSH, will fail

##### Configuring aliases
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Configuring aliases'
#--- Enable defaults (root user)
for FILE in /etc/bash.bashrc /root/.bashrc /root/.bash_aliases; do #/etc/profile /etc/bashrc /etc/bash_aliases /etc/bash.bash_aliases
file=$FILE; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
[ -e $file ] && sed -i 's/#alias/alias/g' $file
file=/root/.bash_aliases; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup} #/etc/bash.bash_aliases
grep -q '^alias tmux' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e '\n### tmux\nalias tmux="tmux attach || tmux new"\n' >> $file
grep -q '^alias axel' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e '\n### axel\nalias axel="axel -a"\n' >> $file
grep -q '^alias screen' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e '\n### screen\nalias screen="screen -xRR"\n' >> $file
#--- Add in ours (shortcuts)
grep -q '^### Directory navigation aliases' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e '\n### Directory navigation aliases\nalias ..="cd .."\nalias ...="cd ../.."\nalias ....="cd ../../.."\nalias .....="cd ../../../.."\n\n' >> $file
grep -q '^### Add more aliases' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e '\n### Add more aliases\nalias upd="sudo apt-get update"\nalias upg="sudo apt-get upgrade"\nalias ins="sudo apt-get install"\nalias rem="sudo apt-get purge"\nalias fix="sudo apt-get install -f"\n\n' >> $file
grep -q '^### Extract file, example' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e '\n### Extract file, example. "ex package.tar.bz2"\nex() {\n if [[ -f $1 ]]; then\n case $1 in\n *.tar.bz2) tar xjf $1 ;;\n *.tar.gz) tar xzf $1 ;;\n *.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;;\n *.rar) rar x $1 ;;\n *.gz) gunzip $1 ;;\n *.tar) tar xf $1 ;;\n *.tbz2) tar xjf $1 ;;\n *.tgz) tar xzf $1 ;;\n *.zip) unzip $1 ;;\n *.Z) uncompress $1 ;;\n *.7z) 7z x $1 ;;\n *) echo $1 cannot be extracted ;;\n esac\n else\n echo $1 is not a valid file\n fi\n}' >> $file
#--- Apply new aliases
#source $file # If using ZSH, will fail
#--- Check

##### Configuring bash colour (all users)
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Configuring bash colour'
file=/etc/bash.bashrc; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup} #/root/.bashrc
sed -i 's/.*force_color_prompt=.*/force_color_prompt=yes/' $file
grep -q '^force_color_prompt' $file 2>/dev/null || echo 'force_color_prompt=yes' >> $file
sed -i 's#PS1='"'"'.*'"'"'#PS1='"'"'${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\\[\\033\[01;31m\\]\\u@\\h\\\[\\033\[00m\\]:\\[\\033\[01;34m\\]\\w\\[\\033\[00m\\]\\$ '"'"'#' $file
#--- Apply new aliases
#source $file
#--- All other users that are made afterwards
#file=/etc/skel/.bashrc; #; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
#sed -i 's/.*force_color_prompt=.*/force_color_prompt=yes/' $file

##### Installing ZSH & oh-my-zsh (root user)
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing ZSH & oh-my-zsh'
apt-get -y -qq install zsh git curl
#--- Setup oh-my-zsh
curl -s -L https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/raw/master/tools/install.sh | sh
#--- Configure zsh
file=/root/.zshrc; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup} #/etc/zsh/zshrc
grep -q 'interactivecomments' $file 2>/dev/null || echo "setopt interactivecomments" >> $file
grep -q 'ignoreeof' $file 2>/dev/null || echo "setopt ignoreeof" >> $file
grep -q 'correctall' $file 2>/dev/null || echo "setopt correctall" >> $file
grep -q 'globdots' $file 2>/dev/null || echo "setopt globdots" >> $file
grep -q 'bash_aliases' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e 'source $HOME/.bash_aliases' >> $file
#--- Configure zsh (themes) ~ https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Themes
sed -i 's/ZSH_THEME=.*/ZSH_THEME="alanpeabody"/' $file # Other themes: alanpeabody, jreese, mh, candy, terminalparty, kardan, nicoulaj, sunaku
#--- Configure oh-my-zsh
sed -i 's/.*DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE="true"/DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE="true"/' $file
sed -i 's/plugins=(.*)/plugins=(git tmux last-working-dir)/' $file
#--- Set zsh as default shell (current user)
chsh -s $(which zsh)
#--- Use it ~ *** Not much point to it being a post-install script ***
#/usr/bin/env zsh
#source $file
#--- Copy it to other user(s) ~ *** Will do this later ***
#cp -f /{root,home/$username}/.zshrc
#cp -rf /{root,home/$username}/.oh-my-zsh/
#chown -R $username:$username /home/$username/.zshrc /home/$username/.oh-my-zsh/
#chsh $username -s $(which zsh)
#--- Remove any left over programs/files
#apt-get -y -qq remove git curl
# *** Note, if you use thurar, 'Open terminal here', will not work

##### Configuring tmux
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Configuring tmux'
#apt-get -y -qq remove screen # Optional: If we're going to have/use tmux, why have screen?
apt-get -y -qq install tmux
#--- Configure tmux
file=/etc/tmux.conf; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup} #/root/.tmux.conf
echo -e "#-References-------------------------------------------------------------------\n# http://blog.hawkhost.com/2010/07/02/tmux-%E2%80%93-the-terminal-multiple...\n# https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Tmux\n\n\n#-Settings---------------------------------------------------------------------\n# Make it like screen (use C-a)\nunbind C-b\nset -g prefix C-a\n\n# Pane switching with Alt+arrow\nbind -n M-Left select-pane -L\nbind -n M-Right select-pane -R\nbind -n M-Up select-pane -U\nbind -n M-Down select-pane -D\n\n# Activity Monitoring\nsetw -g monitor-activity on\nset -g visual-activity on\n\n# Reaload settings\nunbind R\nbind R source-file ~/.tmux.conf\n\n# Load custom sources\nsource ~/.bashrc\n\n# Set defaults\nset -g default-terminal screen-256color\nset -g history-limit 5000\n\n# Defult windows titles\nset -g set-titles on\nset -g set-titles-string '#(whoami)@#H - #I:#W'\n\n# Last window switch\nbind-key C-a last-window\n\n# Use ZSH as default shell\nset-option -g default-shell /bin/zsh\n\n# Show tmux messages for longer\nset -g display-time 3000\n\n# Status bar is redrawn every minute\nset -g status-interval 60\n\n\n#-Theme------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# Default colours\nset -g status-bg black\nset -g status-fg white\n\n# Left hand side\nset -g status-left-length '$(($(echo -n $(hostname) | wc -c) + 23))'\nset -g status-left '#[fg=green,bold]#(whoami)#[default]@#[fg=yellow,dim]#H #[fg=green,dim][#[fg=yellow]#(cut -d \" \" -f 1-3 /proc/loadavg)#[fg=green,dim]]'\n\n# Inactive windows in status bar\nset-window-option -g window-status-format '#[fg=red,dim]#I#[fg=grey,dim]:#[default,dim]#W#[fg=grey,dim]'\n\n# Current or active window in status bar\n#set-window-option -g window-status-current-format '#[bg=white,fg=red]#I#[bg=white,fg=grey]:#[bg=white,fg=black]#W#[fg=dim]#F'\nset-window-option -g window-status-current-format '#[fg=red,bold](#[fg=white,bold]#I#[fg=red,dim]:#[fg=white,bold]#W#[fg=red,bold])'\n\n# Right hand side\nset -g status-right '#[fg=green][#[fg=yellow]%Y-%m-%d #[fg=white]%H:%M#[fg=green]]'" > $file
#--- Setup alias
file=/root/.bash_aliases; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup} #/etc/bash.bash_aliases
grep -q '^alias tmux' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e '\n### tmux\nalias tmux="tmux attach || tmux new"\n' >> $file
#source $file
#--- Copy it to other user(s) ~ *** Will do this later ***
#cp -f /{root,home/$username}/.tmux.conf
#chown $username:$username /home/$username/.tmux.conf
#file=/home/$username/.bash_aliases; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
#grep -q '^alias tmux="tmux attach || tmux new"' $file 2>/dev/null || echo 'alias tmux="tmux attach || tmux new"' >> $file
#--- Use it
#tmux # If ZSH isn't installed, it will not start up

##### Configuring screen (if possible, use tmux instead)
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Configuring screen (if possible, use tmux instead)'
#apt-get -y -qq install screen
#--- Configure screen
file=/root/.screenrc; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
echo -e "# Don't display the copyright page\nstartup_message off\n\n# tab-completion flash in heading bar\nvbell off\n\n# keep scrollback n lines\ndefscrollback 1000\n\n# hardstatus is a bar of text that is visible in all screens\nhardstatus on\nhardstatus alwayslastline\nhardstatus string '%{gk}%{G}%H %{g}[%{Y}%l%{g}] %= %{wk}%?%-w%?%{=b kR}(%{W}%n %t%?(%u)%?%{=b kR})%{= kw}%?%+w%?%?%= %{g} %{Y} %Y-%m-%d %C%a %{W}'\n\n# title bar\ntermcapinfo xterm ti@:te@\n\n# default windows (syntax: screen -t label order command)\nscreen -t bash1 0\nscreen -t bash2 1\n\n# select the default window\nselect 1" > $file

##### Configuring vim (all users)
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Configuring vim'
file=/etc/vim/vimrc; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup} #/root/.vimrc
sed -i 's/.*syntax on/syntax on/' $file
sed -i 's/.*set background=dark/set background=dark/' $file
sed -i 's/.*set showcmd/set showcmd/' $file
sed -i 's/.*set showmatch/set showmatch/' $file
sed -i 's/.*set ignorecase/set ignorecase/' $file
sed -i 's/.*set smartcase/set smartcase/' $file
sed -i 's/.*set incsearch/set incsearch/' $file
sed -i 's/.*set autowrite/set autowrite/' $file
sed -i 's/.*set hidden/set hidden/' $file
sed -i 's/.*set mouse=.*/"set mouse=a/' $file
grep -q '^set number' $file 2>/dev/null || echo 'set number' >> $file # Add line numbers
grep -q '^set autoindent' $file 2>/dev/null || echo 'set autoindent' >> $file # Set auto indent
grep -q '^set expandtab' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e 'set expandtab\nset smarttab' >> $file # Set use spaces instead of tabs
grep -q '^set softtabstop' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e 'set softtabstop=4\nset shiftwidth=4' >> $file # Set 4 spaces as a 'tab'
grep -q '^set foldmethod=marker' $file 2>/dev/null || echo 'set foldmethod=marker' >> $file # Folding
grep -q '^nnoremap <space> za' $file 2>/dev/null || echo 'nnoremap <space> za' >> $file # Space toggle folds
grep -q '^set hlsearch' $file 2>/dev/null || echo 'set hlsearch' >> $file # Highlight search results
grep -q '^set laststatus' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e 'set laststatus=2\nset statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ (%{&ff}){%Y}\ [%l,%v][%p%%]' >> $file # Status bar
grep -q '^filetype on' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e 'filetype on\nfiletype plugin on\nsyntax enable\nset grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*' >> $file # Syntax Highlighting
grep -q '^set wildmenu' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e 'set wildmenu\nset wildmode=list:longest,full' >> $file # Tab completion
#--- Set as default editor
export EDITOR="vim" #update-alternatives --config editor
file=/etc/bash.bashrc; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
grep -q '^EDITOR' $file 2>/dev/null || echo 'EDITOR="vim"' >> $file

##### Configuring file browser (need to restart xserver for effect)
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Configuring file browser (need to restart xserver for effect)'
mkdir -p /root/.config/gtk-2.0/
file=/root/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
sed -i 's/^.*ShowHidden.*/ShowHidden=true/' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e "\n[Filechooser Settings]\nLocationMode=path-bar\nShowHidden=true\nExpandFolders=false\nShowSizeColumn=true\nGeometryX=66\nGeometryY=39\nGeometryWidth=780\nGeometryHeight=618\nSortColumn=name\nSortOrder=ascending" > $file #Open/save Window -> Right click -> Show Hidden Files: Enabled
dconf write /org/gnome/nautilus/preferences/show-hidden-files true
file=/root/.gtk-bookmarks; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
grep -q '^file:///var/www www' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e 'file:///var/www www\nfile:///usr/share apps\nfile:///tmp tmp\nfile:///usr/local/src/ src' >> $file

##### Setting up iceweasel
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Setting up iceweasel'
apt-get install -y -qq unzip
#--- Configure iceweasel
iceweasel & sleep 15; killall -q -w iceweasel >/dev/null # Start and kill. Files needed for first time run
file=$(echo /root/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/prefs.js); [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
sed -i 's/^.*browser.startup.page.*/user_pref("browser.startup.page", 0);' $file 2>/dev/null || echo 'user_pref("browser.startup.page", 0);' >> $file # Iceweasel -> Edit -> Preferences -> General -> When firefox starts: Show a blank page
sed -i 's/^.*privacy.donottrackheader.enabled.*/user_pref("privacy.donottrackheader.enabled", true);' $file 2>/dev/null || echo 'user_pref("privacy.donottrackheader.enabled", true);' >> $file # Privacy -> Enable: Tell websites I do not want to be tracked
sed -i 's/^.*browser.showQuitWarning.*/user_pref("browser.showQuitWarning", true);' $file 2>/dev/null || echo 'user_pref("browser.showQuitWarning", true);' >> $file # Stop Ctrl + Q from quitting without warning
#--- Replace bookmarks
file=$(echo /root/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/bookmarks.html); [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
wget http://pentest-bookmarks.googlecode.com/files/bookmarksv1.5.html -O /tmp/bookmarks_new.html # ***!!! hardcoded version! Need to manually check for updates
rm -f /root/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/places.sqlite
rm -f /root/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/bookmarkbackups/*
#--- Configure bookmarks
awk '!a[$0]++' /tmp/bookmarks_new.html | egrep -v ">(Latest Headlines|Getting Started|Recently Bookmarked|Recent Tags|Mozilla Firefox|Help and Tutorials|Customize Firefox|Get Involved|About Us|Hacker Media|Bookmarks Toolbar|Most Visited)</" | egrep -v "^ </DL><p>" | egrep -v "^<DD>Add" > $file
sed -i 's#^</DL><p># </DL><p>\n </DL><p>\n <DT><A HREF="">Nessus</A>\n <DT><A HREF="">OpenVAS</A>\n <DT><A HREF="">MSF Community</A>\n</DL><p>#' $file
sed -i 's#<HR>#<DT><H3 ADD_DATE="1303667175" LAST_MODIFIED="1303667175" PERSONAL_TOOLBAR_FOLDER="true">Bookmarks Toolbar</H3>\n<DD>Add bookmarks to this folder to see them displayed on the Bookmarks Toolbar#' $file
#--- Download addons
path=$(echo /root/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/)extensions/
mkdir -p $path
wget https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/1865/addon-1865-latest.xpi?src=dp-btn-primary -O $path/{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}.xpi # Adblock Plus
wget https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/92079/addon-92079-latest.xpi?src=dp-btn-primary -O $path/{bb6bc1bb-f824-4702-90cd-35e2fb24f25d}.xpi # Cookies Manager+
wget https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/1843/addon-1843-latest.xpi?src=dp-btn-primary -O $path/firebug@software.joehewitt.com.xpi # Firebug - not working 100%
wget https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/150692/foxyproxy_basic-2.6.2-fx+tb+sm.xpi?src=search -O /tmp/FoxyProxyBasic.zip && unzip -o /tmp/FoxyProxyBasic.zip -d $path/foxyproxy-basic@eric.h.jung/; rm -f /tmp/FoxyProxyBasic.zip # FoxyProxy Basic
#wget https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/284030/addon-284030-latest.xpi?src=dp-btn-primary -O $path/{6bdc61ae-7b80-44a3-9476-e1d121ec2238}.xpi # HTTPS Finder
wget https://www.eff.org/files/https-everywhere-latest.xpi -O $path/https-everywhere@eff.org.xpi # HTTPS Everywhere
wget https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/3829/addon-3829-latest.xpi?src=dp-btn-primary -O $path/{8f8fe09b-0bd3-4470-bc1b-8cad42b8203a}.xpi # Live HTTP Headers
wget https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/79565/tamper_data-11.0.1-fx.xpi?src=dp-btn-primary -O $path/{9c51bd27-6ed8-4000-a2bf-36cb95c0c947}.xpi # Tamper Data - not working 100%
wget https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/300254/addon-300254-latest.xpi?src=dp-btn-primary -O $path/check-compatibility@dactyl.googlecode.com.xpi # Disable Add-on Compatibility Checks
#--- Install addons
#for FILE in *.xpi; do
# d=$(basename $z .xpi)
# mkdir -p $d && unzip -o $z -d $d
#iceweasel #<--- Doesn't automate
#--- Configure foxyproxy
file=$(echo /root/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/foxyproxy.xml); [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
sed -i 's#<proxies><proxy name="Default"#<proxies><proxy name="Localhost:8080" id="315347393" notes="Localhost:8080" enabled="true" mode="manual" selectedTabIndex="1" lastresort="false" animatedIcons="true" includeInCycle="true" color="#FF051A" proxyDNS="true" noInternalIPs="false" autoconfMode="pac" clearCacheBeforeUse="true" disableCache="false" clearCookiesBeforeUse="false" rejectCookies="false"><matches/><autoconf url="" loadNotification="true" errorNotification="true" autoReload="false" reloadFreqMins="60" disableOnBadPAC="true"/><autoconf url="http://wpad/wpad.dat" loadNotification="true" errorNotification="true" autoReload="false" reloadFreqMins="60" disableOnBadPAC="true"/><manualconf host="localhost" port="8080" socksversion="5" isSocks="false"/></proxy><proxy name="Default"#' $file 2>/dev/null
cd - &>/dev/null

##### Installing conky
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing conky'
apt-get -y -qq install conky
#--- Configure conky
file=/root/.conkyrc; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
echo -e '#http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/how-faq-forums/unreviewed-how-faq/464737-easy-configuring-conky-conkyconf.html\nbackground yes\n\nfont Monospace:size=8:weight=bold\nuse_xft yes\n\nupdate_interval 2.0\n\nown_window yes\nown_window_type normal\nown_window_transparent yes\nown_window_class conky-semi\nown_window_argb_visual yes # GNOME & XFCE yes, KDE no\nown_window_colour brown\nown_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager\n\ndouble_buffer yes\nmaximum_width 250\n\ndraw_shades yes\ndraw_outline no\ndraw_borders no\n\nstippled_borders 3\n#border_margin 9 # Old command\nborder_inner_margin 9\nborder_width 10\n\ndefault_color grey\n\nalignment bottom_right\n#gap_x 55 # KDE\n#gap_x 0 # GNOME\ngap_x 5\ngap_y 0\n\nuppercase no\nuse_spacer right\n\nTEXT\n${color dodgerblue3}SYSTEM ${hr 2}$color\n${color white}${time %A},${time %e} ${time %B} ${time %G}${alignr}${time %H:%M:%S}\n${color white}Machine$color: $nodename ${alignr}${color white}Uptime$color: $uptime\n\n${color dodgerblue3}CPU ${hr 2}$color\n#${font Arial:bold:size=8}${execi 99999 grep "model name" -m1 /proc/cpuinfo | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -d" " -f2- | sed "s#Processor ##"}$font$color\n${color white}MHz$color: ${freq}GHz $color${color white}Load$color: ${exec uptime | awk -F "load average: " '"'"'{print $2}'"'"'}\n${color white}Tasks$color: $running_processes/$processes ${alignr}${alignr}${color white}CPU0$color: ${cpu cpu0}% ${color white}CPU1$color: ${cpu cpu1}%\n#${color #c0ff3e}${acpitemp}C\n#${execi 20 sensors |grep "Core0 Temp" | cut -d" " -f4}$font$color$alignr${freq_g 2} ${execi 20 sensors |grep "Core1 Temp" | cut -d" " -f4}\n${cpugraph cpu0 25,120 000000 white} ${cpugraph cpu1 25,120 000000 white}\n${color white}${cpubar cpu1 3,120} ${color white}${cpubar cpu2 3,120}$color\n\n${color dodgerblue3}TOP 5 PROCESSES ${hr 2}$color\n${color white}NAME PID CPU MEM\n${color white}1. ${top name 1}${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}$color\n2. ${top name 2}${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}\n3. ${top name 3}${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}\n4. ${top name 4}${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4}\n5. ${top name 5}${top pid 5} ${top cpu 5} ${top mem 5}\n\n${color dodgerblue3}MEMORY & SWAP ${hr 2}$color\n${color white}RAM$color $memperc% ${membar 6}$color\n${color white}Swap$color $swapperc% ${swapbar 6}$color\n\n${color dodgerblue3}FILESYSTEM ${hr 2}$color\n${color white}root$color ${fs_free_perc /}% free$alignr${fs_free /}/ ${fs_size /}\n${fs_bar 3 /}$color\n#${color white}home$color ${fs_free_perc /home}% free$alignr${fs_free /home}/ ${fs_size /home}\n#${fs_bar 3 /home}$color\n\n${color dodgerblue3}LAN eth0 (${addr eth0}) ${hr 2}$color\n${color white}Down$color: ${downspeed eth0} KB/s${alignr}${color white}Up$color: ${upspeed eth0} KB/s\n${color white}Downloaded$color: ${totaldown eth0} ${alignr}${color white}Uploaded$color: ${totalup eth0}\n${downspeedgraph eth0 25,120 000000 00ff00} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0 25,120 000000 ff0000}$color\n${color dodgerblue3}LAN eth1 (${addr eth1}) ${hr 2}$color\n${color white}Down$color: ${downspeed eth1} KB/s${alignr}${color white}Up$color: ${upspeed eth1} KB/s\n${color white}Downloaded$color: ${totaldown eth1} ${alignr}${color white}Uploaded$color: ${totalup eth1}\n${downspeedgraph eth1 25,120 000000 00ff00} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth1 25,120 000000 ff0000}$color\n${color dodgerblue3}WiFi (${addr wlan0}) ${hr 2}$color\n${color white}Down$color: ${downspeed wlan0} KB/s${alignr}${color white}Up$color: ${upspeed wlan0} KB/s\n${color white}Downloaded$color: ${totaldown wlan0} ${alignr}${color white}Uploaded$color: ${totalup wlan0}\n${downspeedgraph wlan0 25,120 000000 00ff00} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph wlan0 25,120 000000 ff0000}$color\n\n${color dodgerblue3}CONNECTIONS ${hr 2}$color\n${color white}Inbound: $color${tcp_portmon 1 32767 count}${color white} ${alignc}Outbound: $color${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 count}${alignr} ${color white}ALL: $color${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}\n${color white}Inbound Connection ${alignr} Local Service/Port$color\n$color ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 rhost 0} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 lservice 0}\n$color ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 rhost 1} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 lservice 1}\n$color ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 rhost 2} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 lservice 2}\n${color white}Outbound Connection ${alignr} Remote Service/Port$color\n$color ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 0} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 0}\n$color ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 1} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 1}\n$color ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 2} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 2}' > $file
#--- Add to startup
file=/root/.conkyscript.sh; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nsleep 30 && conky;' > $file
chmod 0500 $file
mkdir -p /root/.config/autostart/
file=/root/.config/autostart/conkyscript.sh.desktop; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
echo -e '\n[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nExec=/root/.conkyscript.sh\nHidden=false\nNoDisplay=false\nX-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true\nName[en_US]=conky\nName=conky\nComment[en_US]=\nComment=' > $file

##### Configuring metasploit ~ http://docs.kali.org/general-use/starting-metasploit-framework-in-kali
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Configuring metasploit'
#--- Start services
service postgresql start
service metasploit start
#--- Misc
export GOCOW=1 # Always a cow logo
file=/root/.bashrc; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
grep -q '^GOCOW' $file 2>/dev/null || echo 'GOCOW=1' >> $file
#--- First time run
echo 'exit' > /tmp/msf.rc #echo -e 'go_pro\nexit' > /tmp/msf.rc
msfconsole -r /tmp/msf.rc
#--- Setup GUI
#bash /opt/metasploit/scripts/launchui.sh #*** #<--- Doesn't automate. May take a little while to kick in
#--- Clean up
rm -f /tmp/msf.rc

##### Setting up ssh
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Setting up ssh'
rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
rm -f /root/.ssh/*
#ssh-keygen -A
ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa1 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key -P ""
ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -P ""
ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t dsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -P ""
ssh-keygen -b 521 -t ecdsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key -P ""
ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -P ""
#update-rc.d -f ssh defaults # Enable SSH at startup

##### Installing geany
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing geany'
apt-get -y -qq install geany
#--- Add to panel
dconf load /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/objects/geany/ << EOT

dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/object-id-list "$(dconf read /org/gnome/gnome-panel/layout/object-id-list | sed "s/]/, 'geany']/")"
#--- Configure geany
geany & sleep 5; killall -q -w geany >/dev/null # Start and kill. Files needed for first time run
# Geany -> Edit -> Preferences. Editor -> Newline strips trailing spaces: Enable. -> Indentation -> Type: Spaces. -> Files -> Strip trailing spaces and tabs: Enable. Replace tabs by space: Enable. -> Apply -> Ok
file=/root/.config/geany/geany.conf; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
sed -i 's/^.*indent_type.*/indent_type=0/' $file # Spaces over tabs
sed -i 's/^.*pref_editor_newline_strip.*/pref_editor_newline_strip=true/' $file
sed -i 's/^.*pref_editor_replace_tabs.*/pref_editor_replace_tabs=true/' $file
sed -i 's/^.*pref_editor_trail_space.*/pref_editor_trail_space=true/' $file
sed -i 's/^check_detect_indent=.*/check_detect_indent=true/' $file
sed -i 's/^pref_editor_ensure_convert_line_endings=.*/pref_editor_ensure_convert_line_endings=true/' $file
# Geany -> Tools -> Plugin Manger -> Save Actions -> HTML Characters: Enabled. Split WIndows: Enabled. Save Actions: Enabled. -> Preferences -> Backup Copy -> Enable -> Directory to save backup files in: /root/backups/geany/. Directory levels to include in the backup destination: 5 -> Apply -> Ok -> Ok
sed -i 's/^.*active_plugins.*/active_plugins=\/usr\/lib\/geany\/htmlchars.so;\/usr\/lib\/geany\/saveactions.so;\/usr\/lib\/geany\/splitwindow.so;/' $file
mkdir -p /root/backups/geany/
mkdir -p /root/.config/geany/plugins/saveactions/
file=/root/.config/geany/plugins/saveactions/saveactions.conf; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
echo -e '\n[saveactions]\nenable_autosave=false\nenable_instantsave=false\nenable_backupcopy=true\n\n[autosave]\nprint_messages=false\nsave_all=false\ninterval=300\n\n[instantsave]\ndefault_ft=None\n\n[backupcopy]\ndir_levels=5\ntime_fmt=%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S\nbackup_dir=/root/backups/geany' > $file

##### Installing meld
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing meld'
apt-get -y -qq install meld
#--- Configure meld
gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/meld/show_line_numbers true
gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/meld/show_whitespace true
gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/meld/use_syntax_highlighting true
gconftool-2 --type int --set /apps/meld/edit_wrap_lines 2

##### Installing libreoffice
#echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing libreoffice'
#apt-get -y -qq install libreoffice

##### Installing recordmydesktop
#echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing recordmydesktop'
#apt-get -y -qq install gtk-recordmydesktop

##### Installing shutter
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing shutter'
apt-get -y -qq install shutter

##### Installing axel
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing axel'
apt-get -y -qq install axel
#--- Setup alias
file=/root/.bash_aliases; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup} #/etc/bash.bash_aliases
grep -q '^alias axel' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e '\n### axel\nalias axel="axel -a"\n' >> $file
#--- Apply new aliases
#source $file # If using ZSH, will fail

##### Installing gparted
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing gparted'
apt-get -y -qq install gparted

##### Installing daemonfs
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing daemonfs'
apt-get -y -qq install daemonfs

##### Installing filezilla
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing filezilla'
apt-get -y -qq install filezilla
#--- Configure filezilla
filezilla & sleep 5; killall -q -w filezilla >/dev/null # Start and kill. Files needed for first time run
sed -i 's/^.*"Default editor".*/\t<Setting name="Default editor" type="string">2\/usr\/bin\/geany<\/Setting>/' /root/.filezilla/filezilla.xml

##### Setting up tftp
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Setting up tftp'
apt-get -y -qq install tftp # TFTP client
apt-get -y -qq install atftpd # TFTP Server

##### Installing atftpd
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing atftpd'
apt-get -y -qq install atftpd

##### Installing lynx
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing lynx'
apt-get -y -qq install lynx

##### Installing p7zip
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing p7zip'
apt-get -y -qq install p7zip

##### Installing zip/unzip
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing zip/unzip'
apt-get -y -qq install zip # Compress
apt-get -y -qq install unzip # Decompress

##### Installing midnight commander
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing midnight commander'
apt-get -y -qq install mc

##### Installing htop
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing htop'
apt-get -y -qq install htop

##### Installing vnstat
#echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing vnstat'
#apt-get -y -qq install vnstat

##### Installing pptp vpn support
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing pptp vpn support'
apt-get -y -qq install network-manager-pptp-gnome network-manager-pptp

##### Installing flash
#echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing flash'
#apt-get -y -qq install flashplugin-nonfree

##### Installing java
#echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing java'
# <insert bash fu here>

##### Installing the backdoor factory
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing backdoor factory'
apt-get -y -qq install backdoor-factory

##### Installing bully
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing bully'
apt-get -y -qq install bully

##### Installing httprint
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing httprint'
apt-get -y -qq install httprint

##### Installing clusterd ~ http://bugs.kali.org/view.php?id=1024
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing clusterd'
apt-get -y -qq install clusterd

##### Installing seclist ~ https://bugs.kali.org/view.php?id=648
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing seclist'
apt-get -y -qq install seclists

##### Installing unicornscan ~ http://bugs.kali.org/view.php?id=388
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing unicornscan'
apt-get -y -qq install unicornscan

##### Installing nessus *** Doesn't automate ***
#echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing nessus'
#--- Get download link
#xdg-open http://www.tenable.com/products/nessus/select-your-operating-system *** #wget "http://downloads.nessus.org/<file>" -O /tmp/nessus.deb # ***!!! Hardcoded version value
#dpkg -i /usr/local/src/Nessus-*-debian6_i386.deb
#rm -f /tmp/nessus.deb
#/opt/nessus/sbin/nessus-adduser #<--- Doesn't automate
#xdg-open http://www.tenable.com/products/nessus/nessus-plugins/register-a-homefeed
#--- Check email
# /opt/nessus/bin/nessus-fetch --register <key> #<--- Doesn't automate
#service nessusd start

##### Installing openvas *** Doesn't automate ***
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing openvas'
apt-get -y -qq install openvas
#openvas-setup #<--- Doesn't automate ***
#--- Remove 'default' user (admin), and create a new admin user (root).
#test -e /var/lib/openvas/users/admin && openvasad -c remove_user -n admin
#test -e /var/lib/openvas/users/root || openvasad -c add_user -n root -r Admin #<--- Doesn't automate

##### Installing htshells ~ http://bugs.kali.org/view.php?id=422
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing htshells'
git clone git://github.com/wireghoul/htshells.git /usr/share/htshells/

##### Installing bridge-utils
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing bridge-utils'
apt-get -y -qq install bridge-utils

##### Installing veil ~ http://bugs.kali.org/view.php?id=421
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing veil'
apt-get -y -qq install veil

##### Installing mingw
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing mingw'
apt-get -y -qq install mingw-w64 binutils-mingw-w64 gcc-mingw-w64 mingw-w64-dev mingw-w64-tools

##### Installing OP packers
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Installing OP packers'
apt-get -y -qq install upx-ucl #wget http://upx.sourceforge.net/download/upx309w.zip -P /usr/share/packers/ && unzip -o -d /usr/share/packers/ /usr/share/packers/upx309w.zip && rm -f /usr/share/packers/upx309w.zip
mkdir -p /usr/share/packers/
wget "http://www.eskimo.com/~scottlu/win/cexe.exe" -P /usr/share/packers/
wget "http://www.farbrausch.de/~fg/kkrunchy/kkrunchy_023a2.zip" -P /usr/share/packers/ && unzip -o -d /usr/share/packers/ /usr/share/packers/kkrunchy_023a2.zip && rm -f /usr/share/packers/kkrunchy_023a2.zip
#--- Setup hyperion
unzip -o -d /usr/share/windows-binaries/ /usr/share/windows-binaries/Hyperion-1.0.zip
#rm -f /usr/share/windows-binaries/Hyperion-1.0.zip
i686-w64-mingw32-g++ -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ /usr/share/windows-binaries/Hyperion-1.0/Src/Crypter/*.cpp -o /usr/share/windows-binaries/Hyperion-1.0/Src/Crypter/bin/crypter.exe
ln -sf /usr/share/windows-binaries/Hyperion-1.0/Src/Crypter/bin/crypter.exe /usr/share/windows-binaries/Hyperion-1.0/crypter.exe

##### Updating wordlists ~ http://bugs.kali.org/view.php?id=429
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Updating wordlists'
#--- Extract rockyou wordlist
gzip -dc < /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz > /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt #gunzip rockyou.txt.gz
#rm -f /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz
#--- Extract sqlmap wordlist
#unzip -o -d /usr/share/sqlmap/txt/ /usr/share/sqlmap/txt/wordlist.zip
#--- Add 10,000 Top/Worst/Common Passwords
wget http://xato.net/files/10k%20most%20common.zip -O /tmp/10kcommon.zip && unzip -o -d /usr/share/wordlists/ /tmp/10kcommon.zip && mv -f /usr/share/wordlists/10k{\ most\ ,_most_}common.txt && rm -f /tmp/10kcommon.zip
#--- Linking to more - folders
#ln -sf /usr/share/dirb/wordlists /usr/share/wordlists/dirb
#ln -sf /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster
#ln -sf /usr/share/fern-wifi-cracker/extras/wordlists /usr/share/wordlists/fern-wifi
#ln -sf /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/john/wordlists /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit-jtr
#ln -sf /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit
#ln -sf /opt/metasploit/apps/pro/data/wordlists /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit-pro
#ln -sf /usr/share/webslayer/wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/webslayer
#ln -sf /usr/share/wfuzz/wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/wfuzz
#--- Linking to more - files
#ln -sf /usr/share/sqlmap/txt/wordlist.txt /usr/share/wordlists/sqlmap.txt
#ln -sf /usr/share/dnsmap/wordlist_TLAs.txt /usr/share/wordlists/dnsmap.txt
#ln -sf /usr/share/golismero/wordlist/wfuzz/Discovery/all.txt /usr/share/wordlists/wfuzz.txt
#ln -sf /usr/share/nmap/nselib/data/passwords.lst /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst
#ln -sf /usr/share/set/src/fasttrack/wordlist.txt /usr/share/wordlists/fasttrack.txt
#ln -sf /usr/share/termineter/framework/data/smeter_passwords.txt /usr/share/wordlists/termineter.txt
#ln -sf /usr/share/w3af/core/controllers/bruteforce/passwords.txt /usr/share/wordlists/w3af.txt
#ln -sf /usr/share/wpscan/spec/fixtures/wpscan/modules/bruteforce/wordlist.txt /usr/share/wordlists/wpscan.txt
##ln -sf /usr/share/arachni/spec/fixtures/passwords.txt /usr/share/wordlists/arachni
##ln -sf /usr/share/cisco-auditing-tool/lists/passwords /usr/share/wordlists/cisco-auditing-tool/
##ln -sf /usr/share/wpscan/spec/fixtures/wpscan/wpscan_options/wordlist.txt /usr/share/wordlists/wpscan-options.txt
##--- Not enough? Want more? Check below!
##apt-cache search wordlist
##find / \( -iname '*wordlist*' -or -iname '*passwords*' \) #-exec ls -l {} \;

##### Configuring samba
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Configuring samba'
#--- Create samba user
useradd -M -d /nonexistent -s /bin/false samba
#--- Use samba user
file=/etc/samba/smb.conf; [ -e $file ] && cp -n $file{,.bkup}
sed -i 's/guest account = .*/guest account = samba/' $file 2>/dev/null || sed -i 's/\[global\]/\[global\]\n guest account = samba/' $file
#--- Create samba path and configure it
mkdir -p /var/samba/
chown -R samba:samba /var/samba/
chmod -R 0770 /var/samba/
#--- Setup samba paths
grep -q '^\[shared\]' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e '\n[shared]\n comment = Shared\n path = /var/samba/\n browseable = yes\n read only = no\n guest ok = yes' >> $file
#grep -q '^\[www\]' $file 2>/dev/null || echo -e '\n[www]\n comment = WWW\n path = /var/www/\n browseable = yes\n read only = yes\n guest ok = yes' >> $file
#--- Check result
#service samba restart
#smbclient -L \\ -N
#service samba stop

##### Cleanning the system
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Cleanning the system'
#--- Clean package manager
for FILE in clean autoremove autoclean; do apt-get -y -qq $FILE; done
apt-get -y purge $(dpkg -l | tail -n +6 | grep -v '^ii' | awk '{print $2}')
#--- Update slocate database
#--- Reset folder location
cd ~/ &>/dev/null
#--- Remove any history files (as they could contain sensitive info)
history -c # Will not work with ZSH
for i in $(cut -d: -f6 /etc/passwd | sort | uniq); do
ls $FILE &> /dev/null && rm -f $FILE
#[ -f $i/.*_history ] && rm -rf $i/.*_history

##### Done!
echo -e '\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Done!'

# *** Don't forget to take a snapshot (if you're using a VM!) ***

Update 2013-11-19:

  1. Re-worked internal workings of conky & XFCE
  2. Set default programs with XFCE (fixes start menu bug)
  3. Change default wallpaper
  4. Enabled numlock at startup

Updated 2013-07-13:

  1. Little bug fix in XFCE
  2. Enabled compositing in XFCE

Original Thread

Cititi cu atentie scriptul intreg si scoateti ce nu aveti nevoie ..

Edited by co4ie

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