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Windows System Call and CSR API tables updated

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[h=2]Windows System Call and CSR API tables updated[/h]

Having the first spare weekend in a really long time, I have decided it was high time to update some (all) of the tables related to Windows system calls and CSR API I once created and now try to maintain. This includes NT API syscalls for the 32-bit and 64-bit Intel platforms, win32k.sys syscalls for 32-bit and 64-bit Intel platforms, as well as CSR API information formatted in two different ways for convenience (a list and a table). Without further ado, all of the tables now contain up-to-date data covering all operating systems available to me at the time, including Windows 8, 8.1 and Server 2012. The links are as follows:[h=3]NT system calls[/h]

[h=3]Win32k.sys system calls[/h]

[h=3]CSR API calls[/h]

Pointers to all tables can also be found in the left pane under the “OS Structures” section. If you spot a bug in any of the tables or have any other comments, let me know. I hope you find them useful!

Sursa: Windows System Call and CSR API tables updated | j00ru//vx tech blog

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