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zer0m0n v0.6

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[h=1]zer0m0n v0.6[/h]

zer0m0n is a driver for Cuckoo Sandbox, it will perform kernel analysis during the execution of a malware. There are many ways for a malware author to bypass Cuckoo detection, he can detect the hooks, hardcodes the Nt* functions to avoid the hooks, detect the virtual machine... The goal of this driver is to offer the possibility for the user to choose between the classical userland analysis or a kernel analysis, which will be harder to detect or bypass.

Actually, it only works for XP and 7 32 bit Windows machines, because of SSDT hooks usage ( :] ), but we plan supporting other OSes.

Sursa: https://github.com/conix-security/zer0m0n

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