Nytro Posted May 25, 2014 Report Posted May 25, 2014 Exploiting linux kernel heap corruptions (SLUB Allocator)Author: Simo Ghannam <mg_at_morxploit_dot_com>Date: October 2013MorXploit ResearchMorXploit Research1. Introduction :in recent years , several researches on the Linux kernel security were done . The mostcommon kernel privilege vulnerabilities can be divided into several categories: NULLpointer dereference , kernel space stack overflow ,kernel slab overflow , race conditions… etc.some of them are pretty easy to exploit and no need to prepare your own linux kerneldebugging environment to write the exploit, and some other requires some specialknowledges on Linux kernel design , routines , memory management … etc .In this tutorial we will explain how SLUB allocator works and how we can make ouruser-land code to be executed when we can corrupt some metadata from a slaballocator .Download:http://www.morxploit.com/morxpapers/kernel_exploit_tut.pdf Quote