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[Video] How To Crack A Wpa/Wpa2 Wireless Network

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How To Crack A Wpa/Wpa2 Wireless Network

Description: In this video i will show you how to crack a WPA/WPA2 Wireless network.

We will need a Kali Linux and a Compatible Wireless card that supports Injection and Promiscuous mode.

For more information on Promiscuous mode check out:

Promiscuous mode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Recommended Wireless card is a Alfa Network AWUS036H

Getting started we need to put our wireless card into Monitor Mode to do that lets open a Terminal and type in:

airmon-ng start wlan0

Next we need to find the network we wanna the password for

First we need to Capture the 4-Way Handshake!

Lets open a new Terminal and this time lets time in:

airodump-ng mon0

Hopefully we should start to see networks showing up find the network you wanna crack hold CTRL+C tp stop airodump-ng

Alright so assuming you found the network your going to wanna crack we need to get the 4-way handshake now!

In the Terminal we need to type in:

airodump-ng -c 1 --bssid 88:F7:C7:3A:D9:72 -w test mon0

change 88:F7:C7:3A:D9:72 to the target network you're trying to crack.

Press enter and we should now be watching just that network! To get the handshake we must Deauthenticate a device or client already connected!

If nothing shows up under STATION then we must wait till a wireless device shows up under their otherwise we can't get the handshake.

Basically a waiting game till a wireless device is connected!

Assuming you see a device listed under STATION we can then send a deauthentication using aireplay-ng

Lets open a new Terminal and type in:

aireplay-ng -0 1 -a 88:F7:C7:3A:D9:72 -c D8:50:E6:84:6C:74 mon0

Change 88:F7:C7:3A:D9:72 to the BSSID of the target network change D8:50:E6:84:6C:74 to the victims mac address under STATION.

Once we get the Handshake its time to give it a try on cracking it!

First you're going to need a wordlist so happy hunting! Their are tons of them out their some might work some might not!

This video i have added my own password to a wordlist to make this an ethical video.

Got you're wordlist? Lets move on to the next step! CRACKING!

Open a Terminal and type in:

aircrack-ng -w /path/to/wordlist/list.txt test-01.cap

Assuming you didn't try using the same name ex; test more then once you should see a bunch of things in /root/ called

test-01.cap, test-02.cap ect...

Press enter and happy cracking good luck likely you have a better chance of getting hit by lighting on a nice day then

getting the password. I recommend you try some online WPA cracking services for a better out come.

Some sites like https://www.cloudcracker.com/ Charge $17 USD to try and crack it for you!

Be sure to check out

Matthew H Knight – Internet Security Professional

Sursa: How To Crack A Wpa/Wpa2 Wireless Network

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