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rcrypt packer/crypter writeup and POC tool

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From: rage <ragesploit () 0xrage com>

Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 23:13:20 -0400

I've written and released a packer/crypter called rcrypt that might be fun for some of you to play around with. The latest public version is 1.4 although there is a functional 1.5 non public version currently in progress.

The general summary is as follows:

rcrypt is a Windows PE binary crypter (a type of packer) that makes use of timelock techniques to cause a delay in execution. This delay can cause analysis to fail on time constrained systems such as on disk scanners. rcrypt can pack exes and dll files.

It bypasses KAV and many others. I'm always interested in feedback and suggestions/criticisms.

There are many other features and functions as well!

Released on my site: rcrypt v1.4 released | 0xrage

Writeup also available: rcrypt packer writeup | 0xrage


- rage

Sursa: Full Disclosure: rcrypt packer/crypter writeup and POC tool

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