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Reverse Engineering of x86 Linux Shellcodes the Easy Way

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Linux x86 Reverse Engineering

Shellcode Disassembling and XOR decryption

Harsh N. Daftary

Sr. Security Researcher at CSPF

Security Consultant at Trunkoz Technologies



Most of the Windows as well as Linux based programs contains bugs

or security holes and/or errors. These bugs or error in program can

be exploited in order to crash the program or make system do

unwanted stuff. A code which crashes the given program is called an exploit.

Exploit usually attack a program on Memory Corruption,

Segmentation Dump, format string, Buffer overflow or something else.

Now exploit's work is just to attack the bug but there is another

piece of code attacked with the exploit called as Shellcode whose

debugging and analysis we will understand in this paper.

Download: http://www.exploit-db.com/wp-content/themes/exploit/docs/33429.pdf

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