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Steganography: The Art of Hiding Information

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Steganography: The Art of Hiding Information

What with all of the spying and whatnot, we all need a private space for those things we do want to hide. Cryptography or encryption can be used to hide content, but it does not hide data from a third party, it makes the data unreadable by a third party. And then there is steganography, the science, or rather, the art of hiding data.

You can, for example hide files in an image, like so:


The command cat reads the image file (in this case technocracy.jpg) and the compressed directory littlesecrets.tar.gz and then concatenates image and compressed file together in a new file, makeithardertobespiedon.jpg (use any name you like). To get your files back, simply uncompress the makeithardertobespiedon image file.

Obviously, combining the two, compressing an encrypted directory and concatenating it in an image file, makes it even harder to be spied on. You can do this yourself, using your chosen encryption scheme, then the above, or you can use a tool. If and when you use a tool, I recommend researching local laws on encryption and its exportation before use.



Steghide for example, is a steganography program that is able to hide data in various kinds of image- and audio-files. The color- respectivly sample-frequencies are not changed thus making the embedding resistant against first-order statistical tests. Note that the steghide code is hosted on sourceforge, which was bought by Dice Holdings in 2012. I used the command line for steghide when I experimented with it, but there are graphical front-ends. I haven’t tried those.

More tools can be found here (comparison table). My requirements would be:

  • FOSS licensed (preferably GNU licensed)
  • cross-platform (must run on GNU/Linux)
  • support of additional cryptography


In 2001 Niels Provos searched for images that might contain hidden messages using stegdetect and stegbreak. Like said, we are making it harder. A lot harder. But …

For every clever method and tool being developed to hide information in multimedia data, an equal number of clever methods and tools are being developed to detect and reveal its secrets. ~

More on steganography

Sursa: https://lilithlela.cyberguerrilla.org/?p=6620

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