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CRC-32 forging

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[h=3]CRC-32 forging[/h]You may already know that the CRC-32 of any text can be forged if you can add 4 bytes anywhere in the text. See anarchriz's paper on the subject.

A real-world example of such a situation can be seen in JB's ESET CONFidence Crackme Writeup. Good code that I recently used it in another situation, in order to forge a text of a given CRC-32 by inserting 4 bytes at a specific position.

Since I reused most of his code, let's share mine as well (crc32.py):

#!/usr/bin/env python

from struct import pack,unpack

# Poly in "reversed" notation -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_redundancy_check

POLY = 0xedb88320 # CRC-32-IEEE 802.3

#POLY = 0x82F63B78 # CRC-32C (Castagnoli)

#POLY = 0xEB31D82E # CRC-32K (Koopman)

#POLY = 0xD5828281 # CRC-32Q

def build_crc_tables():

for i in range(256):

fwd = i

rev = i << 24

for j in range(8, 0, -1):

# build normal table

if (fwd & 1) == 1:

fwd = (fwd >> 1) ^ POLY


fwd >>= 1

crc32_table = fwd & 0xffffffff

# build reverse table =)

if rev & 0x80000000 == 0x80000000:

rev = ((rev ^ POLY) << 1) | 1


rev <<= 1

rev &= 0xffffffff

crc32_reverse = rev

crc32_table, crc32_reverse = [0]*256, [0]*256


def crc32(s): # same crc32 as in (binascii.crc32)&0xffffffff

crc = 0xffffffff

for c in s:

crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc32_table[(crc ^ ord©) & 0xff]

return crc^0xffffffff

def forge(wanted_crc, str, pos=None):

if pos is None:

pos = len(str)

# forward calculation of CRC up to pos, sets current forward CRC state

fwd_crc = 0xffffffff

for c in str[:pos]:

fwd_crc = (fwd_crc >> 8) ^ crc32_table[(fwd_crc ^ ord©) & 0xff]

# backward calculation of CRC up to pos, sets wanted backward CRC state

bkd_crc = wanted_crc^0xffffffff

for c in str[pos:][::-1]:

bkd_crc = ((bkd_crc << 8)&0xffffffff) ^ crc32_reverse[bkd_crc >> 24] ^ ord©

# deduce the 4 bytes we need to insert

for c in pack('<L',fwd_crc)[::-1]:

bkd_crc = ((bkd_crc << 8)&0xffffffff) ^ crc32_reverse[bkd_crc >> 24] ^ ord©

res = str[:pos] + pack('<L', bkd_crc) + str[pos:]

assert(crc32(res) == wanted_crc)

return res

Given a text, a CRC-32 and a position, you can forge a new text having this exact CRC-32 by inserting 4 bytes at the indicated position:

>>> str = "some text"

>>> wanted_crc = 0xdeadbeef

>>> for pos in range(len(str)):

f = forge(wanted_crc, str, pos)

print "%-30r CRC32 0x%08x" % (f, crc32(f))

'^q\xb4\x19some text' CRC32 0xdeadbeef

's\x04\xe8\xc66ome text' CRC32 0xdeadbeef

'so8~V\xb5me text' CRC32 0xdeadbeef

'som\x05\xf3\xb4ve text' CRC32 0xdeadbeef

'some\xab\xd5\xc4( text' CRC32 0xdeadbeef

'some }\x9eBZtext' CRC32 0xdeadbeef

'some t:\xfa\x86\rext' CRC32 0xdeadbeef

'some te\x9f\xca\xd9\x9ext' CRC32 0xdeadbeef

'some tex\x11\xae\xf0Ft' CRC32 0xdeadbeef

Thanks JB :)

Other CRC-32 resources: crctools by Julien Tinnes, libcrc by Y. Guillot, among others. Posted by StalkR at 20:15

Sursa: StalkR's Blog: CRC-32 forging

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