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Metasploit browser detect

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Bucata din Metasploit:


* This can reliably detect browser versions for IE and Firefox even in the

* presence of a spoofed User-Agent. OS detection is more fragile and

* requires truthful navigator.appVersion and navigator.userAgent strings in

* order to be accurate for more than just IE on Windows.


// Case matters, see lib/msf/core/constants.rb

// All of these should match up with constants in ::Msf::HttpClients

clients_opera = "Opera";

clients_ie = "MSIE";

clients_ff = "Firefox";

clients_chrome= "Chrome";

clients_safari= "Safari";

// All of these should match up with constants in ::Msf::OperatingSystems

oses_linux = "Linux";

oses_windows = "Microsoft Windows";

oses_mac_osx = "Mac OS X";

oses_freebsd = "FreeBSD";

oses_netbsd = "NetBSD";

oses_openbsd = "OpenBSD";

// All of these should match up with the ARCH_* constants

arch_armle = "armle";

arch_x86 = "x86";

arch_x86_64 = "x86_64";

arch_ppc = "ppc";

window.os_detect = {};


* This can reliably detect browser versions for IE and Firefox even in the

* presence of a spoofed User-Agent. OS detection is more fragile and

* requires truthful navigator.appVersion and navigator.userAgent strings in

* order to be accurate for more than just IE on Windows.


window.os_detect.getVersion = function(){

//Default values:

var os_name;

var os_flavor;

var os_sp;

var os_lang;

var ua_name;

var ua_version;

var arch = "";

var useragent = navigator.userAgent;

// Trust but verify...

var ua_is_lying = false;

var version = "";

var unknown_fingerprint = null;

var css_is_valid = function(prop, propCamelCase, css) {

if (!document.createElement) return false;

var d = document.createElement('div');

d.setAttribute('style', prop+": "+css+";")

return d.style[propCamelCase] === css;


var input_type_is_valid = function(input_type) {

if (!document.createElement) return false;

var input = document.createElement('input');

input.setAttribute('type', input_type);

return input.type == input_type;



// Client


if (window.opera) {

ua_name = clients_opera;

if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera/)) {

ua_is_lying = true;


// This seems to be completely accurate, e.g. "9.21" is the return

// value of opera.version() when run on Opera 9.21

ua_version = opera.version();

if (!os_name) {

// The 'inconspicuous' argument is there to give us a real value on

// Opera 6 where, without it, the return value is supposedly

// 'Hm, were you only as smart as Bjorn Vermo...'

// though I have not verfied this claim.

switch (opera.buildNumber('inconspicuous')) {

case "344": // opera-9.0-20060616.1-static-qt.i386-en-344

case "1347": // Opera 9.80 / Ubuntu 10.10 (Karmic Koala)

case "2091": // opera-9.52-2091.gcc3-shared-qt3.i386.rpm

case "2444": // opera-9.60.gcc4-shared-qt3.i386.rpm

case "2474": // Opera 9.63 / Debian Testing (Lenny)

case "4102": // Opera 10.00 / Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron)

case "6386": // 10.61

os_name = oses_linux;


case "1074": // Opera 11.50 / Windows XP

case "1100": // Opera 11.52 / Windows XP

case "3445": // 10.61

case "3516": // Opera 10.63 / Windows XP

case "7730": // Opera 8.54 / Windows XP

case "8502": // "Opera 9 Eng Setup.exe"

case "8679": // "Opera_9.10_Eng_Setup.exe"

case "8771": // "Opera_9.20_Eng_Setup.exe"

case "8776": // "Opera_9.21_Eng_Setup.exe"

case "8801": // "Opera_9.22_Eng_Setup.exe"

case "10108": // "Opera_952_10108_en.exe"

case "10467": // "Opera_962_en_Setup.exe"

case "10476": // Opera 9.63 / Windows XP

case "WMD-50433": // Windows Mobile - "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows Mobile; U; en; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061208 Firefox/2.0.0 Opera 10.00"

os_name = oses_windows;


case "2480": // Opera 9.64 / FreeBSD 7.0

os_name = oses_freebsd;


case "6386": // 10.61

os_name = oses_mac_osx;


case "1407":

// In the case of mini versions, the UA is quite a bit

// harder to spoof, so it's correspondingly easier to

// trust. Unfortunately, despite being fairly truthful in

// what OS it's running on, Opera mini seems to lie like a

// rug in regards to the browser version.


// iPhone, iOS 5.0.1

// Opera/9.80 (iPhone; Opera Mini/7.1.32694/27.1407; U; en) Presto/2.8.119 Version/11.10.10

// Android 2.3.6, opera mini 7.1

// Opera/9.80 (Android; Opera Mini/7.29530/27.1407; U; en) Presto/2.8.119 Version/11.101.10

if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android")) {

os_name = oses_linux;

os_flavor = "Android";

} else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPhone")) {

os_name = oses_mac_osx;

os_flavor = "iPhone";



// A few are ambiguous, record them here

case "1250":

// Opera 9.80 / Windows XP

// Opera 11.61 / Windows XP

// Opera 11.61 / Debian 4.0 (Etch)



unknown_fingerprint = opera.buildNumber('inconspicuous');




} else if (typeof window.onmousewheel != 'undefined' && ! (typeof ScriptEngineMajorVersion == 'function') ) { // IE 10 now has onmousewheel

// Then this is webkit, could be Safari or Chrome.

// Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.27.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.2.1 Safari/525.27.1

// Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5

// Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-au; GT-I9000 Build/FROYO) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1

// Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8C148

// Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/7B405

// Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A543a Safari/419.3

// Google Chrome has window.google (older versions), window.chromium (older versions), and window.window.chrome (3+)

if (window.chromium || window.google || window.chrome) {

ua_name = clients_chrome;

search = "Chrome";

} else {

ua_name = clients_safari;

search = "Version";


platform = navigator.platform.toLowerCase();

// Just to be a pain, iPod and iPad both leave off "Safari" and

// "Version" in the UA, see example above. Grab the webkit version

// instead. =/

if (platform.match(/ipod/)) {

os_name = oses_mac_osx;

os_flavor = "iPod";

arch = arch_armle;

search = "AppleWebKit";

} else if (platform.match(/ipad/)) {

os_name = oses_mac_osx;

os_flavor = "iPad";

arch = arch_armle;

search = "AppleWebKit";

} else if (platform.match(/iphone/)) {

os_name = oses_mac_osx;

os_flavor = "iPhone";

arch = arch_armle;

} else if (platform.match(/macintel/)) {

os_name = oses_mac_osx;

arch = arch_x86;

} else if (platform.match(/linux/)) {

os_name = oses_linux;

if (platform.match(/x86_64/)) {

arch = arch_x86_64;

} else if (platform.match(/arm/)) {

// Android and maemo

arch = arch_armle;

if (navigator.userAgent.match(/android/i)) {

os_flavor = 'Android';



} else if (platform.match(/windows/)) {

os_name = oses_windows;


ua_version = this.searchVersion(search, navigator.userAgent);

if (!ua_version || 0 == ua_version.length) {

ua_is_lying = true;


} else if (navigator.oscpu && !document.all && navigator.taintEnabled || 'MozBlobBuilder' in window) {

// Use taintEnabled to identify FF since other recent browsers

// implement window.getComputedStyle now. For some reason, checking for

// taintEnabled seems to cause IE 6 to stop parsing, so make sure this

// isn't IE first.

// Also check MozBlobBuilder because FF 9.0.1 does not support taintEnabled

// Then this is a Gecko derivative, assume Firefox since that's the

// only one we have sploits for. We may need to revisit this in the

// future. This works for multi/browser/mozilla_compareto against

// Firefox and Mozilla, so it's probably good enough for now.

ua_name = clients_ff;

// Thanks to developer.mozilla.org "Firefox for developers" series for most

// of these.

// Release changelogs: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/releases/

if (css_is_valid('flex-wrap', 'flexWrap', 'nowrap')) {

ua_version = '28.0';

} else if (css_is_valid('cursor', 'cursor', 'grab')) {

ua_version = '27.0';

} else if (css_is_valid('image-orientation',


'0deg')) {

ua_version = '26.0';

} else if (css_is_valid('background-attachment',


'local')) {

ua_version = '25.0';

} else if ('DeviceStorage' in window && window.DeviceStorage &&

'default' in window.DeviceStorage.prototype) {

// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=874213

ua_version = '24.0';

} else if (input_type_is_valid('range')) {

ua_version = '23.0';

} else if ('HTMLTimeElement' in window) {

ua_version = '22.0';

} else if ('createElement' in document &&

document.createElement('main') &&

document.createElement('main').constructor === window['HTMLElement']) {

ua_version = '21.0';

} else if ('imul' in Math) {

ua_version = '20.0';

} else if (css_is_valid('font-size', 'fontSize', '23vmax')) {

ua_version = '19.0';

} else if ('devicePixelRatio' in window) {

ua_version = '18.0';

} else if ('createElement' in document &&

document.createElement('iframe') &&

'sandbox' in document.createElement('iframe')) {

ua_version = '17.0';

} else if ('mozApps' in navigator && 'install' in navigator.mozApps) {

ua_version = '16.0';

} else if ('HTMLSourceElement' in window &&

HTMLSourceElement.prototype &&

'media' in HTMLSourceElement.prototype) {

ua_version = '15.0';

} else if ('mozRequestPointerLock' in document.body) {

ua_version = '14.0';

} else if ('Map' in window) {

ua_version = "13.0";

} else if ('mozConnection' in navigator) {

ua_version = "12.0";

} else if ('mozVibrate' in navigator) {

ua_version = "11.0";

} else if (css_is_valid('-moz-backface-visibility', 'MozBackfaceVisibility', 'hidden')) {

ua_version = "10.0";

} else if ('doNotTrack' in navigator) {

ua_version = "9.0";

} else if ('insertAdjacentHTML' in document.body) {

ua_version = "8.0";

} else if ('ondeviceorientation' in window && !('createEntityReference' in document)) {

ua_version = "7.0";

} else if ('MozBlobBuilder' in window) {

ua_version = "6.0";

} else if ('isGenerator' in Function) {

ua_version = "5.0";

} else if ('isArray' in Array) {

ua_version = "4.0";

} else if (document.readyState) {

ua_version = "3.6";

} else if (String.trimRight) {

ua_version = "3.5";

} else if (document.getElementsByClassName) {

ua_version = "3";

} else if (window.Iterator) {

ua_version = "2";

} else if (Array.every) {

ua_version = "1.5";

} else {

ua_version = "1";


if (navigator.oscpu != navigator.platform) {

ua_is_lying = true;


// oscpu is unaffected by changes in the useragent and has values like:

// "Linux i686"

// "Windows NT 6.0"

// haven't tested on 64-bit Windows

version = navigator.oscpu;

if (version.match(/i.86/)) {

arch = arch_x86;


if (version.match(/x86_64/)) {

arch = arch_x86_64;


if (version.match(/Windows/)) {

os_name = oses_windows;

switch(version) {

case "Windows NT 5.0": os_flavor = "2000"; break;

case "Windows NT 5.1": os_flavor = "XP"; break;

case "Windows NT 5.2": os_flavor = "2003"; break;

case "Windows NT 6.0": os_flavor = "Vista"; break;

case "Windows NT 6.1": os_flavor = "7"; break;

case "Windows NT 6.2": os_flavor = "8"; break;



if (version.match(/Linux/)) {

os_name = oses_linux;


// end navigator.oscpu checks

// buildID is unaffected by changes in the useragent and typically has

// the compile date which in some cases can be used to map to specific

// Version & O/S (including Distro and even Arch). Depending upon the

// buildID, sometime navigator.productSub will be needed.


// This technique, and the laboriously compiled associated table,

// submitted by Mark Fioravanti.

var buildid = navigator.buildID;

switch(buildid) {

case "2008041514": ua_version = "3.0.0.b5"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2008041515": ua_version = "3.0.0.b5"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "2008052312": ua_version = "3.0.0"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2008052906": ua_version = "3.0.0"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2008052909": ua_version = "3.0.0.rc1"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2008052912": ua_version = "3.0.0"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2008060309": ua_version = "3.0.0"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break;

case "2008070205": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2008070206": ua_version = "3.0.1"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2008070208": ua_version = "3.0.1"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2008071222": ua_version = "3.0.1"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2008072820":

switch (navigator.productSub) {

case "2008072820": ua_version = "3.0.1"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2008092313": ua_version = "3.0.2"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

} break;

case "2008082909": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2008091618": ua_version = "3.0.2"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2008091620": ua_version = "3.0.2"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2008092313": ua_version = "3.0.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2008092416": ua_version = "3.0.3"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2008092417": ua_version = "3.0.3"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2008092510": ua_version = "3.0.4"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2008101315":

switch (navigator.productSub) {

case "2008101315": ua_version = "3.0.3"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2008111318": ua_version = "3.0.4"; os_name = oses_linux; arch = arch_x86; break;

} break;

case "2008102918": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2008102920": ua_version = "3.0.4"; break;

case "2008112309": ua_version = "3.0.4"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Debian"; break; // browsershots: Iceweasel 3.0.4 / Debian Testing (Lenny)

case "2008111317": ua_version = "3.0.5"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2008111318": ua_version = "3.0.5"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break;

case "2008120119": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2008120121": ua_version = "3.0.5"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2008120122": ua_version = "3.0.5"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2008121623": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break; // browsershots: Firefox / Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron)

case "2008121709": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009011912": ua_version = "3.0.6"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2009011913": ua_version = "3.0.6"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009012615": ua_version = "3.0.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2009012616": ua_version = "3.0.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2009021906": ua_version = "3.0.7"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2009021910": ua_version = "3.0.7"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009030422": ua_version = "3.0.8"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2009032608": ua_version = "3.0.8"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2009032609": ua_version = "3.0.8"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009032711": ua_version = "3.0.9"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2009033100":

switch (navigator.productSub) {

case "2009033100": ua_version = "3.0.8"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break;

case "2009042113": ua_version = "3.0.9"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

} break;

case "2009040820": ua_version = "3.0.9"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2009040821": ua_version = "3.0.9"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009042113": ua_version = "3.0.10"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2009042114": ua_version = "3.0.10"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "2009042315": ua_version = "3.0.10"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2009042316": ua_version = "3.0.10"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20090427153806": ua_version = "3.5.0.b4"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20090427153807": ua_version = "3.5.0.b4"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "2009060214": ua_version = "3.0.11"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2009060215": ua_version = "3.0.11"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009060308":

switch (navigator.productSub) {

case "2009060308": ua_version = "3.0.11"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2009070811": ua_version = "3.0.12"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

} break;

case "2009060309":

switch (navigator.productSub) {

case "2009060309": ua_version = "3.0.11"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break;

case "2009070811": ua_version = "3.0.12"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

} break;

case "2009060310": ua_version = "3.0.11"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "BackTrack"; break;

case "2009062005": ua_version = "3.0.11"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "PCLunixOS"; break;

case "20090624012136": ua_version = "3.5.0"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20090624012820": ua_version = "3.5.0"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20090701234143": ua_version = "3.5.0"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20090702060527": ua_version = "3.5.0"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "2009070610": ua_version = "3.0.12"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2009070611": ua_version = "3.0.12"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009070811": ua_version = "3.0.13"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break;

case "20090715083437": ua_version = "3.5.1"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20090715083816": ua_version = "3.5.1"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20090715094852": ua_version = "3.5.1"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009072202": ua_version = "3.0.12"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Oracle"; break;

case "2009072711": ua_version = "3.0.12"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "CentOS"; break;

case "20090729211433": ua_version = "3.5.2"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20090729211829": ua_version = "3.5.2"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20090729225027": ua_version = "3.5.2"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009073021": ua_version = "3.0.13"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2009073022": ua_version = "3.0.13"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20090824085414": ua_version = "3.5.3"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20090824085743": ua_version = "3.5.3"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20090824101458": ua_version = "3.5.3"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009082707": ua_version = "3.0.14"; break;

case "2009090216": ua_version = "3.0.14"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20090914014745": ua_version = "3.5.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Mandriva"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20090915065903": ua_version = "3.5.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Sabayon"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20090915070141": ua_version = "3.5.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Sabayon"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20091007090112": ua_version = "3.5.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break; // Could also be Mint x86

case "20091007095328": ua_version = "3.5.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break; // Could also be Mint x86-64

case "2009101600":

switch (navigator.productSub) {

case "2009101600": ua_version = "3.0.15"; break; // Can be either Mac or Linux

case "20091016": ua_version = "3.5.4"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "SUSE"; arch = arch_x86; break;

} break;

case "2009101601": ua_version = "3.0.15"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20091016081620": ua_version = "3.5.4"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20091016081727": ua_version = "3.5.4"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20091016092926": ua_version = "3.5.4"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20091020122601": ua_version = "3.5.4"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break; // Could also be Mint x86-64

case "2009102814":

switch (navigator.productSub) {

case "2009121601": ua_version = "3.0.16"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break;

case "2009121602": ua_version = "3.0.16"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break;

case "2010010604": ua_version = "3.0.17"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Mint"; break;

case "2010021501": ua_version = "3.0.17;xul1.9.0.18"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Mint"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2010021502": ua_version = "3.0.17;xul1.9.0.18"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Mint"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

} break;

case "2009102815":

switch (navigator.productSub) {

case "2009102815": ua_version = "3.0.15"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2009121601": ua_version = "3.0.16"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

} break;

case "20091029152254": ua_version = "3.6.0.b1"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20091029171059": ua_version = "3.6.0.b1"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20091102134505": ua_version = "3.5.5"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20091102141836": ua_version = "3.5.5"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20091102152451": ua_version = "3.5.5"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009110421": ua_version = "3.0.15"; os_name = oses_freebsd; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20091106091959": ua_version = "3.5.5"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Mandriva"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20091106140514": ua_version = "3.5.5"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20091106145609": ua_version = "3.5.5"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20091108163911": ua_version = "3.6.0.b2"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20091108181924": ua_version = "3.6.0.b2"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20091109125225":

switch (navigator.productSub) {

case "20091109": ua_version = "3.5.5"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20091215": ua_version = "3.5.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

} break;

case "20091109134913": ua_version = "3.5.5"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20091115172547": ua_version = "3.6.0.b3"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20091115182845": ua_version = "3.6.0.b3"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20091124201530": ua_version = "3.6.0.b4"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20091124201751": ua_version = "3.6.0.b4"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20091124213835": ua_version = "3.6.0.b4"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009120100": ua_version = "3.5.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "SUSE"; break;

case "20091201203240": ua_version = "3.5.6"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20091201204959": ua_version = "3.5.6"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20091201220228": ua_version = "3.5.6"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009120206": ua_version = "3.0.16"; break; // Can be either Mac or Linux

case "2009120208": ua_version = "3.0.16"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20091204132459": ua_version = "3.6.0.b5"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20091204132509": ua_version = "3.6.0.b5"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20091204143806": ua_version = "3.6.0.b5"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20091215230859": ua_version = "3.5.7"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20091215230946": ua_version = "3.5.7"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20091215231400": ua_version = "3.5.7"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break; // Could also be Mint x86

case "20091215231754":

switch (navigator.productSub) {

case "20091215": ua_version = "3.5.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100106": ua_version = "3.5.7"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break; // Could also be Mint x86-64

} break;

case "2009121601":

switch (navigator.productSub) {

case "2009121601": ua_version = "3.0.16"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "2010010604": ua_version = "3.0.17"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break; // Could also be Mint x86-64

} break;

case "2009121602": ua_version = "3.0.17"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break;

case "20091216104148": ua_version = "3.5.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Mandriva"; break;

case "20091216132458": ua_version = "3.5.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20091216132537": ua_version = "3.5.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20091216142458": ua_version = "3.5.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20091216142519": ua_version = "3.5.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2009121708": ua_version = "3.0.16"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "CentOS"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20091221151141": ua_version = "3.5.7"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20091221152502": ua_version = "3.5.7"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "2009122115": ua_version = "3.0.17"; break; // Can be either Mac or Linux

case "20091221164558": ua_version = "3.5.7"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009122116": ua_version = "3.0.17"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2009122200": ua_version = "3.5.7"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "SUSE"; break;

case "20091223231431": ua_version = "3.5.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "PCLunixOS"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100105194006": ua_version = "3.6.0.rc1"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100105194116": ua_version = "3.6.0.rc1"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100105212446": ua_version = "3.6.0.rc1"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2010010604": ua_version = "3.0.18"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break;

case "20100106054534": ua_version = "3.5.8"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break; // Could also be Mint x86

case "20100106054634": ua_version = "3.5.8"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break; // Could also be Mint x86-64

case "2010010605": ua_version = "3.0.18"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100106211825": ua_version = "3.5.7"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100106212742": ua_version = "3.5.7"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100106215614": ua_version = "3.5.7"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100110112429": ua_version = "3.5.7"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Mandriva"; break;

case "20100115132715": ua_version = "3.6.0"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100115133306": ua_version = "3.6.0"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100115144158": ua_version = "3.6.0"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20100125074043": ua_version = "3.6.0"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break; // Could also be Mint x86

case "20100125074127": ua_version = "3.6.0"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break; // Could also be Mint x86-64

case "20100125204847": ua_version = "3.6.0"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Sabayon"; arch = arch_x86; break; // Could also be Mint x86

case "20100125204903": ua_version = "3.6.0"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Sabayon"; arch = arch_x86_64; break; // Could also be Mint x86-64

case "20100202152834": ua_version = "3.5.8"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100202153512": ua_version = "3.5.8"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100202165920": ua_version = "3.5.8"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2010020219": ua_version = "3.0.18"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "2010020220": ua_version = "3.0.18"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2010020400": ua_version = "3.5.8"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "SUSE"; break;

case "20100212131909": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100212132013": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100216105329": ua_version = "3.5.8"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100216105348": ua_version = "3.5.8"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100216105410": ua_version = "3.5.8"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100216110009": ua_version = "3.5.8"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "2010021718": ua_version = "3.0.18"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "CentOS"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100218022359": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100218022705": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100218112915": ua_version = "3.5.8"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Mandriva"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100222120605": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100222120717": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100301015346": ua_version = "3.6.0"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100305054927": ua_version = "3.6.0"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100307204001": ua_version = "3.6.0"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100308142847": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100308151019": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "2010031218": ua_version = "3.0.19"; break; // Mac OS X or Linux

case "2010031422": ua_version = "3.0.19"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20100315075757": ua_version = "3.5.9"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100315080228": ua_version = "3.5.9"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100315083431": ua_version = "3.5.9"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20100316055951": ua_version = "3.6.2"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100316060223": ua_version = "3.6.2"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100316074819": ua_version = "3.6.2"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2010031700": ua_version = "3.5.9"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "SUSE"; break;

case "20100323102218": ua_version = "3.6.2"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100323102339": ua_version = "3.6.2"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100323194640": ua_version = "3.6.2"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100324182054": ua_version = "3.6.2"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100330071911": ua_version = "3.5.9"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100330072017": ua_version = "3.5.9"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100330072020": ua_version = "3.5.9"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100330072034": ua_version = "3.5.9"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100401064631": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100401074458": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100401080539": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20100401144201": ua_version = "3.6.2"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2010040116": ua_version = "3.0.19"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2010040118": ua_version = "3.0.19"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2010040119": ua_version = "3.0.19"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100401213457": ua_version = "3.5.9"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2010040121": ua_version = "3.0.19"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "2010040123": ua_version = "3.0.19"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "2010040200": ua_version = "3.0.19"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100402010516": ua_version = "3.5.9"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Mint"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100402041908": ua_version = "3.6.2"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100403042003": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100403082016": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100404024515": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100404024646": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100404104043": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "PClinuxOS"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100409151117": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100409170726": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100412125148": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Mandriva"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100413152922": ua_version = "3.6.4.b1"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100413154310": ua_version = "3.6.4.b1"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100413172113": ua_version = "3.6.4.b1"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20100415062243": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100415103754": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100416101101": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Mandriva"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "2010041700": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "SUSE"; break;

case "20100419015333": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100423043606": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Sabayon"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100423140709": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100423141150": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100423142835": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100502202326": ua_version = "3.6.4.b2"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100502202401": ua_version = "3.6.4.b2"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100502221517": ua_version = "3.6.4.b2"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20100503113315": ua_version = "3.6.4.b3"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100503113541": ua_version = "3.6.4.b3"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100503122926": ua_version = "3.6.4.b3"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20100504085637": ua_version = "3.5.10"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100504085753": ua_version = "3.5.10"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100504093643": ua_version = "3.5.10"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2010050600": ua_version = "3.5.10"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "SUSE"; break;

case "2010051300": ua_version = ""; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "SUSE"; break;

case "20100513134853": ua_version = "3.6.4.b4"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100513140540": ua_version = "3.6.4.b4"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100513144105": ua_version = "3.6.4.b4"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20100513190740": ua_version = "3.6.3"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100523180910": ua_version = "3.6.4.b5"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100523181754": ua_version = "3.6.4.b5"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100523185824": ua_version = "3.6.4.b5"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20100527084110": ua_version = "3.6.4.b6"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100527085242": ua_version = "3.6.4.b6"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100527093236": ua_version = "3.6.4.b6"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "2010061100": ua_version = "3.6.4"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "SUSE"; break;

case "20100611134546": ua_version = "3.6.4.b7"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100611135942": ua_version = "3.6.4.b7"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100611143157": ua_version = "3.6.4.b7"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20100622203044": ua_version = "3.6.4"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100622203045": ua_version = "3.6.4"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100622204750": ua_version = "3.5.10"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100622204830": ua_version = "3.5.10"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100622205038": ua_version = "3.6.4"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "PClinuxOS"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100623081410": ua_version = "3.6.4"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "CentOS"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100623081921": ua_version = "3.6.4"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "CentOS"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100623155731": ua_version = "3.6.4.b7"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100623200132": ua_version = "3.6.4.b7"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100625222733": ua_version = "3.6.6"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100625223402": ua_version = "3.6.6"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100625231939": ua_version = "3.6.6"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20100626104508": ua_version = "3.6.4"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100627211341": ua_version = "3.6.4"; os_name = oses_freebsd; os_flavor = "PC-BSD"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100628082832": ua_version = "3.6.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "PClinuxOS"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100628124739": ua_version = "3.6.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100628143222": ua_version = "3.6.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100628232431": ua_version = "3.6.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100629034705": ua_version = "3.6.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100629105354": ua_version = "3.6.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Mandriva"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100630130433": ua_version = "3.6.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100630131607": ua_version = "4.0.0.b1"; os_name = oses_mac_osx; break;

case "20100630132217": ua_version = "4.0.0.b1"; os_name = oses_linux; break;

case "20100630141702": ua_version = "4.0.0.b1"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20100630174226": ua_version = "3.6.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Sabayon"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100630180611": ua_version = "3.6.6"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Sabayon"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100709115208": ua_version = "3.6.7.b1"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86; break;

case "20100709183408": ua_version = "3.6.7.b1"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20100716093011": ua_version = "3.6.7.b2"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; arch = arch_x86_64; break;

case "20101203075014": ua_version = "3.6.13"; os_name = oses_windows; break;

case "20101206122825": ua_version = "3.6.13"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break;

case "20110318052756": ua_version = "4.0"; os_name = oses_windows; break; // browsershots: Firefox 4.0 / Windows XP

case "20110420144310": ua_version = "3.5.19"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Debian"; break; // browsershots: Firefox 3.5.19 / Debian 4.0 (Etch)

case "20110615151330": ua_version = "5.0"; os_name = oses_windows; break; // browsershots: Firefox 5.0 / Windows XP

case "20110811165603": ua_version = "6.0"; os_name = oses_windows; break; // browsershots: Firefox 6.0 / Windows XP

case "20110830092941": ua_version = "6.0.1"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Debian"; break; // browsershots: Firefox 6.0.1 / Debian 4.0 (Etch)

case "20110922153450": ua_version = "7.0"; os_name = oses_windows; break; // browsershots: Firefox 7.0 / Windows XP

case "20110928134238": ua_version = "7.0.1"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Debian"; break; // browsershots: Firefox 7.0.1 / Debian 4.0 (Etch)

case "20111104165243": ua_version = "8.0"; os_name = oses_windows; break; // browsershots: Firefox 8.0 / Windows XP

case "20111115183813": ua_version = "8.0"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break; // browsershots: Firefox 8.0 / Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)

case "20111216140209": ua_version = "9.0"; os_name = oses_windows; break; // browsershots: Firefox 9.0 / Windows XP

case "20120129021758": ua_version = "10.0"; os_name = oses_windows; break; // browsershots: Firefox 10.0 / Windows 2000

case "20120201083324": ua_version = "3.5.16"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Debian"; break; // browsershots: Iceweasel 3.5.16 / Debian 4.0 (Etch)

case "20120216013254": ua_version = "3.6.27"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Debian"; break; // browsershots: Firefox 3.6.27 / Debian 4.0 (Etch)

case "20120216100510": ua_version = "10.0.2"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break; // browsershots: Firefox 10.0.2 / Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)

case "20120310010316": ua_version = "11.0"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break; // browsershots: Firefox 11.0 / Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)

case "20120310194926": ua_version = "11.0"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break;

case "20120312181643":

// It is disconcerting that a buildID is the same on Windows

// and Mac, need to examine more versions on Mac.

ua_version = "11.0";

if (/Mac/.test(navigator.oscpu)) {

os_name = oses_mac_osx;

} else {

os_name = oses_windows; // browsershots: Firefox 11.0 / Windows XP



case "20120314195616": ua_version = "12.0"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Debian"; break; // browsershots: Firefox 12.0 / Debian 4.0 (Etch)

case "20120423142301": ua_version = "12.0"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; break;

case "20120424151700": ua_version = "12.0"; os_name = oses_linux; os_flavor = "Fedora"; break;


version = this.searchVersion("Firefox", navigator.userAgent);

// Verify whether the ua string is lying by checking if it contains

// the major version we detected using known objects above. If it

// appears to be truthful, then use its more precise version number.

if (version && version.split(".")[0] == ua_version.split(".")[0]) {

// The version number will sometimes end with a space or end of

// line, so strip off anything after a space if one exists

if (-1 != version.indexOf(" ")) {

version = version.substr(0,version.indexOf(" "));


ua_version = version;

} else {

ua_is_lying = true;




//if (ua_is_lying) { alert("UA is lying"); }

//alert(ua_version + " vs " + navigator.userAgent);

// end navigator.buildID checks

} else if (typeof ScriptEngineMajorVersion == "function") {

// Then this is IE and we can very reliably detect the OS.

// Need to add detection for IE on Mac. Low priority, since we

// don't have any sploits for it yet and it's a very low market

// share.

os_name = oses_windows;

ua_name = clients_ie;

version = ScriptEngineMajorVersion().toString();

version += ScriptEngineMinorVersion().toString();

version += ScriptEngineBuildVersion().toString();

//document.write("ScriptEngine: "+version+"<br />");

switch (version){

case "514615":

// IE 5.00.2920.0000, 2000 Advanced Server SP0 English

ua_version = "5.0";

os_flavor = "2000";

os_sp = "SP0";


case "515907":

os_flavor = "2000";

os_sp = "SP3"; //or SP2: oCC.getComponentVersion('{22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95}', 'componentid') => 6,4,9,1109


case "518513":

os_flavor = "2000";

os_sp = "SP4";


case "566626":

// IE 6.0.2600.0000, XP SP0 English

// IE 6.0.2800.1106, XP SP1 English

ua_version = "6.0";

os_flavor = "XP";

os_sp = "SP0";


case "568515":

// IE 6.0.3790.0, 2003 Standard SP0 English

ua_version = "6.0";

os_flavor = "2003";

os_sp = "SP0";


case "568820":

// IE 6.0.2900.2180, xp sp2 english

os_flavor = "XP";

os_sp = "SP2";


case "568827":

os_flavor = "2003";

os_sp = "SP1";


case "568831": //XP SP2 -OR- 2K SP4

if (os_flavor == "2000"){

os_sp = "SP4";



os_flavor = "XP";

os_sp = "SP2";



case "568832":

os_flavor = "2003";

os_sp = "SP2";


case "568837":

// IE 6.0.2900.2180, XP Professional SP2 Korean

ua_version = "6.0";

os_flavor = "XP";

os_sp = "SP2";


case "5716599":

// IE 7.0.5730.13, XP Professional SP3 English

// IE 6.0.2900.5512, XP Professional SP3 English

// IE 6.0.2900.5512, XP Professional SP3 Spanish


// Since this scriptengine applies to more than one major version of

// IE, rely on the object detection below to determine ua_version.

//ua_version = "6.0";

os_flavor = "XP";

os_sp = "SP3";


case "575730":

// IE 7.0.5730.13, Server 2003 Standard SP2 English

// IE 7.0.5730.13, Server 2003 Standard SP1 English

// IE 7.0.5730.13, XP Professional SP2 English

// Rely on the user agent matching above to determine the OS.

// This will incorrectly identify 2k3 SP1 as SP2

ua_version = "7.0";

os_sp = "SP2";


case "5718066":

// IE 7.0.5730.13, XP Professional SP3 English

ua_version = "7.0";

os_flavor = "XP";

os_sp = "SP3";


case "5722589":

// IE 7.0.5730.13, XP Professional SP3 English

ua_version = "7.0";

os_flavor = "XP";

os_sp = "SP3";


case "576000":

// IE 7.0.6000.16386, Vista Ultimate SP0 English

ua_version = "7.0";

os_flavor = "Vista";

os_sp = "SP0";


case "580":

// IE 8.0.7100.0, Windows 7 English

// IE 8.0.7100.0, Windows 7 64-bit English

case "5816385":

// IE 8.0.7600.16385, Windows 7 English

case "5816475":

case "5816762":

// IE 8.0.7600.16385, Windows 7 English

ua_version = "8.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP0";


case "5817514":

// IE 8.0.7600.17514, Windows 7 SP1 English

ua_version = "8.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP1";


case "5818702":

// IE 8.0.6001.18702, XP Professional SP3 English

case "5822960":

// IE 8.0.6001.18702, XP Professional SP3 Greek

ua_version = "8.0";

os_flavor = "XP";

os_sp = "SP3";


case "9016406":

// IE 9.0.7930.16406, Windows 7 64-bit

ua_version = "9.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP0";


case "9016441":

// IE 9.0.8112.16421, Windows 7 32-bit English

ua_version = "9.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP1";


case "9016443":

// IE 9.0.8112.16421, Windows 7 Polish

// Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)

ua_version = "9.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP1";


case "9016446":

// IE 9.0.8112.16421, Windows 7 English (Update Versions: 9.0.7 (KB2699988)

// Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; MASA; InfoPath.3; MS-RTC LM 8; BRI/2)Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; MASA; InfoPath.3; MS-RTC LM 8; BRI/2)

ua_version = "9.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP1";


case "9016464":

// browsershots.org, MSIE 7.0 / Windows 2008 R2

os_flavor = "2008R2";

ua_version = "9.0";


case "9016470":

// IE 9.0.8112.16421 / Windows 7 SP1

ua_version = "9.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP1";


case "9016502":

// IE 9.0.8112.16502 / Windows 7 SP1

ua_version = "9.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP1";


case "9016506":

// IE 9.0.8112.16506 / Windows 7 SP1

ua_version = "9.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP1";


case "9016514":

// IE 9.0.8112.16514 / Windows 7 SP1

ua_version = "9.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP1";


case "9016520":

// IE 9.0.8112.16520 / Windows 7 SP1

ua_version = "9.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP1";


case "9016526":

// IE 9.0.8112.16526 / Windows 7 SP1

ua_version = "9.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP1";


case "9016533":

// IE 9.0.8112.16533 / Windows 7 SP1

ua_version = "9.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP1";


case "10016720":

// IE 10.0.9200.16721 / Windows 7 SP1

ua_version = "10.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP1";


case "11016428":

// IE 11.0.9600.16428 / Windows 7 SP1

ua_version = "11.0";

os_flavor = "7";

os_sp = "SP1";


case "10016384":

// IE 10.0.9200.16384 / Windows 8 x86

ua_version = "10.0";

os_flavor = "8";

os_sp = "SP0";


case "1000":

// IE 10.0.8400.0 (Pre-release + KB2702844), Windows 8 x86 English Pre-release

ua_version = "10.0";

os_flavor = "8";

os_sp = "SP0";



unknown_fingerprint = version;



if (!ua_version) {

// The ScriptEngine functions failed us, try some object detection

if (document.documentElement && (typeof document.documentElement.style.maxHeight)!="undefined") {

// IE 11 detection, see: Compatibility changes in IE11 (Windows)

try {

if (document.__proto__ != undefined) { ua_version = "11.0"; }

} catch (e) {}

// IE 10 detection using nodeName

if (!ua_version) {

try {

var badNode = document.createElement && document.createElement("badname");

if (badNode && badNode.nodeName === "BADNAME") { ua_version = "10.0"; }

} catch(e) {}


// IE 9 detection based on a "Object doesn't support property or method" error

if (!ua_version) {

try {


} catch(e) {

if (e.message.indexOf("BADNAME") > 0) {

ua_version = "9.0";




// IE8 detection straight from IEBlog. Thank you Microsoft.

if (!ua_version) {

try {

ua_version = "8.0";

document.documentElement.style.display = "table-cell";

} catch(e) {

// This executes in IE7,

// but not IE8, regardless of mode

ua_version = "7.0";



} else if (document.compatMode) {

ua_version = "6.0";

} else if (window.createPopup) {

ua_version = "5.5";

} else if (window.attachEvent) {

ua_version = "5.0";

} else {

ua_version = "4.0";


switch (navigator.appMinorVersion){

case ";SP2;":

ua_version += ";SP2";





if (!os_name && navigator.platform == "Win32") { os_name = oses_windows; }


// Flavor


if (!ua_is_lying) {

version = useragent.toLowerCase();

} else if (navigator.oscpu) {

// Then this is Gecko and we can get at least os_name without the

// useragent

version = navigator.oscpu.toLowerCase();

} else {

// All we have left is the useragent and we know it's lying, so don't bother

version = " ";


if (!os_name || 0 == os_name.length) {

if (version.indexOf("windows") != -1) { os_name = oses_windows; }

else if (version.indexOf("mac") != -1) { os_name = oses_mac_osx; }

else if (version.indexOf("linux") != -1) { os_name = oses_linux; }


if (os_name == oses_windows && (!os_flavor || 0 == os_flavor.length)) {

if (version.indexOf("windows 95") != -1) { os_flavor = "95"; }

else if (version.indexOf("windows nt 4") != -1) { os_flavor = "NT"; }

else if (version.indexOf("win 9x 4.9") != -1) { os_flavor = "ME"; }

else if (version.indexOf("windows 98") != -1) { os_flavor = "98"; }

else if (version.indexOf("windows nt 5.0") != -1) { os_flavor = "2000"; }

else if (version.indexOf("windows nt 5.1") != -1) { os_flavor = "XP"; }

else if (version.indexOf("windows nt 5.2") != -1) { os_flavor = "2003"; }

else if (version.indexOf("windows nt 6.0") != -1) { os_flavor = "Vista"; }

else if (version.indexOf("windows nt 6.1") != -1) { os_flavor = "7"; }

else if (version.indexOf("windows nt 6.2") != -1) { os_flavor = "8"; }


if (os_name == oses_linux && (!os_flavor || 0 == os_flavor.length)) {

if (version.indexOf("gentoo") != -1) { os_flavor = "Gentoo"; }

else if (version.indexOf("ubuntu") != -1) { os_flavor = "Ubuntu"; }

else if (version.indexOf("debian") != -1) { os_flavor = "Debian"; }

else if (version.indexOf("rhel") != -1) { os_flavor = "RHEL"; }

else if (version.indexOf("red hat") != -1) { os_flavor = "RHEL"; }

else if (version.indexOf("centos") != -1) { os_flavor = "CentOS"; }

else if (version.indexOf("fedora") != -1) { os_flavor = "Fedora"; }

else if (version.indexOf("android") != -1) { os_flavor = "Android"; }



// Language


if (navigator.systemLanguage) {

// ie

os_lang = navigator.systemLanguage;

} else if (navigator.language) {

// gecko derivatives, safari, opera

os_lang = navigator.language;

} else {

// some other browser and we don't know how to get the language, so

// just guess english

os_lang = "en";



// Architecture


if (typeof(navigator.cpuClass) != 'undefined') {

// Then this is IE or Opera9+ and we can grab the arch directly

switch (navigator.cpuClass) {

case "x86":

arch = arch_x86;


case "x64":

arch = arch_x86_64;




if (!arch || 0 == arch.length) {

// We don't have the handy-dandy navagator.cpuClass, so infer from

// platform

version = navigator.platform;

//document.write(version + "\\n");

// IE 8 does a bit of wacky user-agent switching for "Compatibility View";

// 64-bit client on Windows 7, 64-bit:

// Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/4.0)

// 32-bit client on Windows 7, 64-bit:

// Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0)

// 32-bit client on Vista, 32-bit, "Compatibility View":

// Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0)


// Report 32-bit client on 64-bit OS as being 32 because exploits will

// need to know the bittedness of the process, not the OS.

if ( ("Win32" == version) || (version.match(/i.86/)) ) {

arch = arch_x86;

} else if (-1 != version.indexOf('x64') || (-1 != version.indexOf('x86_64'))) {

arch = arch_x86_64;

} else if (-1 != version.indexOf('PPC')) {

arch = arch_ppc;



this.ua_is_lying = ua_is_lying;

this.os_name = os_name;

this.os_flavor = os_flavor;

this.os_sp = os_sp;

this.os_lang = os_lang;

this.arch = arch;

this.ua_name = ua_name;

this.ua_version = ua_version;

this.ua_version = ua_version;

return { os_name:os_name, os_flavor:os_flavor, os_sp:os_sp, os_lang:os_lang, arch:arch, ua_name:ua_name, ua_version:ua_version };

}; // function getVersion

window.os_detect.searchVersion = function(needle, haystack) {

var index = haystack.indexOf(needle);

var found_version;

if (index == -1) { return; }

found_version = haystack.substring(index+needle.length+1);

if (found_version.indexOf(' ') != -1) {

// Strip off any junk at the end such as a CLR declaration

found_version = found_version.substring(0,found_version.indexOf(' '));


return found_version;



* Return -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b, 1 if a > b


window.ua_ver_cmp = function(ver_a, ver_B) {

// shortcut the easy case

if (ver_a == ver_B) {

return 0;


a = ver_a.split(".");

b = ver_b.split(".");

for (var i = 0; i < Math.max(a.length, b.length); i++) {

// 3.0 == 3

if (!b) { b = "0"; }

if (!a) { a = "0"; }

if (a == b) { continue; }

a_int = parseInt(a);

b_int = parseInt(b);

a_rest = a.substr(a_int.toString().length);

b_rest = b.substr(b_int.toString().length);

if (a_int < b_int) {

return -1;

} else if (a_int > b_int) {

return 1;

} else { // ==

// Then we need to deal with the stuff after the ints, e.g.:

// "b4pre"

if (a_rest == "b" && b_rest.length == 0) {

return -1;


if (b_rest == "b" && a_rest.length == 0) {

return 1;


// Just give up and try a lexicographical comparison

if (a_rest < b_rest) {

return -1;

} else if (a_rest > b_rest) {

return 1;




// If we get here, they must be equal

return 0;


window.ua_ver_lt = function(a, B) {

if (-1 == this.ua_ver_cmp(a,B)) { return true; }

return false;


window.ua_ver_gt = function(a, B) {

if (1 == this.ua_ver_cmp(a,B)) { return true; }

return false;


window.ua_ver_eq = function(a, B) {

if (0 == this.ua_ver_cmp(a,B)) { return true; }

return false;


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