Nytro Posted August 18, 2014 Report Posted August 18, 2014 (edited) The Windows 8.1 Kernel Patch Protection In the last 3 months we have seen a lot of machines compromised by Uroburos (a kernel-mode rootkit that spreads in the wild and specifically targets Windows 7 64-bit). Curiosity lead me to start analyzing the code for Kernel Patch Protection on Windows 8.1. We will take a glance at its current implementation on that operating system and find out why the Kernel Patch Protection modifications made by Uroburos on Windows 7 don’t work on the Windows 8.1 kernel. In this blog post, we will refer to the technology known as “Kernel Patch Protection” as “Patchguard”. Specifically, we will call the Kernel Patch Protection on Windows 7 “Patchguard v7”, and the more recent Windows 8.1 version “Patchguard v8”. The implementation of Patchguard has slightly changed between versions of Windows. I would like to point out the following articles that explain the internal architecture of older versions of Patchguard: Skape, Bypassing PatchGuard on Windows x64, Uninformed, December 2005 Skywing, PatchGuard Reloaded - A Brief Analysis of PatchGuard Version 3, Uninformed, September 2007 Christoph Husse, Bypassing PatchGuard 3 - CodeProject, August 2008 Kernel Patch Protection - Old version attack methodsWe have seen some attacks targeting older versions of the Kernel Patch Protection technology. Some of those (see Fyyre’s website for examples) disarm Patchguard by preventing its initialization code from being called. Patchguard is indeed initialized at Windows startup time, when the user switches on the workstation. To do this, various technologies have been used: the MBR Bootkit (PDF, in Italian), VBR Bootkit, and even a brand-new UEFI Bootkit. These kind of attacks are quite easy to implement, but they have a big drawback: they all require the victim's machine to be rebooted, and they are impossible to exploit if the target system implements some kind of boot manager digital signature protection (like Secure Boot). Other techniques relied on different tricks to evade Patchguard or to totally block it. These techniques involve: x64 debug registers (DR registers) - Place a managed hardware breakpoint on every read-access in the modified code region. This way the attacker can restore the modification and then continue execution Exception handler hooking - PatchGuard’s validation routine (the procedure that calls and raises the Kernel Patch protection checks) is executed through exception handlers that are raised by certain Deferred Procedure Call (DPC) routines; this feature gives attackers an easy way to disable PatchGuard. Hooking KeBugCheckEx and/or other kernel key functions - System compromises are reported through the KeBugCheckEx routine (BugCheck code 0x109); this is an exported function. PatchGuard clears the stack so there is no return point once one enters KeBugCheckEx, though there is a catch. One can easily resume the thread using the standard “thread startup” function of the kernel. Patching the kernel timer DPC dispatcher - Another attack cited by Skywing (see references above). By design, PatchGuard’s validation routine relies on the dispatcher of the kernel timers to kick in and dispatch the deferred procedure call (DPC) associated with the timer. Thus, an obvious target for attackers is to patch the kernel timer’s DPC dispatcher code to call their own code. This attack method is easy to implement. Patchguard code direct modification - Attack method described in a paper by McAfee. They located the encrypted Patchguard code directly in the kernel heap, then manually decrypted it and modified its entry point (the decryption code). The Patchguard code was finally manually re-encrypted. The techniques described above are quite ingenious. They disable Patchguard without rebooting the system or modify boot code. It’s worth noting that the latest Patchguard implementation has rendered all these techniques obsolete, because it has been able to completely neutralize them. Now let’s analyse how the Uroburus rootkit implements the KeBugCheckEx hooks to turn off Kernel Patch Protection on a Windows 7 SP1 64-bit system. Uroburus rootkit - KeBugCheckEx’ hookAnalysing an infected machine reveals that the Uroburos 64-bit driver doesn’t install any direct hook on the kernel crash routine named “KeBugCheckEx”. So why doesn't it do any direct modification? To answer this question, an analysis of Patchguard v7 code is needed. Patchguard copies the code of some kernel functions into a private kernel buffer. The copied procedures are directly used by Patchguard to perform all integrity checks, including crashing the system if any modification is found.In the case of system modifications, it copies the functions back to their original location and crashes the system. The problem with the implementation of Patchguard v7 lies in the code for the procedures used by protected routines. That code is vulnerable to direct manipulation as there is only one copy (the original one) This is, in fact, the Uroburos strategy: KeBugCheckEx is not touched in any manner. Only a routine used directly by KeBugCheckEx is forged: RtlCaptureContext. The Uroburos rootkit installs deviations in the original Windows Kernel routines by registering custom software interrupt 0x3C. In the forged routines, the interrupt is raised using the x86 opcode “int” RtlCaptureContext The related Uroburos interrupt service routine of the RtlCaptureContext routine (sub-type 1), is raised by the forged code. The software interrupt is dispatched, the original routine called and finally the processor context is analysed. A filter routine is called. It implements the following code: /* Patchguard Uroburos Filter routine* dwBugCheckCode - Bugcheck code saved on the stack by KeBugCheckEx routine* lpOrgRetAddr - Original RtlCaptureContext call return address */void PatchguardFilterRoutine(DWORD dwBugCheckCode, ULONG_PTR lpOrgRetAddr) { LPBYTE pCurThread = NULL; // Current running thread LPVOID lpOrgThrStartAddr = NULL; // Original thread DWORD dwProcNumber = 0; // Current processor number ULONG mjVer = 0, minVer = 0; // OS Major and minor version indexes QWORD * qwInitialStackPtr = 0; // Thread initial stack pointer KIRQL kCurIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); // Current processor IRQL // Get Os Version PsGetVersion(&mjVer, &minVer, NULL, NULL); if (lpOrgRetAddr > (ULONG_PTR)KeBugCheckEx && lpOrgRetAddr < ((ULONG_PTR)KeBugCheckEx + 0x64) && dwBugCheckCode == CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION) { // This is the KeBugCheckEx Patchguard invocation // Get Initial stack pointer qwInitialStackPtr = (LPQWORD)IoGetInitialStack(); if (g_lpDbgPrintAddr) { // DbgPrint is forged with a single "RETN" opcode, restore it // DisableCR0WriteProtection(); // ... restore original code ... // RestoreCR0WriteProtection(); // Revert CR0 memory protection } pCurThread = (LPBYTE)KeGetCurrentThread();// Get original thread start address from ETHREAD lpOrgThrStartAddr = *((LPVOID*)(pCurThread + g_dwThrStartAddrOffset)); dwProcNumber = KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber(); // Initialize and queue Anti Patchguard Dpc KeInitializeDpc(&g_antiPgDpc, UroburusDpcRoutine, NULL); KeSetTargetProcessorDpc(&g_antiPgDpc, (CCHAR)dwProcNumber); KeInsertQueueDpc(&g_antiPgDpc, NULL, NULL); // If target Os is Windows 7 if (mjVer >= 6 && minVer >= 1) // Put stack base address in first stack element qwInitialStackPtr[0] = ((ULONG_PTR)qwInitialStackPtr + 0x1000) & (~0xFFF); if (kCurIrql > PASSIVE_LEVEL) { // Restore original DPC context ("KiRetireDpcList" Uroburos interrupt plays // a key role here). This call doesn't return RestoreDpcContext(); // The faked DPC will be processed } else { // Jump directly to original thread start address (ExpWorkerThread) JumpToThreadStartAddress((LPVOID)qwInitialStackPtr, lpOrgThrStartAddr, NULL); } }} As the reader can see, the code is quite straightforward. First it analyses the original context: if the return address lives in the prologue of the kernel routine KeBugCheckEx and the bugcheck code equals to CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION , then it means that Uroburos has intercepted a Patchguard crash request. The initial thread start address and stack pointer is obtained from the ETHREAD structure and a faked DPC is queued: // NULL Uroburos Anti-Patchguard DPCvoid UroburusDpcRoutine(struct _KDPC *Dpc, PVOID DeferredContext, PVOID SystemArgument1, PVOID SystemArgument2) { return;} Code execution is resumed in one of two different places based on the current Interrupt Request Level (IRQL). If IRQL is at the PASSIVE_LEVEL then a standard JMP opcode is used to return to the original start address of the thread from which the Patchguard check originated (in this case, it is a worker thread created by the “ExpWorkerThread” routine). If the IRQL is at a DISPATCH_LEVEL or above, Uroborus will exploit the previously acquired processor context using the KiRetireDpcList hook. Uroburos will then restart code execution at the place where the original call to KiRetireDpcList was made, remaining at the high IRQL level. The faked DPC is needed to prevent a crash of the restored thread. KiRetireDpcList and RtlLookupFunctionEntry As shown above, the KiRetireDpcList hook is needed to restore the thread context in case of a high IRQL. This hook saves the processor context before the original call is made and then transfers execution back to the original KiRetireDpcList Windows code. Publicly available literature about Uroburos claims that the RtlLookupFunctionEntry hook is related to the Anti-Patchguard feature. This is wrong. Our analysis has pinpointed that this hook is there only to hide and protect the Uroburos driver’s RUNTIME_FUNCTIONarray (see my previous article about Windows 8.1 Structured Exception Handling). Conclusion The Uroburos anti-Patchguard feature code is quite simple but very effective. This method is practically able to disarm all older versions of the Windows Kernel Patch protection without any issues or system crashes. Patchguard v8 - Internal architecture STARTUP The Windows Nt Kernel startup is accomplished in 2 phases. The Windows Internals book describes the nitty-gritty details of both phases. Phase 0 builds the rudimentary kernel data structures required to allow the services needed in phase 1 to be invoked (page tables, per-processor Processor Control Blocks (PRCBs), internal lists, resources and so on…). At the end of phase 0, the internal routine InitBootProcessor uses a large call stack that ends right at the Phase1InitializationDiscard function. This function, as the name implies, discards the code that is part of the INIT section of the kernel image in order to preserve memory. Inside it, there is a call to the KeInitAmd64SpecificState routine. Analysing it reveals that the code is not related to its name: int KeInitAmd64SpecificState() { DWORD dbgMask = 0; int dividend = 0, result = 0; int value = 0; // Exit in case the system is booted in safe mode if (InitSafeBootMode) return 0; // KdDebuggerNotPresent: 1 - no debugger; 0 - a debugger is attached dbgMask = KdDebuggerNotPresent; // KdPitchDebugger: 1 - debugger disabled; 0 - a debugger could be attached dbgMask |= KdPitchDebugger; if (dbgMask) dividend = -1; // Debugger completely disabled else dividend = 0x11; // Debugger might be enabled value = (int)_rotr(dbgMask, 1); // “value” is equal to 0 if debugger is enable // 0x80000000 if debugger is NOT enabled // Perform a signed division between two 32 bit integers: result = (int)(value / dividend); // IDIV value, dividend return result;} The routine’s code ends with a signed division: if a debugger is present the division is evaluated to 0 (0 divided by 0x11 is 0), otherwise a strange thing happens: 0x80000000 divided by 0xFFFFFFFF raises an overflow exception. To understand why, let’s simplify everything and perform as an example an 8-bit signed division such as: -128 divided by -1. The result should be +128. Here is the assembly code: mov cl, FFh mov ax, FF80h idiv clThe last instruction clearly raises an exception because the value +128 doesn’t fit in the destination 8-bit register AL (remember that we are speaking about signed integers). Following the SEH structures inside of the Nt Kernel file leads the code execution to the “KiFilterFiberContext” routine. This is another procedure with a misleading name: all it does is disable a potential debugger, and prepare the context for the Patchguard Initialization routine. The initialization routine of the Kernel Patch Protection technology is a huge function (95 KB of pure machine code) inside the INIT section of Nt Kernel binary file. From now on, we will call it “KiInitializePatchguard”. INTERNAL ARCHITECTURE, A QUICK GLANCE The initialization routine builds all the internal Patchguard key data structures and copies all its routines many times. The code for KiInitializePatchguard is very hard to follow and understand because it contains obfuscation, useless opcode, and repeated chunks. Furthermore, it contains a lot checks for the presence of debugger. After some internal environment checks, it builds a huge buffer in the Kernel Nonpaged pool memory that contains all the data needed by Patchguard. This buffer is surrounded by a random numbers of 8 bytes QWORD seed values repetitively calculated with the “RDTSC” opcode. Image: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/oym_O5vcYyOXAlauXqrwRVVEt2rkj27OED4AwT90LsveJ6KfUbfFqh_lx-ZJxEasIVx_aTU6Fqdreh5pNm55yK5vPcS7xPM0TZ5VpWrotqJUjRsBEE9ax06G-N5_oa3aBA As the reader can see from the above picture , the Patchguard buffer contains a lot of useful info. All data needed is organized in 3 main sections: Internal configuration data The first buffer area located after the TSC (time stamp counter) Seed values contains all the initial patchguard related configuration data. Noteworthy are the 2 Patchguard Keys (the master one, used for all key calculation, and the decryption key), the Patchguard IAT (pointers of some Nt kernel function) and all the needed Kernel data structures values (for example the KiWaitAlways symbol, KeServiceDescriptorTable data structure, and so on…), the Patchguard verification Work item, the 3 copied IDT entries (used to defeat the Debug registers attack), and finally, the various Patchguard internal relocated functions offsets. Patchguard and Nt Vital routines code This section is very important because it contains the copy of the pointers and the code of the most important Nt routines used by Patchguard to crash the system in case of something wrong is found. In this way even if a rootkit tries to forge or block the crash routines, Patchguard code can completely defeat the malicious patch and correctly crash the system. Here is the list of the copied Nt functions: HaliHaltSystem, KeBugCheckEx, KeBugCheck2, KiBugCheckDebugBreak, KiDebugTrapOrFault, DbgBreakPointWithStatus, RtlCaptureContext, KeQueryCurrentStackInformation, KiSaveProcessorControlState, HalHaltSystem pointer Furthermore the section contains the entire “INITKDBG” code section of Nt Kernel. This section implement the main Patchguard code: - Kernel Patch protection main check routine and first self-verification procedure - Patchguard Work Item routine, system crash routine (that erases even the stack) - Patchguard timer and one entry point (there are many others, but not in INITKDBG section) Protected Code and Data All the values and data structures used to verify the entire Nt kernel code resides here. The area is huge (227 KB more or less) and it is organized in at least 3 different way:[*=1] First 2 KB contains an array of data structures that stores the code (and data) chunks pointer, size, and relative calculated integrity keys of all the Nt functions used by Kernel Patch Protection to correctly do its job. [*=1] Nt Kernel Module (“ntoskrnl.exe”) base address and its Exception directory pointer, size and calculated integrity key. A big array of DWORD keys then follows. For each module’s exception directory RUNTIME_FUNCTION entry there is a relative 4 bytes key. In this manner Patchguard can verify each code chunk of the Nt Kernel. [*=1] A copy of all Patchguard protected data. I still need to investigate the way in which the protected Patchguard data (like the global “CI.DLL” code integrity module’s “g_CiOptions” symbol for example) is stored in memory, but we know for sure that the data is binary copied from its original location when the OS is starting in this section VERIFICATION METHODS - Some Words Describing the actual methods used to verify the integrity of the running Operating system kernel is outside the scope of this article. We are going only to get an introduction... Kernel Patch protection has some entry points scattered inside the Kernel: 12 DPC routines, 2 timers, some APC routines, and others. When the Patchguard code acquires the processor execution, it decrypts its buffer and then calls the self-verify routine. The latter function first verifies 0x3C0 bytes of the Patchguard buffer (including the just-executed decryption code), re-calculating a checksum value and comparing it with the stored one. Then it does the same verification as before, but for the Nt Functions exploited by its main check routine. The integrity keys and verification data structures are stored in the start of area 3 of PG buffer. If one of the checks goes wrong, Patchguard self-verify routine immediately crashes the system. It does this in a very clever manner: First it restores all the Virtual memory structures values of vital Nt kernel functions (like Page table entry, Page directory entry and so on…). Then it replaces all the code with the copied one, located in the Patchguard buffer. In this way each eventual rootkit modification is erased and as result Patchguard code can crash the system without any obstacles. Finally calls “SdbpCheckDll” routine (misleading name) to erase the current thread stack and transfer execution to KeBugCheckEx crash routine. Otherwise, in the case that all the initial checks pass, the code queues a kernel Work item, exploiting the standard ExQueueWorkItem Kernel API (keep in mind that this function has been already checked by the previous self-verify routine). The Patchguard work item code immediately calls the main verification routine. It then copies its own buffer in another place, re-encrypt the old Patchguard buffer, and finally jumps to the ExFreePool Kernel function. The latter procedure will delete the old Patchguard buffer. This way, every time a system check is raised, the Patchguard buffer location changes. Main check routine uses some other methods to verify each Nt Kernel code and data chunk. Describing all of them and the functionality of the main check routine is demanded to the next blog post…. The code used by Patchguard initialization routine to calculated the virtual memory data structure values is something curious. Here is an example used to find the Page Table entry of a 64-bit memory address: CalculatePteVa: shr rcx, 9 ; Original Ptr address >> 9 mov rax, 98000000000h ; This negated value is FFFFFF680'00000000, or more ; precisely "16 bit set to 1, X64 auto-value, all zeros" mov r15, 07FFFFFFFF8h and rcx, r15 ; RCX & 7F'FFFFFFF8h (toggle 25 MSB and last 3 LSB) sub rcx, rax ; RCX += FFFFFF680'00000000 mov rax, rcx ; RAX = VA of PTE of target function For the explanation on how it really works, and what is the x64 0x1ED auto-value, I remind the reader to the following great book about X64 Memory management: Enrico Martignetti - What Makes it Page? The Windows 7 (x64) Virtual Memory Manager (2012) Conclusions In this blog post we have analysed the Uroburos code that disables the old Windows 7 Kernel Patch Protection, and have given overview of the new Patchguard version 8 implementation. The reader should now be able to understand why the attacks such as the one used by Uroburos could not work with the new version of Kernel Patch Protection. It seems that the new implementation of this technology can defeat all known attacks. Microsoft engineers have done a great amount of work to try to mitigate a class of attacks . Because of the fact that the Kernel Patch Protection is not hardware-assisted, and the fact that its code runs at kernel-mode privilege level (the same of all kernel drivers), it is not perfect. At an upcoming conference, I will demonstrate that a clever researcher can still disarm this new version, even if it’s a task that is more difficult to accomplish. The researcher can furthermore use the original Microsoft Patchguard code even to protect his own hooks…. Stay tuned!Sursa: VRT: The Windows 8.1 Kernel Patch Protection Edited August 18, 2014 by Nytro Quote