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Wiki-like CTF write-ups repository

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[h=1]CTF write-ups[/h] There are some problems with CTF write-ups in general:

  • they’re scattered across the interwebs
  • they don’t usually include the original files needed to solve the challenge
  • some of them are incomplete or skip ‘obvious’ parts of the explanation, and are therefore not as helpful for newcomers
  • often they disappear when the owner forgets to renew their domain or shuts down their blog

This repository aims to solve those problems.

It’s a collection of CTF source files and write-ups that anyone can contribute to. Did you just publish a CTF write-up? Let us know, and we’ll add a link to your post — or just add the link yourself and submit a pull request. Spot an issue with a solution? Correct it, and send a pull request.

Link: https://github.com/ctfs/write-ups

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