Nytro Posted September 1, 2014 Report Posted September 1, 2014 C/C++ and Buffer Overflow TopicsBuffer overflow, one of the widely used exploit in the last decades that effect the internet domain in large for example through virii and worms. What is the real cause actually? In this tutorial we will investigate some of the fundamental reasons that can be found in C/C++ programs, applications and processors that can generate the buffer overflow problem. Though most of the C/C++ functions/libraries already implemented new constructs, the secure constructs, the effect still can be seen till today. You will see that programmers also must be competent and have the responsibility in building programs or applications that are secure. [h=1] Introduction - Intro to how and why buffer overflow happens and exploited.[/h] [h=1] Basic of x86 Architecture - The basic of Intel processor internal architecture that related to buffer overflow topics, registers and basic instruction sets operations.[/h] [h=1] Assembly Language - Introduction to the assembly language, needed to program buffer overflow codes during the Shellcode building, payload crafting and shrinking the size of the C programs.[/h] [h=1] Compiler, Assembler & Linker - The process of compiling, assembling and linking C/C++ codes, the step-by-step operations.[/h] [h=5] C Function Operation - The details of the C/C++ function operation, stack call setup and destruction.[/h] [h=1] C Stack Setup - The C/C++ stack story, exposes the exploited buffer in registers.[/h] [h=1] Stack Operation - The C/C++ stack operation that exposes the exploited buffer.[/h] [h=1] Stack-based Buffer Overflow - How the processor's buffer can be over flown by malicious codes.[/h] [h=1] Shellcode: The Payload - Understanding and creating the shellcodes for the buffer overflow payloads, creating the malicious codes.[/h] [h=1] Vulnerability & Exploit Examples - Testing the the real C codes in the real and controlled environment to show the buffer overflow in action. Escalating the local Linux Fedora Core root privilege.[/h] [h=1] C, C++ and Bufferoverflow Books[/h] - See more at: The buffer overflow hands-on tutorial using C programming language on Linux/Unix platforms and Intel microprocessor architecture with C code samples and tons of illustrations Quote