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Sortare fisiere

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Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.directoryinfo
Module Module1
Function Redenumire(ByVal director As String, ByVal nume As String, ByVal extensie As String)
Dim dir As New IO.DirectoryInfo(director)
Dim fisiere As IO.FileInfo() = dir.GetFiles("*." & extensie)
Dim fisier As IO.FileInfo
For Each fisier In fisiere
fisier.MoveTo(director & "\" & nume & "." & extensie)
End Function
End Module

Codul imi apartine si as vrea sa il explic.

io.directoryinfo e un tip de date abstract..definit de platforma .NET....ea va fi stocata in dir.

io.fileinfo deasemenea...se poate observa ca avemj metoda de preluare fisiere din dir(cel cu structura aia de mai sus)

restu e de inteles.move to pur si simplu il muta adica aplica operatiile cut paste..si cam atat..astfel vom avea fisierele de tip extensie din folderul respectiv sortate sub un anume nume.bun pt SEO.

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