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Embedded SW Developer (C++)

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I?i scriu despre posibilitatea unei frumoase oportunitati de cariera al?turi de X Romania, fiind furnizor de top in outsourcing de servicii IT si software high-end pentru telecomunica?ii, industria financiar?, ?i de automobile.

Firma e mare. Bucuresti. Daca e cineva interesat sa imi dea PM.

Skills Required:

- Experience with C++ programming on Linux/Unix environments

- Experience in embedded software development, preferably for network equipments

- Experience with cross compilers, debuggers, etc.

- Good understanding of Ethernet and IP networking

- Familiarity with SVN(or similar) and GNU tools

- Knowledge of RTOS application development (VxWorks / NetBSD / Linux)

- Understanding multi-process system software architectures

- Experience with one or more of the following: POSIX threads, SNMP, XML

- Shell Scripting

- Perl, Python, PHP, HTML

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