Nytro Posted November 16, 2014 Report Posted November 16, 2014 [h=1]Chainfire Releases CF-Auto-Roots For Nexus Line[/h] Posted November 15, 2014 at 11:09 am by jerdog Benjamin Franklin, the US Statesman from simpler times, gave the famous quote in 1789 that “…in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” I can’t fault him for not having the forethought to identify that there would be a few more certainties in life, and those would be “Chainfire releasing root for Nexus devices and providing analysis of the state of root on a new Google release.” For those not familiar, XDA Senior Recognized Developer Chainfire has become the preeminent source for information related to root on Android devices as well as analysis of how Google is changing system security on their new Android OS updates. His Google+ posts are often waited on with anticipation rivaling the title of the next Star Wars installment. Ok, so maybe that’s a bit of a stretch – there weren’t any Watch Parties for the Star Wars announcement. With that being said, he recently updated his CF-Auto-Root downloads to include Android 5.0 root for all of the Nexus line: Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7 2012, Nexus 7 2013, Nexus 9, and Nexus 10. A few of the key things changed for this release are:The new variants of CFAR have the SuperSU ZIP embeddedA second included ZIP (if on Lollipop or newer) patches the current kernel to run SuperSU at bootCurrent CFARs have SuperSU v2.20 which is not currently available elsewhere and only has CFAR compatibilityFor more information, make sure you check out the CFAR thread and his G+ stream to stay current on all Lollipop-related news.Sursa: Chainfire Releases CF-Auto-Roots For Nexus Line - XDA Forums Quote