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Richard Rodd & Chris Otto - USB: A Look Inside

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[h=1]Richard Rodd & Chris Otto - USB: A Look Inside[/h]

Publicat pe 24 nov. 2014

This talk was recorded at BSides Winnipeg 2013. More information can be found at BSides Winnipeg 2013.

This talk will be an introduction to the USB protocol at the packet level, leading into an overview of a hardware device that sniffs the USB data of a connection by sitting on the wire between the two endpoints - host and device. Also covered will be the analysis of a USB device through PCAP analysis.

Richard has his P. Eng., and is an instructor at the University of Manitoba's School of Medical Rehabilitation. While his courses and research are primarily in the field of assistive technology, information security and reverse engineering have been of interest to him since his early days of programming on the TRS-80, Commodore VIC-20, and Apple IIe.

Chris is a senior developer at Novra Technologies in Winnipeg. He has over 15 years of experience, both personal and professional, designing and developing various systems and products ranging from embedded controllers and interfaces, mobile Android application development, to developing parts of DB2.

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