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Problema directoare c unix

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Posted (edited)

Am compilat un program care imi afiseaza toate fisierele dintr-un director si ma gandeam sa-l modific astfel incat sa gasesc aceste fisiere. Vreo idee? Mersi.

PS. S-a rezolvat, m-a ajutat JIHAD, multumesc.

Edited by mastervlad
Posted (edited)

Cred ca ceva de genul asta vrei.

Iti listeaza fisierele din directory2 care nu exista in directory1.

#include <dirent.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
char *temp, *temp1, *directory1, *directory2;
DIR *dir1, *dir2;
struct dirent *epdf;
struct dirent *epdf2;
if (argc == 3) {
directory1 = argv[1];
directory2 = argv[2];
dir1 = opendir(directory1);
dir2 = opendir(directory2);
if ((dir1 != NULL) && (dir2 != NULL)){
while (epdf = readdir(dir1)){
temp = strdup(epdf->d_name);
while (epdf2 = readdir(dir2)){
temp1 = strdup(epdf2->d_name);
} else exit(printf("Argument missing\n"));

Sunt mai multe moduri in care poti face asta, eu am ales calea cea mai la indemana.

am updatat sa-ti accepte si argumente.

iti sugerez sa reverifici codul ca l-am scris in graba...

Edited by JIHAD
  JIHAD said:
Cred ca ceva de genul asta vrei.

Iti listeaza fisierele din directory2 care nu exista in directory1.

#include <dirent.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
char *temp, *temp1, *directory1, *directory2;
DIR *dir1, *dir2;
struct dirent *epdf;
struct dirent *epdf2;
if (argc == 3) {
directory1 = argv[1];
directory2 = argv[2];
dir1 = opendir(directory1);
dir2 = opendir(directory2);
if ((dir1 != NULL) && (dir2 != NULL)){
while (epdf = readdir(dir1)){
temp = strdup(epdf->d_name);
while (epdf2 = readdir(dir2)){
temp1 = strdup(epdf2->d_name);
} else exit(printf("Argument missing\n"));

Sunt mai multe moduri in care poti face asta, eu am ales calea cea mai la indemana.

am updatat sa-ti accepte si argumente.

iti sugerez sa reverifici codul ca l-am scris in graba...

L-am verificat si am compilat, merge, dar cred ca trebuie sa precizez si calea fisierelor care apar in primul si nu apar in al2lea, cred ca trebuie o citire recursiva..

Posted (edited)

te joci tu cu el mai departe. ideea e tot asta

uite o solutie sa-ti arate cum ai zis tu.

int parsedir(char *directory1, char *directory2){
char *temp, *temp1;
DIR *dir1, *dir2;
struct dirent *epdf;
struct dirent *epdf2;
dir1 = opendir(directory1);
dir2 = opendir(directory2);
if ((dir1 != NULL) && (dir2 != NULL)){
while (epdf = readdir(dir1)){
temp = strdup(epdf->d_name);
while (epdf2 = readdir(dir2)){
temp1 = strdup(epdf2->d_name);

return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

if (argc == 3) {
} else exit(printf("Argument missing\n"));
return 0;

Edited by JIHAD
Posted (edited)

uite si recursiv.

iti cauta doar intr-o directie. cauta fisiere din argv[1] (recursiv, toate subfolderele) in path2(recursiv, toate subfolderele) . le afiseaza si le si numara pe cele negasite.

Sa-ti mearga in ambele directii vezi exemplul dinainte.

cu placere.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define path2 "/etc"

bool *dir2compare( char *path, char *findme ){
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *entry;
char spath[MAXPATHLEN] = "", spath2[MAXPATHLEN] = "";
if( !(dir = opendir( path))){ perror("opendir"); exit(1);}
for( entry = readdir( dir); entry; entry = readdir( dir)){
sprintf( spath, "%s/%s", path, entry->d_name);
if( entry->d_type == DT_REG){
return true;
if( entry->d_type == DT_DIR &&
(strcmp( ".", entry->d_name)) &&
(strcmp( "..", entry->d_name))){
closedir( dir);

char *dirfind( char *path, int *fgasit){
DIR *dir;
char *temp;
struct dirent *entry;
char spath[MAXPATHLEN] = "", spath2[MAXPATHLEN] = "";
if( !(dir = opendir( path))){ perror("opendir"); exit(1);}
for( entry = readdir( dir); entry; entry = readdir( dir)){
sprintf( spath, "%s/%s", path, entry->d_name);
if( entry->d_type == DT_REG){
if(!dir2compare(path2, entry->d_name)) { printf("[*] %s\n", spath); (*fgasit)++; }
if( entry->d_type == DT_DIR &&
(strcmp( ".", entry->d_name)) &&
(strcmp( "..", entry->d_name))){
dirfind(spath, fgasit);
closedir( dir);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int i = 0;
if (argc == 2){
printf(" %d fisiere nu corespund.\n", i);

Edited by JIHAD

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