Nytro Posted December 18, 2014 Report Posted December 18, 2014 How GPUs WorkDavid Luebke, NVIDIA ResearchGreg Humphreys, University of VirginiaIn the early 1990s, ubiquitousinteractive 3D graphics was stillthe stuff of science fiction. By theend of the decade, nearly everynew computer contained a graphicsprocessing unit (GPU) dedicated toproviding a high-performance, visuallyrich, interactive 3D experience.This dramatic shift was the inevitableconsequence of consumerdemand for videogames, advances inmanufacturing technology, and theexploitation of the inherent parallelismin the feed-forward graphicspipeline. Today, the raw computationalpower of a GPU dwarfs that ofthe most powerful CPU, and the gap issteadily widening.Download: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~gfx/papers/pdfs/59_HowThingsWork.pdf Quote