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31C3 CTF

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New challenges

We added several new challenges: ls, radio heat, Rick, Roll, crackme, code_mess and cairo.

Have fun!

CTF is live!

The CTF is live. More challenges will be added later on. We will announce those here and on IRC.

Good luck and have fun!

Registration Online

Hi CTFers,

we're happy to announce the 31C3 CTF, which StratumAuhuur will organize during the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg. This Jeopardy style CTF is open to everyone and can be played online. It will start on Dec. 27, 20:00 UTC and last 48h until Dec. 29, 20:00 UTC. As always, don't try to ruin other people's fun.

IRC: #31c3ctf@hackint.eu

Twitter: @stratumauhuur

We hope to see you soon,


Link: https://31c3ctf.aachen.ccc.de/announcements/

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