Florin41 Posted January 2, 2015 Report Posted January 2, 2015 1)La multi ani pentru 2015!2)Am dat recent de un site,ce se numeste stackexchange.Eu sunt foarte siguri ca voi stiati de el(doar sunteti mai avansati ca mine),l-am rasfoit eu putin si mi-a placut cum este asezat.Pe acest site se pune baza pe intrebari si raspunsuri ale useriilor din site-ul respectiv.Parca este mai bun ca Github si Sourceforge asa mi s-a parut mie,nu stiu voua cum vi se pare.Parca este mai bun schimbul de informati legate de limbajele de programare ca Github si Sourceforce.Pe Github si Stackexchange se poate cauta useri,iar pe Sourceforce nu se poate.Se poate cauta doar proiecte pe acest site.Se poate sa-mi spuneti si mie o parere? Quote
Active Members MrGrj Posted January 2, 2015 Active Members Report Posted January 2, 2015 (edited) Stackexchange este o 'retea' / E-learning unde ai posibilitatea sa pui intrebari pe diverse topicuri. Nu vad nici o legatura intre stackexchange si ce ai zis tu mai sus legat de Github si Sourceforce.Comunitatea Stackexchange face parte din Stackoverflow and Co. The primary purpose of each Stack Exchange site is to enable users to post questions and answer them. Users can vote on both answers and questions, and through this process users earn reputation points, a form of gamification. This voting system was compared to Digg when the Stack Exchange platform was first released. Users receive privileges by collecting reputation points, ranging from the ability to vote and comment on questions and answers to the ability to moderate many aspects of the site. Due to the prominence of Stack Exchange profiles in web search results and the Careers 2.0 board, users may have reason to game the system. Along with posting questions and answers, users can add comments to them and edit text written by others. Each Stack Exchange site has a "meta" section where users can settle disputes, in the style of MetaFilter's "MetaTalk" forum, because the self-moderation system for questions and answers can lead to significant arguments.Notable parts of Stack Exchange include sites focused on physics, video games, and patents.All user-generated content (questions and answers) posted on the Stack Exchange Network is copyright by the contributor and licensed to Stack Exchange under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike (CC-BY-SA) license.//EDITUite o definitie mai exacta. Stack Exchange is a network of question and answer websites on diverse topics in many different fields, each site covering a specific topic, where questions, answers, and users are subject to a reputation award process. The sites are modeled after Stack Overflow, a forum for computer programming questions that was the original site in this network. The reputation system is designed to allow the sites to be self-moderating.[5]Recomand Stackoverflow pentru intrebari legate de programare si computer science in general. De luat aminte, nimeni de acolo nu iti va rezolva teme, aplicatii sau altceva.Intrebarile trebuie sa fie pertinente . Edited January 2, 2015 by MrGrj Quote
Florin41 Posted January 2, 2015 Author Report Posted January 2, 2015 Asta asa este,am uitat sa zic de Stackoverflow.Reteaua mama este de fapt Stackoverflow,Stackexchange este juniorul.Multam fain pentru raspuns.P.S.Sunt si eu la inceput de programare,ce sa-i faci.Dar uite ca mai vin pe acest forum si mai intreb cate ceva. Quote
Florin41 Posted January 3, 2015 Author Report Posted January 3, 2015 @tqcsu-am gresit.nu vreau sa ma cert cu nimeni de pe forum. Quote