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Metasploit Generic NTLM Relay Module

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Metasploit Generic NTLM Relay Module

I recently put in a pull request for a Metasploit module I wrote that does NTLM relaying (I recommend this post for some background). I also have a time slot for a tool arsenal thing at blackhat. Here’s the description:

NTLM auth blobs contain the keys to the kingdom in most domain environments, and relaying these credentials is one of the most misunderstood and deadly attacks in a hacker’s corporate arsenal. Even for smart defenders it’s almost like a belief system; some people believe mixed mode IIS auth saves them, NTLMv2 is not exploitable, enabling the IIS extended protection setting is all you need, it was patched with MS08-068, you have to be in the middle, you have to visit a website, you have to be an administrator for the attack to matter, etc. etc.

http_ntlm_relay is a highly configurable Metasploit module I wrote that does several very cool things, allowing us to leverage the awesomeness of Metasploit and show the way for these non-believers:

  • HTTP -> HTTP NTLM relay with POST, GET, HTTPS support.

  • HTTP -> SMB NTLM relay with ENUM_SHARES, LS, WRITE, RM, and EXEC support. This extended support allows a lot of interesting attacks against non admins and multiple browsers that aren’t currently available in Metasploit.

  • NTLMv2 support, which means that this attack now works a lot more often on modern windows environments.

  • Mutex support allowing information from one request to be used in a future request. A simple example of this would be a GET to retrieve a CSRF token used in a POST. A more complex example would be an HTTP GET request to recover computer names, and then using that information to SMB relay to those computers for code execution.

It will be open source and I’ll try my darndest to get it included in Metasploit proper before Blackhat.

With this module, I made a choice for flexibility over some other things. Although basic usage is fairly straightforward, some of the more advanced functionality might not be. This post will give some usage examples. I have desktop captures of each example, full screen and HD those suckers if you want to see what’s going on.

Stealing HTTP Information

Corporate websites that use NTLM auth are extremely common, whether they’re sharepoint, mediawiki, ERP systems, or (probably most commonly) homegrown applications. To test my module out, I wrote a custom application that uses Windows Auth. I did it this way so I could easily reconfigure without too much complexity (although I have tested similar attacks against dozens of real sharepoint sites, mediawiki, and custom webpages). This simple example is an app that displays some information about the user visiting. Think of it as an internal paystub app that HR put up.


IIS is set to authenticate with Windows auth:


Articol complet: Metasploit Generic NTLM Relay Module | WebstersProdigy

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