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Chess game - 487 bytes - x86 ASM

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Toledo Atomchess Game

By January 28, 2015 came to my knowledge a new chess program written in 487 bytes of x86 assembly code. I don't ever ran it and moved to another things as I was kind of busy.

Nevertheless my friends from JS1K and Twitter encouraged me to do something, and I've some notions of x86 machine code.

So I started coding my own chess program in x86 assembler, I finished it in 24 hours and went for another 24 hours debugging it.

After this I gave a look to the documentation of the other chess program and I was surprised it made illegal movements and doesn't even has a search tree, for me that is like not playing any chess.

So here it is, my game is Toledo Atomchess and it is 481 bytes of x86 assembly code and it plays very reasonably under the limitations.

  • Plays basic chess movements (no en passant, no castling and no promotion)
  • Enter your movements as basic algebraic (D2D4)
  • Your movements aren't checked for legality
  • Search depth of 3-ply

How to run it

To run it you need a 1.44 MB floppy disk and put the 512 byte into the boot sector using an utility like Rawrite, also available as a COM file runable in MS-DOS or Wind*ws command-line.

The source code

Here is the full source code

[FONT=Verdana]        ;[/FONT]

; Toledo Atomchess
; by Óscar Toledo Gutiérrez
; © Copyright 2015 Óscar Toledo Gutiérrez
; Creation: 28-ene-2015 21:00 local time.
; Revision: 29-ene-2015 18:17 local time. Finished.
; Revision: 30-ene-2015 13:34 local time. Debugging finished.

; Features:
; * Basic chess movements.
; * Enter moves as algebraic form (D2D4) (note your moves aren't validated)
; * Search depth of 3-ply
; * No promotion of pawns.
; * No castling
; * No en passant.
; * 481 bytes size (fits in a boot sector)

; Note: I'm lazy enough to write my own assembler instead of
; searching for one, so you will have to excuse my syntax


; Change to org &0100 for COM file
org &7c00

; Housekeeping
mov sp,stack
push cs
push cs
push cs
pop ds
pop es
pop ss
; Create board
mov bx,board
sr1: mov al,bl
and al,&88 ; 0x88 board
jz sr2
mov al,&07 ; Frontier
sr2: mov [bx],al
inc bl
jnz sr1
; Setup board
mov si,initial
sr3: lodsb ; Load piece
mov [bx],al ; Black pieces
or al,8
mov [bx+&70],al ; White pieces
mov al,&01
mov [bx+&10],al ; Black pawn
mov al,&09
mov [bx+&60],al ; White pawn
inc bx
cmp bl,&08
jnz sr3

; Main loop
sr21: call display_board
call key2
push di
call key2
pop si
mov byte [si-1],0
call display_board
mov ch,&08 ; Current turn (0=White, 8=Black)
call play
jmp short sr21

; Computer plays
play: mov bp,-32768 ; Current score
push bp ; Origin square
push bp ; Target square

xor ch,8 ; Change side

mov si,board
sr7: lodsb ; Read square
xor al,ch ; XOR with current playing side
dec ax
cmp al,6 ; Ignore if frontier
jnc sr6
or al,al ; Is it pawn?
jnz sr8
or ch,ch ; Is it playing black?
jnz sr25 ; No, jump
sr8: inc ax
sr25: dec si
mov bx,offsets
push ax
mov dh,al ; Movements offset
pop ax
mov bl,total&255
mov dl,al ; Total movements of piece
sr12: mov di,si ; Restart target square
mov bl,displacement&255
mov al,dh
mov cl,al
sr9: add di,cx
and di,&ff
or di,board
mov al,[si] ; Content of: origin in al, target in ah
mov ah,[di]
or ah,ah ; Empty square?
jz sr10
xor ah,ch
sub ah,&09 ; Valid capture?
cmp ah,&06
mov ah,[di]
jnc sr18 ; No, avoid
cmp dh,14 ; Pawn?
jc sr19
test cl,1 ; Straight?
je sr18 ; Yes, avoid
jmp short sr19

sr10: cmp dh,14 ; Pawn?
jc sr19
test cl,1 ; Diagonal?
jne sr18 ; Yes, avoid

sr19: push ax ; Save for restoring in near future
mov bl,scores&255
mov al,ah
and al,7
cmp al,6 ; King eaten?
jne sr20
cmp sp,stack-(3+8+3)*2 ; If in first response...
mov bp,20000 ; ...maximum score (probably checkmate/slatemate)
jne sr26
mov bp,7811 ; Maximum score
sr26: add sp,6 ; Ignore values
jmp short sr24

sr20: xlat
; cmp sp,stack-(3+8+3+8+3+8+3+8+3)*2 ; 4-ply depth
cmp sp,stack-(3+8+3+8+3+8+3)*2 ; 3-ply depth
; cmp sp,stack-(3+8+3+8+3)*2 ; 2-ply depth
; cmp sp,stack-(3+8+3)*2 ; 1-ply depth
jbe sr22
movsb ; Do move
mov byte [si-1],ah ; Clear origin square
call play
mov bx,sp
sub [bx+14],bp ; Substract BP from AX
sr22: cmp bp,ax ; Better score?
jg sr23 ; No, jump
mov bp,ax ; New best score
jne sr27
in al,(&40)
cmp al,&55 ; Randomize it
jb sr23
sr27: pop ax
add sp,4
push si ; Save movement
push di
push ax
sr23: pop ax ; Restore board
mov [si],al
mov [di],ah

sr18: dec ax
and al,&07 ; Was it pawn?
jz sr11 ; Yes, check special
cmp al,&04 ; Knight or king?
jnc sr14 ; End sequence, choose next movement
or ah,ah ; To empty square?
jz sr9 ; Yes, follow line of squares
sr16: jmp short sr14

sr11: and cl,&1f ; Advanced it first square?
cmp cl,&10
jnz sr14
sr15: or ah,ah ; Pawn to empty square?
jnz sr17 ; No, cancel double-square movement
mov ax,si
cmp al,&20 ; At first top row?
jb sr14 ; Yes, jump
cmp al,&60 ; At first bottom row?
jb sr17 ; No, cancel double-square movement
sr14: inc dh
dec dl
jnz sr12
sr17: inc si
sr6: cmp si,board+120
jne sr7
pop di
pop si
cmp sp,stack-2
jne sr24
cmp bp,-16384 ; Illegal move? (always in check)
jl sr24 ; Yes, doesn't move
mov byte [si-1],0
sr24: xor ch,8

; Display board
call display3
mov si,board
sr4: lodsb
mov bx,chars
call display2
sr5: cmp si,board+128
jnz sr4

mov di,board+127
call key
add di,ax
call key
shl al,4
sub di,ax
push di
mov ah,0
int &16
push ax
call display
pop ax
and ax,&0f
pop di

cmp al,&0d
jnz display
add si,7
mov al,&0a
call display
mov al,&0d
push si
mov ah,&0e
mov bh,&00
int &10
pop si

db 2,5,3,4,6,3,5,2
db 0,10,50,30,90,30

db ".prbqnk",&0d,".PRBQNK"

db 14,18,8,12,8,0,8
db 4, 4,4, 4,8,8,8
db -33,-31,-18,-14,14,18,31,33
db -16,16,-1,1
db 15,17,-15,-17
db -16,-32
db 15,17,16,32

; 29 bytes to say something
db "Toledo Atomchess"
db "nanochess.org"

; This marker is required for BIOS to boot floppy disk
ds &7dfe-* ; Change to &02fe for COM file
db &55,&aa

board: ds 256

ds 256
[FONT=arial][FONT=Verdana] end[/FONT][/FONT]

Sursa: Toledo Atomchess Game

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