Nytro Posted February 12, 2015 Report Posted February 12, 2015 3VILTWINATTACKER – ROGUE WI-FI ACCESS POINTThis tool create an rogue Wi-Fi access point , purporting to provide wireless Internet services, but snooping on the traffic.3vilTwinAttacker dependencies:Recommended for 3vilTwinAttacker – Kali linux.Ettercap.Sslstrip.Airbase-ng include in aircrack-ng.DHCP. Ubuntu$ sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-serverKali linux$ echo "deb Index of /debian wheezy main " >> /etc/apt/sources.list$ apt-get update && apt-get install isc-dhcp-serverFedora$ sudo yum install dhcp3vilTwinAttacker Options:Etter.dns: Edit etter.dns to loading module dns spoof.Dns Spoof: Start dns spoof attack in interface ath0 fake AP.Ettercap: Start ettercap attack in host connected AP fake Capturing login credentials.Sslstrip: The sslstrip listen the traffic on port 10000.Driftnet: The driftnet sniffs and decodes any JPEG TCP sessions, then displays in an window.Source && DownloadSursa: 3vilTwinAttacker - Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Quote