Nytro Posted March 20, 2015 Report Posted March 20, 2015 DYLIB HIJACKING ON OS XPatrick WardleSynack, USA(This paper was presented at CanSecWest 2015.)DLL hijacking is a well known class of attack which wasalways believed only to affect the Windows OS. However,this paper will show that OS X is similarly vulnerable todynamic library hijacks. By abusing various features andundocumented aspects of OS X’s dynamic loader, attackersneed only to ‘plant’ specially crafted dynamic libraries tohave malicious code automatically loaded into vulnerableapplications. Using this method, such attackers can performa wide range of malicious and subversive actions, includingstealthy persistence, load-time process injection, securitysoftware circumvention, and a Gatekeeper bypass (affordingopportunities for remote infection). Since this attackabuses legitimate functionality of the OS, it is challengingto prevent and unlikely to be patched. However, thispaper will present techniques and tools that can uncovervulnerable binaries as well as detect if a hijacking hasoccurred.Download: https://www.virusbtn.com/pdf/magazine/2015/vb201503-dylib-hijacking.pdf Quote