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Guest Nemessis

Servere team pwned by RST members

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Guest Nemessis

Nu am intrat eu in mailul respectiv, un user de pe RST l-a ars. Daca isi da acordul ii dau numele aici.


Si ca sa vorbesc EXACT pe limba lui "servere" ii voi spune urmatoarele:

//begin analfabetisme and 1337 talking//

Cin stie cnoaste ca ams rullz scmz rullz flod rullz. We pwn yu wit our cocks in your moth. Esti prf si cumperi de la altii smecherii inventate tot de noi.

//end of analfabetisme and 1337 talking//


//begin flame//

81.196.166.* - fac pariu ca zici ca e socks

//end of flame//


ca sa vezi cat de prost ii copilu


o luat codul meu si l-a modificat.numa ca ii o greseala.. nu o modificat tot

1. o ramas nickul meu p`acolo

2 . Liniile astea se refera la un bug intrun soft... el le-a lasat peste tot..

-------------------------------- [ EOF] ----------------------------------

# Further Notes

if ( !isset ( $installed ) )


header ( "Location: install_sql.php" );


added installed to the get request for the vulnerability to work correctly.


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