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MITMf v0.9.8

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Framework for Man-In-The-Middle attacks


* The framework contains a built-in SMB, HTTP and DNS server that can be controlled and used by the various plugins, it also contains a modified version of the SSLStrip proxy that allows for HTTP modification and a partial HSTS bypass.

* As of version 0.9.8, MITMf supports active packet filtering and manipulation (basically what etterfilters did, only better), allowing users to modify any type of traffic or protocol.

* The configuration file can be edited on-the-fly while MITMf is running, the changes will be passed down through the framework: this allows you to tweak settings of plugins and servers while performing an attack.

* MITMf will capture FTP, IRC, POP, IMAP, Telnet, SMTP, SNMP (community strings), NTLMv1/v2 (all supported protocols like HTTP, SMB, LDAP etc.) and Kerberos credentials by using Net-Creds, which is run on startup.

* Responder integration allows for LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoning and WPAD rogue server support.

Available plugins

* SMBtrap - Exploits the 'SMB Trap' vulnerability on connected clients

* Screenshotter - Uses HTML5 Canvas to render an accurate screenshot of a clients browser

* Responder - LLMNR, NBT-NS, WPAD and MDNS poisoner

* SSLstrip+ - Partially bypass HSTS

* Spoof - Redirect traffic using ARP spoofing, ICMP redirects or DHCP spoofing

* BeEFAutorun - Autoruns BeEF modules based on a client's OS or browser type

* AppCachePoison - Perform app cache poisoning attacks

* Ferret-NG - Transperently hijacks sessions

* BrowserProfiler - Attempts to enumerate all browser plugins of connected clients

* CacheKill - Kills page caching by modifying headers

* FilePwn - Backdoor executables sent over HTTP using the Backdoor Factory and BDFProxy

* Inject - Inject arbitrary content into HTML content

* BrowserSniper - Performs drive-by attacks on clients with out-of-date browser plugins

* jskeylogger - Injects a Javascript keylogger into a client's webpages

* Replace - Replace arbitary content in HTML content

* SMBAuth - Evoke SMB challenge-response authentication attempts

* Upsidedownternet - Flips images 180 degrees

Source & code :https://github.com/byt3bl33d3r/MITMf

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